Sunday, September 29, 2013

NEW Dark Elves stuff from the book!



For assasins and Death Hags:
Are gifts of khaine supressed or is there a list in the book (and of course can you write/picture it?)?
looks like i shall write here rather than post pics, maybe its safer for me :P
now assasin and hag use different things, former is 3 kinds of poison, latter is 3 kinds of gift. and remember hag can only take 50pts magic weapon, while assasin have access to 50pts magic items. for normal characters, they can only take one from the three. shadowblades and hellebron have all 3 kinds at the same time.
black lotus: for each unsaved wounds suffered by the character, he got a cumulative -1LD
dark venom: KB
manbane: +1 bonus to wound rolls

cry of war: fear, and all fear test made by the enemy unit in base contact with the hag suffer -3LD
rune of khaine: this model gain +D3 attacks
witchbrew: she and her unit get frenzy. if they already have frenzy, they become super-frenzy with +2A. but the unit suffer -3LD when testing not to charge.

Can I ask a background question please? What's the relationship between DEs and Slaanesh now? Does the cult of Slaanesh exist in fluff? It looks like the warlocks have something to do with Slaanesh from the captions in the pics, but I can't make it out.
sry i havent read the background. but one thing for sure is the warlocks have been cursed by malekith, if they dont find and kill the innocence, their souls will be taken by slaanesh. so they have to kill and satisfy the dark prince all the time for survival.

hydra regen works on wounds lost that turn or all she lost erlier and havent regenerated yet? And it works only in our turn or enemys too? Could You please rewrite wording of this rule?
Whats the cost of harpies, do they ve any special rules like no panic ti other DE?
Still 2 RBT per slot?
All lores for small sorcerress (2lvl) too? Is she 80pts?
for hydra, it's regaining wounds happens at the end of your turn only. RBT is one per slot, but it's special and you can take four. it's strange but certain. small sorcerer can also take 8 lores. and she's 80pts. for harpy, they're special, 15pts and do not have any special rule except for fly.

Whats about the rules of the Black Guard? Do they have changed? Does a Assassin gets mundane armor? Whats about the stats and rules of the cauldron. Does it have a 4+ Ward Save and does the hag get it aswell? Thanks!
the bg have eternal hatred to all enemies, that means reroll all failed rolls to hit every round. they keep other rules in 7E.(warrior elite took place by eternal hatred) assasin do not have access to armour, and cob has a 4+ ward save itself; it can give the hag and witch it joins 5+ ward save, other units a 6+ ward save.

Four more questions. Does the missing of an armour-option mean, that an assassin cannot get a magic armor aswell? Do Assassins count against the heroslotlimit? Is the Sea Drake Cloak avaibel for all characters- or just for corsairs? Are the Hydra and the Karbdyss watercreaturs?
no he cant; yes he does; yes the cloak is available to dreadlord and master; no they dont have sea creature rule.

That's a potentially solid debuff. What's the Ld of the beasts?
hydra is 6445552(3+remaining wounds)6, 160pts, 4+AS, 20pts for flame breath and 20pts for a 8'' shooting with multiple shots=remaining wounds, s=remaining wounds. kharibdyss is 650755456, 160pts, 4+AS, poison attack, abyssal howl(reroll successful ld test), feast of bones(if all attack hits, auto hit D6 S7 hits afterwards.)

Thank you for your enthusiasm Zhangyi. Do you mind if I ask you about how sea dragon cloak changed in this edition?
well it's now a 5+ scaly skin.

Just guessing now that zhangyi has left, but given that the scroungerunner's cost includes the bolt thrower, I'm quite sure the High Beastmaster can man the bolt thrower.
yes, he takes place of one crew. he get bs7.

Thanks....what are the rules for the Fleet Admiral and the Beastmaster characters?
they're both lord choice. fleetmaster is 155pts with 566433739. he has two hand weapons, light armour and sea dragon cloak. can take 50pts magic items. have a special rule called show no weakness that if he's fighting in a challenge or killed a character and still alive, the unit he joins become unbreakable till the end of that turn. high beastmaster is 300pts which must take a manticore or scourgerunner chariot by free. his 577433839 with spear, light armour and see dragon cloak. can take 100pts magic items. have a special rule called beastslaver that at the start of each of your turns, choose a friendly monster within 3''. that monster get +D3 A till the start of your next turn.

Hydra and Kharibdyss
and one more thing... hydra and the kharibdyss both are monsters now, without handlers. though u can see two on their base, they're nothing about them in the rules.

Magic items aren't that great but everything else seems awesome. Is malus the exact same? What's the pricing on sorcereress and lords?
he's been changed slightly, now the daemon gives him +1 to WS,S,T,I and frenzy. any to hit roll of 1 hit a friendly model in base contact. supreme sorcerer is 185pts with lvl3, dreadlord is 140pts. sorcerer is 80pts with lvl1.

Rules for kuran and tullaris?
kouran 596432739 join bg and make them unbreakable. have a +2s crimson death, and a 5+AS with armour of grief which make a S5 hit every time an opponent hit him. tullaris 566432739 join ex and make them frenzy. have a magic great weapon which called the first draich that gives him 5+KB

Are they champions or moved to hero slots?
moved to hero slot, u see they have w2 both.

Hydra Regen how specifically does it work ? Thank for answering all my questions by the way!
at the end of your phase if it still alive, u roll the number of dice equals the lost wounds. every 4+ it regain a wound.

This is nuts! If I don't go WE I may go with these girls and march and charge them up the field before they can get shot to pieces. Are they khanites and do they get the same bonuses from CoB as WE's?
no they're not brides of khaine, they're arena fighters. COB can give them 6+ ward save if join them... but still if they're 6'' within COB they can reroll all the failed rolls to wound. and COB have a bound spell can make them frenzy.

Which special characters are in, which are out?
they stay the same. no new special characters.

What does the magic item section look like, Do I still have access to the Hydra Banner (fingers crossed)
from my first glance they're not as good as HE. only 10 items, including one 100pts nearly useless sword(hydra blade, +D6 A, every close combat phase u must make a -2LD test or suffer -5WS, but gain HKB.) and one 100pts useless banner(banner of nagarythe, the unit take it will unbreakable). hydra banner is not there any longer, so does the banner make cosair frenzy.

Does Malekith get cheaper? Don't need points just wondering.
yes, he's only 510pts on foot. didnt change much of his rules, now the circlet grants him an bonus dice if failed his casting/dispelling attempts once per magic phase.

points and options for black guard and cold ones pls. Also what does the medusa chariot thing do?
BG=15pts, EX=12pts, cold one knight=30pts. the chariot make units from this book in 6'' +1LD, and all others -1LD, called aura of agony.

Witch Elves keep poison? How does Power of Darkness work? Available lores?
yes they keep poison. power of darkness is one of the two signature spell, which cast on 8+, target the caster's unit. all models in unit get +1S until the caster's next magic phase, and recover D3 casting dice, if you rolled 3 dice, the caster suffer a wound that cant be saved by armour. dark elf have access to all eight lores this time, cheers.

can you list the magic items and new spell lore. Do executioners still have Killing blow or are they now D3 wounds
still KB, not D3 wounds.

rbt and handbow rules? what about the bleakswords? any rules for them? What about shades? do they still have options for great weapons?
rbt is now special and 70pts, u can take four.(yes four) handbow become 12'', the rest stay the same. bleakswords have no other rules have to be metioned, 9pts. shades is 16pts, hand weapon and repeater crossbow, no armour. u can take great weapon or two hand weapons by 2pts/per model.

hows the assassin looking ? Manbane ? Repeater Bows armor piercing ?
90pts with poison attack. can get two hand weapon or a handbow. access to 50pts magic items and one of three poison. one is to wound roll+1, one is KB, the other is if u wound a model, his LD-1 for the rest of the game.

Is there a sac dagger and pendent?
yes the dagger is there. no pendent.

sac dagger
everytime when u cast a spell but before dispelling, u can use the dagger. remove a man from the unit, and roll a D6, 4+ u get an extra dice and must be rolled and add to the result, then opponent try to dispell. if u roll 1-3 then u can try the dagger again and again until you get a dice, or you can simply give up.

WE Initiative?
they're I6

what's the chariot with RBT do ? is it special or core ? thx for the pictures and information!
it's my pleasure:P it's special, cost 150pts, profile is S4 T4 W4 with 5+AS, M9, two crew with spear and repeater crossbow. it has a harpoon launcher, like a bolt thrower but far more powerful. it's S7, 24'' range, and cause D3 wounds. if a monster suffer any wounds from it, the monster will be dragged D6'' directly towards it. if D6>3, the monster suffer another wound with no AS.

What would you say is the best magic item the DE's got? The dagger sounds pretty nice, how much does it cost?
25pts. DE have some "OK" items IMO, but i cant tell which is the best. wait for me to post them.

it looks like the Dark Riders now have shields? Is this a default now, or still an option which causes loss of Fast cav?
it's an upgrade with 1pts/per model. DR can have both light armour and shield without losting fast cavalry.

DE sorcerer cast dark magic gain +1 bouns in casting value. it's called HEKARTIS BLESSING

they're fast cavalry in rare with state 544431528, and M9 on horse. 25pts/per model. they only have hand weapon, but have 4+ward save except for wounds caused by model with mark of slaanesh or daemon of slaanesh. they're considered to be level2 wizard which is used like pink horrors. +1 for casting value for each extra rank except the first, to a max of +3. they know 2 spells, one is doombolt from DE army book(see #2221), the other is soulblight from lore of death. great unit.

I'm afraid to ask but... how much for a Dark Rider?
16pts per model with light armour. 1pts for shield, 3pts for crossbow.

what's the basic warrior cost ?(without spear , shield , RXB ..)
shield is auto. spear is another auto. 9PTS for spearmen and swordsmen.RXB is 12pts without shield upgrade(+1PTS)

Last masochistic question: Sisters of Slaughters?
they're rare choice with very impressive state 564331629. 15pts/model, with shield and hand weapon. can have a magic banner up to 50pts. 4+ward save in close combat, and every close combat phase it can choose an enemy unit in base contact. they lose parry and rank bonus in combat result.(still can steadfast). if any enemy model in base contact with them have highter WS or S(before weapon matters), they get +1 to hit and wound rolls.

WHFB Army Rankings

This is going to be good.

Haven't done one of these for a long time, so I figure why not, let's start up a discussion.  I've been playing a good amount of games lately with my Daemons army and before that, I played the crap out of High Elves.  Without further ado, let's get down to it.

S-Tier - Warriors of Chaos, Skaven
Tier1 - Vampire Counts, Ogre Kingdoms, Dark Elves*
Tier2 - High Elves, Lizardmen**, Orcs and Goblins, Empire, Daemons of Chaos, Dwarves
Tier3 - Bretonnians, Wood Elves, Tomb Kings, Beastman

Dark Elves are in limbo right now because they're getting a new book very soon.  Right now, they kind of ridiculous.  Lizards are still very new so they currently have no solidified tournament results, but I'm expecting them to sit in Tier2.

Let me explain some of these:
  • Warriors of Chaos stand on the view top of the pyramid because they have some of the best units in the game.  Arguably the best core selection, strong monsters, powerful magic and ridiculous lord/hero builds.  There's several powerful builds and they have the strongest showing in several tournaments.
  • Next comes Vampire Counts and Ogre Kingdoms.  Vamps have their scream lists and blenderlords, Ogres have their cannons, chaff and the fact that the book is just very solid.  If you think about it, both of these books are very well-designed internally.
  • The next tier hangs pretty comfortably as a fairly balanced lot.  High Elves actually have a very well-designed book internally, but lacks external power.  The rest of the armies here either have one or two things going for them, or answer specific things in the meta that prevents other armies from ascending.
  • Tier3 simply means there's very limited builds, poor power, or a mix of internal balance issues that's keeping it from being competitive.

Alright folks, the floors open.

Friday, September 27, 2013

New Dark Elves cover and rules

Look at this badass.

Looks pretty epic to me!

Got some infos on the new stuff today:

  • Kharybdis is WS 5, 5A, S7, T5, 4+AS. If all attacks hit, it deals an aditional d6 s7 attacks
  • Warhydra is s5, 5wounds. A is equal to number of remaining wounds +3. its a special choice
  • RBB (?) is switched to special
  • Crossbowmen retain the option for shields
  • Bloodwrack shrine and cob are a chariot, which may narch and join units. Cob has a bound spell for frenzy and grants the unit he joins a 6+ ws (5+ in case of witchelves)
  • Bloodwrack medusa has a 4 shot s4 shooting attack wirh killing blow, and is monstrous infantey (s and t 4)
  • Models in b2b suffer a s4 hit with killing blow if they fail an i test
  • Sisters of slaughter gain a bonus to hit and to wound if their opponent has a higher ws ir strength. Their 4+ ward save only applies in close combat. They negate enemues ranks for combat resolution. 
  • It was hinted that black guard and executioners will be more expensive.


New Sisters of Slaughter art?

Pre-orders are up!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

More Dark Elves rules

Kill everything!

via Geruchteckuche
Sisters of Slaughter: WS 6, I 6, A 2 and a 4++ ward.

via Jossy on
  • Black Guard are ItP, ASF, Eternal hatred, Stubbord, Murderess prowess
    • Stats are 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 6, 2, 9
  • War Hydra is 180 points including fiery roar. Interesting the WD description talks about a lashing tail and poisoned tipped claws (possible upgrades IMO). The WD describes the War Hydra being able to regain wounds during the game, and then goes on to say its like an improved regeneration rule.
  • Dreadspears are 9ppm with Shield and spear, whilst rptxbows are 12ppm.
  • All Dark Elves all have ASF, Hatred (High Elves), and murderess prowess special rules
  • Witchelves also have Frenzy, and Poisoned attacks ontop of ASF, Hatred (HE) and MP. 
  • The frenzy is increased to +2 attacks with the CoB apparently (unconfirmed)
  • The CoB also magnifies murderous prowess - reroll all failed to wound rolls instead of just 1's
  • A High Beastlord has the ability to boost nearby monster units. Unsure of how. Presumably you can still get a beastlord hero as the High beastlord is a lord option.
  • The Medusa can be taken on a mount (bloodwrack throne) or on foot (er tail)
    • On foot it is 90ppm and is selected from the rare option, has some sort of shooting attack with kb
  • I am surprised and happy to see the return of points values in WD battle reports  :mrgreen:
  • Edit: Hellbron is included in the CoB model. Yes Plastic Hellbron, alongside a Bloodwrack Medussa, and a Hag...
  • I forgot to add, I've had confirmation that Black Guard are on stock run down. That means only one thing...
  • The WD also supports this as it mentions several times the "total redesign" of the Dark Elves, with only the CoK and Corsairs being 'sacred'

More via
  • The Hydra btw lost its Regeneration. Has the ability to get Lifepoints back. It has d3 attacks + 1 attack for each lifepoint and will cost 160 points. (Without breath)
  • cauldron of blood will have a +5 Ward for the Unit its placed inside. It also gives Frenzy (Rage or what ever it is in english) if the Unit already has it, they will get 2 attackes instead of one.
  • It also gives something in a range of 6" around the CoB. But forgot what it is sorry.
  • The Medusa will have an ability to force Initative tests with models in base contact. And it has Killing blow as a Range attack. I think it was 3 Attacks. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dark Elves rules leaks

Dark Elves go!

Dark Elves rules leaks
The lads over at kiwihammer podcast have managed to get their hands on a White Dwarf a little bit earlier than most. They report the following:

New Releases
  • The DE Army book is written by Matt Ward
  • The largest dual kit is the Cauldron of Blood which allows you to make either a Cauldron of Blood or a Bloodwrack Medusa. You can also use this kit to make the special character Crone Hellebron.
  • The next dual kit is Witch Elves and the Sisters of Slaughter – Sisters of Slaughter are apparently the lost daughters of fallen noble houses and look great.
  • The new DE Core box allows you to make your warriors with Spears, Swords and Shields or Repeater Cross-bows.
  • The Dual Hydra/Kharibdyss kit looks pretty good, there are pictures of the Hydra with different paint schemes that actually look a lot better than the leaked photo we’ve already seen.
  • The Special Character Shadowblade  is a single pose figure that will come in a clampack
  • There is a Lore of Dark Magic Card set being released.

Army Special Rules/Points Cost
  • Dark Elves now have the armywide special rule of ASF (unsure if this will apply to monsters/cold ones)
  • Dark Elves also have Hatred but presumably only in the first round
  • Black Guard have eternal hatred
  • New Rule called murderous prowess allows Dark Elves to re-roll 1′s to wound. Unsure if this will extend to shooting and magic.
  • There is a new Beastmaster Lord Level Character which costs 300 points when naked on a Manticore
  • Witch Elves are core and 11 points per model. They can also take magical banners.
  • A unit of 30 Spear Elves and of 30 Xbow Elves with Full command costs 390 points. Unsure what options were used but that means the warriors were 12 points per model.
  • A DE Sorceress Hero looks to be 80 points
  • Cauldrons of Blood still come out of Hero slots and look to have increased in points. They can join units and one of their powers allows a unit to re-roll to wound. In the Batrep a unit with a Cauldron and this buff up deletes a unit of Sobunz.
  • Bloodwrack Medusas are rare and have a shooting attack called Bloodwrack Stare. Not sure what it does
  • Hydras can now regain wounds in a manner similar to the Slann with the regen power of the old ones. They are now 180 points, have monster+handler but have to buy their breath weapon.
  • Lore of Dark Magic – The attribute is called spiteful conjuration and does extra wounds to enemies that have spells cast on them. Unsure of how the mechanic works but could be similar to Tz lore attribute?
  • Lore of Dark Magic – Only spell mentioned is called Word of Pain and it reduces WS/BS/I
  • A Dreadlord with Heavy Armour and a Shield on a Black Dragon costs 449 points.
  • Cold Ones are 30 points and have 2 Attacks, unsure if the cold ones themselves have ASF

Leaked Pictures:

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Emergency Soldiers

Get as many points as you can by tricking over everything you see.

Counter Force

Shoot the enemies with a pistol or a sniper rifle. Don't let any get away as you move to new levels.

Playing With Fire 2

Select the number of players and level to start the game. Blow up your opponents using bombs before they manage to kill you. Destroy blocks to leave behind power-ups which will give you special abilities when picked up. Each player has three lives so they will need to be killed three times to be eliminated. There is a 3-minute time limit in place. If you win a game, you will score the number of seconds remaining on the timer multiplied by 250, times the number of opponents in the game. Losing a game will result in that amount of points being subtracted from your score.

Super Mario 64

SuperMario 64 is totally addicting adventure game fun.

Bubbles Invasion

Save the planet from an invasion by removing all bubbles in time. Create groups of 3 or more of the same colored bubbles to remove them.

Little Birds

Kill the same color birds on cross directions.

New Pokemon

Come to operate Pikachu, let him to collect the Poke Ball to get evolution and consume all monsters, and can get evolved once ate big Poke Ball.

Match Man Dogfight Story

The match men with many unique skill to fight.Can you defeat your opponent.Let's look your ability!

Angry Bird VS Zombies 3

Spring has finally arrived, everything is awake! Winding plants revealed cute branches, prepare to demonstrate outside himself extremely excited mood. Zombies are frustrated and anxiety with birds' stubborn resistance . They only come to China to seek help for Chinese zombies and offer high price to let them help kill the damn stubborn invincible bird. To hear the birds is so stubborn, Chinese zombies have some interest, promised them. And " green pig zombies union " was born. The bird are more angry, suddenly, a bird jump into the middle and said "it's spring, the zombie " Predators " plant has woken. So the birds will sincerely invite awakening plants to help animals, plants are very excited after listening, so " birds plants union " was born. A unknown battle in the history will start!

Angry Pig 3

Everyone knows angry birds story, but the pigs had had enough, and decided to launch a counterattack, attack bird, what kind of ways to choose to fight ? To try this game.

Fighting Brothers

Fighting brothers is a new fighting game, which support 2p to join game together! rich's fighting style and great sound, to make the game more fun.

Meow Jump

Meow is a stray cat with magic power, living in the tall buildings of the city. Having not totally adapt to the city, Meow met Janny, a cute girl. With the help of Janny, Meow settled in the city and became the pet of her.

CF Dragon Artillery

In the game, use Left Mouse to shoot, R to Replace the cartridge, 1, 2 to swapped guns. Dragon's bullets are infinite, but it is not easy to hit the enemy in the distance; and while use Dragon snipe and hold down the spacebar to open sights, in order to shoot the enemy in the distance.

Face-Off Cube 2

Finish the cube in the limited time.

Baldheaded Strong Cross-Country on Mountain Road

It's time for weekend, and Baldheaded Strong ride his bike to Cross-country on Mountain Road to show his cycling technique, let's see together.

Tank 2012 3

Added a new two-player mode and custom map mode, you can build barriers when you play at the same time. when you eliminate all enemy ,tanks that enter the next level, if your tank life is 0, or command apartment is hit, the game ends. When hit the enemy tanks precisely , it will randomly appear some rewards such as tank upgrade, suspension, to increase the life and so on.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Megaman Combat Shooting

Another awesome shooting game of Megaman, City is under attack by robots shoot them all to save your city upgrade your weapons and unlock new levels kill Epic boss and make a high score have fun!

Skeet Shotgun 2

Take your gun and charge it with plenty of bullets, you are gonna need it! The place to take the action is an empty war platform that was use for a lot of battles by the army. Now you can enjoy this platform for a skeet shotgun competition. Many players came here to prove their shooting abilities, so do the best to win the challenge!

GumBall Center Park

Gumball skateboarding in the park, where there are many obstacles. Gumball's mission is to overcome all obstacles and to the finish line safely. Collect the items that you see on the road.

Firing Time1

The game is made according to CF and CS.

Little Dragon vs Ultraman

Ultraman invade the Adventure Island; the Little Dragon guard the Adventure Island and struggle against the Ultraman.

The King of Fighters 2013

At the beginning of disciplining, Iori Yagami encountered the chase from Kyo Kusanagi's replisome, so whether he can escape from it and run free.

Prince and Princess Elope 2

The prince of the fruit Kingdom fell in love with the princess of enemy country. they have no alternatives, the prince and the princess decide to elope. King learn it and very angry, he assigns soldiers to catch them. along the way the king also set obstacles , you must help them to accomplish this . As a royal member of fruit kingdom ,they have a special ability : eat fruit, to get the corresponding fruit ability. such as eating strawberry can walk in the magma, eat oranges can pass through the metal cubic . And it can also win the corresponding color guard.

Mario Logs1

Mouse control, try to put more than a wooden box, the box, the more score more.

Penetrating Insight

This is a game of exercise vision, in the game, you just have to find the shell with pearl. So what, come to challenge it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

GDS: Warhammer and Total War

It's hammer time!

One of the most exciting game concepts that I've been looking forward to is the thought of Warhammer being played on the Total War engine.  Personally, I think these two work perfectly with one another because of all the similarities they share.  From a game design standpoint and from a systems/engine standpoint, both games are intrinsically the same.

Let me throw out a few examples.
  • First, WHFB and Total War share the same design philosophies and game engine.  Both game systems are based around large-scale combat via troop formations, charging, arrows, and applying swords to face.  Once combat happens, what makes or breaks the army is combat resolution through morale mechanics.  How these morale mechanics are applied depends on how well you maneuver your forces and employ your strategies to the fullest.  This is just how both games were designed on a surface level.
  • What do I mean by this?  I mean that armies fight and break depending on morale.  This is active in the Warhammer system via combat resolution and leadership, and this is active in Total War through different morale modifiers.   Being charged in the flank is not as bad as being charged in the rear, outnumbering your enemies (think 7th Ed. WHFB), being surprised via ambush, being on higher ground, are all examples of different modifiers that exist in the Total War system.  Being able to translate Warhammer's combat resolution system would be like a walk in the park because the system is already in place.
  • If we look even deeper into the combat system itself, all the necessary components to make a full transition is already there.  Look at Rome2's combat engine for example:  The Melee Attack stat is comparable to Weapon Skill, Melee Defense to Toughness, Weapon Damage to Strength, Armor to Armor, and Health to Wounds.  The concept of Initiative and Attack is lost in the mix, but I wouldn't think it would be too hard to hard-code one unit attacking more frequently than another.  How this would play out with High Elves' having ASF or a Dwarf Lord sporting multiple, slow-attacks because he has a Great Weapon is up to the designers' imagination.
  • Both games work off of points calculation in terms of army design.  I would say a 2500 point game of Warhammer is similar to a medium funds army in Shogun2 or Rome2.  It's a fairly medium sized game, but the point is that I have a certain amount of "points" or "funds" to work with to buy all the units for my upcoming battle.  Right now in 8th Ed. Warhammer, we're using a percentage model:  If we're playing 2500 points, 25% of that has to go into Core, or 625 points, 50% is the max allowed in Special, so on and so forth.  This checks and balance system allows us to build more balanced armies than we could in 7th Ed.  Unfortunately, something like this does not currently exist in Rome2 because I can take an army of nothing but Praetorian Guard.  If this was translated into WHFB terms, it would be like taking nothing but Black Guard in my army.  My point here is that if WHFB meets Total War, there would be a checks and balance system already in place, thus simplifying balance design on top of the fact that both games already use the same army purchasing system.
  • To expand upon the above point a bit, one of the interesting things that Warhammer can add to the Total War series is variable unit sizes.  Say you have a unit of 160 Royal Spartans for 970 points.  In Warhammer, that would be like taking a unit of 40 White Lions no matter where you go.  Since Warhammer has a unique system where you can take however amount of guys you want to pay the points for, maybe we'll see W:TW adopt something similar.  Instead of 160 Spartans for 970, how about I take 80 for half the points?  That would be an interesting idea as it would appeal more to the casual hobbyist.
  • Speaking of causal, let's add customizable colors back into the game.  True to Games Workshop hobbyists everywhere, the army painter system was one of the best things about Dawn of War.  Having this in Total War would not only help tell one person's army from another ingame, but it will help add individuality and uniqueness.

Now, let's talk about some more interesting WHFB concepts that I think will be a challenge for the TW design team:
  • How will they address the question of magic items and weapons?
  • Or the concept of a mighty melee hero such as a Vampire Lord vs. a magic lord like Teclis?
  • How will magic work in general?
  • How will monsters work in the game?  Or flying monsters particularly?

These are some of the things that came to mind when I was thinking about how WHFB will translate to the Total War engine.  I can share with you some of my ideas.

The concept of Magic Items and Weapons is a little more straight forward since you were able to customize your units pretty extensively in Shogun2's Avatar system.  Since most of the magic items in Warhammer can only be held by powerful heroes and lords, it wouldn't be too hard to translate some of these items as upgrades to your general.  For example, if you choose a Vampire Lord as your general, he will have access to say 10 different magic items.  He can take a max of 4, and depending on what he takes, his price will go up in price.  The same could be done with heroes and such.  Since you can only take one of the same magic item per army, if the Vampire Lord grabs something like a Blood Drinker, the next hero Vampire won't be able to take it.  To make things even more uniform, we can put in magic items that only the most powerful lords can take.  In Warhammer terms, these are 55+ point items that's only available for Lords because they can take 100 points worth of magic items.

Speaking of Lords and Heroes, how will they play out ingame?  Well, I thought about this long and hard, mainly during the days when I wished there was a Total War: Three Kingdoms.  As you guys might have guessed, Shu is my favorite faction and Dynasty Warriors was a huge game for me in the past.  However, the concept of bringing one hero singling himself out in a fight vs. thousands of warriors seems cumbersome in a game where there's tons of fighting going on already.  So how do we fix this?  I think the current General and Bodyguard system works perfectly.  If I want to select a High Elf Prince as my General and I want him on a horse, I would customize him as a Dragon Prince general.  Right now in Rome2, I can have a Hellenic Royal Guard (elite pike unit) as my general, so why not apply the same principles to Warhammer?  If I want my Prince to hail from Chrace, I would simply elect White Lions to be the general.  Hero units would also have a bodyguard to go with them, and we all know how we love to have that BSB hanging around in the army.

So what about magic and wizards?  We all know how important magic is in WHFB so I'll try to translate it to the current TW system.  Right now, we have no idea what they're planning to do with the system.  The easiest way to make a direct transition would be simply allow you to take Lord-level and Hero-level Wizards and just pick the spells you want.  More destructive spells can only be taken on more powerful lords, and that's the end of it.  There is a way to increase ranks and experience in this game, so you might be able to level your Wizard up to different levels, but I think this just adds unneeded complexity.  Warhammer is already a complicated game and I don't think it needs anymore when constructing a game purely based off maneuvering and application of tactics.  Remember:  Where magic is vitally important on the table-top, this does not mean it is so in REAL-TIME strategy.  You don't have 10 minutes to think about what spells you're going to dispel because the battle was over 5 minutes ago.

Alright cool, so how does it work?  Well, I think it would be similar to casting special abilities.  Let's pretend we're playing with High Elves and we have a lord-level Prince.  He would have something standard like Inspire and Rally as default abilities.  If we want to play more about Rome2, let's pretend he has the Commander abilities.  Say we decide to go with an Archmage instead:  Because he's our lord-level spellcaster, he has access to all the cool spells that High Elves will have.  Even though HE have access to all the spells in the game, let's say they only use High Magic because that's an easy example.  Where a normal Mage-level caster will not have access to Fiery Convocation, the Archmage does.  He simply elects to take up this spell out of the FOUR that he can take.  Let's say there's 10 spells that he can choose from because High Elves know all BRB spells anyway.  Moving on, he takes 4 spells from the list whereas a Hero-level mage can only take 2.  Once we load up the game, he's sitting there in his unit of Sword Masters and he casts Fiery Convocation on a unit of Skaven Slaves.  The entire unit starts burning for massive damage and you're very happy with the results.  Due to its devastating power, the cooldown is 120 or 180 seconds.  Realistically, you'll probably get one shot with this so you want to choose carefully.  To make things even more interesting, he puts an Internal Cooldown on the rest of your spells because it shows he just spent so much imaginary power dice on this all-powerful spell.

I haven't really thought of a good way to implement a well-designed Dispel, IF and Miscast system just yet.  Where these are pivitol in how a player plays out his magic phase, there's simply no "phases" in a real-time battle.  I mean sure, it sucks if your best unit is going to be set on fire by Fiery Convocation, but what's stopping the opponent from lighting you up with Flaming Arrows?  Nothing.  As long as cooldown, range and power is appropriate, I don't really see a problem with not having dispels, IFs or Miscasts.  If anything, it's just adding more chaos to the chaos that is a live battle.  You'll see that we'll constantly go back to that saying:  Just because it works on the table-top does not mean it'll work in an RTS.

Lastly, we'll talk about the prospect of having monsters, Steam Tanks and Star Dragons in a game like Total War.  Don't get me wrong, but I don't think it'll be too hard to implement a creature with crazy high stats, be neigh invulnerable to simple melee attacks, and will be incredibly tough to take down (either by armor or wounds).  I can perfectly see a Prince on Star Dragon flying across the battlefield, breathing fire and wrecking face in close combat.  Do I think this will be balanced?  Sure.  Why?  Because the idea of factions with artillery pieces, overwhelming combat res (morale modifiers), and magic spells will exist in the game. We can go as far as making Spear units more effective vs. the like of monsters such as this.  The mightiest Star Dragon might rout 1-2 units, but if you get a good surround and isolate him away from the rest of your opponent's army, you might be able to rout him due to morale.  After all, you just need to balance the stats on the Star Dragon so he doesn't destroy everything he touches.  I'm more concerned about engine limitations and whether or not it's possible to add a flying, fire-breathing dragon, who can transition from air to ground and vice versa.

That's it for now.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Plunder Squad

Climb in your tank and take down your enemies in this top down shooter adventure. Lead the Plunder Squad through this 5 floors full off enemies and hidden treasures.

Wolverine The Last Stand

Play as Wolverine on your Last Stand, battle through waves of enemies, take down the bosses of each difficulty and power up Wolverine, earn achievements along the way!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Lone Ops

Protect your base in this side scrolling shooter. Prepare for battle and complete your Lone Ops in different weathers by battling different enemy troops. Upgrade your artillery and Special attacks to shoot them down..

Boys Fight for Girl

Do you ever fight for a girl? In this game you need to beat your enemy to get a kiss from her. You choose your character and fight with another person. You need to defeat him. Good Luck!

Ice Man & Fire Man Labyrinth

Ice Man &Fire Man go to play in forest these days,they find a mystic labyrinch which includes a mass of are so exciting and want to pick up jewels hurrily,but they meet a couple of gorilla blocking the way.So they lanch a jewel war.Wow~,Do you want jewels,come on,join and enjory the game!

One Piece Chrono Cross

One Piece Lufei pass through to the cartoon, and he is chased by the characters from other cartoon, now let's together to protect Lufei

The Simpsons Shooting

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