Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hey, local wrestling!

For a few months I've been aware of a new local independent wrestling outfit. New Breed Wrestling Alliance is based out of nearby Danville, IL. I have yet to get to one of their shows but I'm finally in the loop for a couple of upcoming dates. Next Sunday (the 25th) they've got an event at 3pm in their home venue in Danville. The show is 5 bucks at the door. And in April (on the 21st) they'll be crosspromoting a show with two other feds, Great American Wrestling and Supreme League of Wrestling. I have no idea who those guys are, but they'll all be slugging it out in just-down-the-road Rantoul. Admission is only 3 dollars.

Any of my local peeps want to take in one of these shows?

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