Sunday, August 27, 2006

from the local newspaper


Public Notice is hereby given that I, Robin Todd Jackson, will file a Petition in the Champaign County Circuit Court to change my name to Tru Luv Flo, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided.

That, my friends, is true dedication to the playa lifestyle. If the delightful Mr. Flo ever ran for public office it would require physical restraints to bar me from voting for him. How could you not want to see Tru Luv Flo elected mayor? The headlines alone would well be worth enduring life in a city administered by a guy who refuses to spell his own name correctly. If my name were Tru Luv Flo I would probably want to name my firstborn Funky Fresh. Heck, that sounds so cool maybe I'll just start calling my daughter Funky. I'm sure she won't mind.

(Credit for finding this item in the newspaper goes to my wife. I don't read the paper. I get all my news from websites with names like or

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