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Saturday, April 17, 2010
I has an army
So today, I have assembled:
pStryker (to be used as eStryker)
Thorn (special Lancer)
pEiyrss (to be used as eEiryss)
Jorneyman Warcaster
I started to pin.. and after a while, I said fuck it and just used gorilla super glue, green stuff and accelerator.
I doubted the hold until I tried to pry the hammer arm off my Charger to reposition it and the metal arm started to give before the joint. This super glue is seriously the best stuff I've ever used.
Tomorrow I'm getting my magnets and I should be able to finish my two plastic Ironclad/Defenders and add it to the rest of my army..
..which currently consists of:
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
ATGM Officer
Gun Mage Captain Adept
Arlan Strangeways.
I guess it helps to know that I also pre-ordered Gorman and Stormblades to be picked up next week.
I am now broke.
My wife hates me.
I lost all feeling to my left foot, right leg and lower back from sitting down for so long..
..but I'm very happy and excited to get some games in.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Overpowered is for noobs
Before we begin, I'm going to be quite blunt in this following post. One of my biggest pet peeves about this hobby is when people call things "overpowered". To me, there's no such thing. The correct word to describe something that's not in line with the rest of the army is called "imbalanced". This is a word alien to most forumers in the gaming word and something that I strongly suggest looking up.
To make things easy, I have google defined it for everyone. For simplificty's sake, let's just take the first definition:
Imbalanced - unbalanced: being or thrown out of equilibrium.
When a certain unit is too powerful, it's imbalanced. In the same manner, if a unit sucks complete ass, it should also be classified as imbalanced. Balance is achieved when everything has a purpose; where everything has a use and is functioning as intended by design. Every unit, ability, map, scenario, mission type or any combination of those aforementioned is factored in (among many other things) and held in relation to other aspects of the same archetype (other factions, races, armies). As you can see, with a possible hundred or more various aspects to any given game, perfect balance is almost never achieved. Some companies do this better than others, but that's specifically proportioned to how many people play the game, and how many people can analyze this on a design level and make it "fair" for the rest of us. Statistically, you need hundreds if not thousands of people playing the game on casual, intermediate and competitive levels to even begin analyzing proper balance. That's just how the cookie crumbles.
Unfortunately for us, Games Workshop is not one of those companies that are particularly strong in the realm of balance design. They rock hard in terms of game design; creating games that captures the essence of the army on the table-top, but in terms of balance, they lack a few things here and there. I mean come on, you look at the SW book in comparison to the latest Nid book and you should have yourself a hearty long laugh. As the great MG said to me once: "There's more people working in the studio than just one guy." I forgot exactly what I was talking about.. but I'm sure it had something to do with Fantasy Daemons by Matt Ward. What he said is completely true. It's not just one author who writes an army book and then sends it off to publishing. During the writing process, everyone chips in ideas and thoughts and the book gets complete by the collective teamwork of the entire design team. It's not like they had 56 designers go into 56 separate rooms for a couple of months and come out saying "I bet my dude can beat your dude". Maybe in MvC2, but definitely not at GW. It still puzzles me what happened with the WHFB Daemons army book, but that's behind us now and I'm looking forward to 8th Ed. So with this in mind, we continue buying their stuff because they tickle the sections of our brain that scream hobby fun.
So back at the topic at hand: Overpowered is a term noobs use when they get their faces kicked in and have no idea why. Most of the time, the guy posting has <50 total posts and speaks in a internet lingo unrecognizable by most of the human species. They also don't sit down and analyze why they lost, nor do they replay the battle in their heads and realize any mistakes or battlefield failures. They immediately go on the forums and post some form of spam cleverly disguised as "X army is overpowered!!!1" and go on screaming things with the caps key broken from nerd rage. Now I'm not saying we should all be master game designers, but a part of me actually enjoys logic and common sense. The ability for man to learn from their mistakes is one of the keynotes of the human species and one of the reasons we're still here and not inside dinosaur fossils. Let's look at some cries about Blood Angels really quick. Now I'm not going to link to anyone's posts or mention any names because I'm nicer than that (lol), but for the most part, Blood Angels are imbalanced because their vehicles are Fast, they have DoA and Mephiston is a god given form in a 25mm miniature.
First thing's first. I can't remember the last time I actually paid for something in the Space Wolves codex. Grey Hunters are 15ppm and come with Counter-attack, Acute Senses, CCW/Pistol and Boltgun and a crapload of utility, special weapons and wolf specific awesomeness (MotW, Wolf Standard). Thunderwolf Cav are amazing for the price, Rune Priests are probably the best HQ in the game for points and WGT have more diversity than a candy store. But on the other hand, Blood Angels are overpowered because they pay for their Fast vehicles, even more for an Vindicator, has Tacticals and Devastators in comparison to the Grey Hunters and Long Fangs, and have a relatively lame HQ selection. Mephiston is good, but definitely not invincible. T6 and 5W and 2+ (maybe FNP with the bubble nearby) does not scream imbalanced in the face of melta and plasma fire. With Plasma Guns you wound Mephiston on 3s and Meltas own him on 2s. One solid IG shooting phase can bring him down as long as they draw LoS. With the way assaulting vehicles work in 5th, or assault in general rather, getting shot after a bloodbath is rather common place. If that wasn't enough, let's just call DoA imbalanced too because a Space Marine Legion who has specialized in jump pack warfare for 10 millenia, had a Primarch with actual freakin' Angel Wings and have the same fighting assault-based military doctrine for all this time is too far-fetched and is not fair for the other armies. If that's the case, we should all melt down our miniatures and build glorified chess pieces instead, because apparently, we live in the Dark Ages.
I could go on and on about the different army books as well, but I should really just leave it up to the player. He should learn simply learn from his mistakes and do better next time. No one starts out being exceptionally good at everything: You play games, obtain battlefield experiences through victories and defeats (more through defeats), readjust your thinking and try again. Don’t make posts complaining about things, don’t make posts that blame the game and not yourself, but do make posts asking for advice and critiques that’ll make you a better player. Before doing any of that, you should always try to figure things out for yourself. Analytical thinking makes you a better general. Period.
With that being said, don't use the word "overpowered". There's no such thing. It's a word developed by lesser players to better describe defeat. It's like calling Roger Federer overpowered because he owns you at Tennis. Suck it up, you got outplayed. To me, calling something overpowered automatically puts you into 2 categories: You're bad because you're new, or you're bad because you're bad.
Comments, questions, concerns, thoughts, editorials or death threats, leave 'em here.
Best part of this hobby
So I've been pretty MIA lately, and I apologize to all my readers. Things are rather crazy here at work and we're pulling some crazy hours still!
As for my current progress on my hobbies, so far I've put together a fair amount of WM models. In terms of Blood Angels, I haven't really gotten to anything other than a few ASM legs and jump packs. Here's what I have assembled for WM..
Black 13th Strike Team
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
ATGM Officer
Gun Mage Captain Adept
Arlan Strangewayes
and a Squire
I have also cleaned my plastic Warjack kit and I'm waiting on my magnets to get here so I can magnetize the dude. I bought some crazy rare earth magnets that are N52 grade so they should hold together pretty well. Hopefully I'm not a total fail and magnetize them correctly when the time comes. I've read plenty of horror stories from magnet noobs (which I am). Other than that, I have a few more metal models to pick up and finish, then I should be set to play some games.
I don't know about you guys, but I personally love model assembly. Yes, after the 50th Marine or the 5th tank, you might feel a little overwhelmed, but that's to be expected. If you do anything for a long time (especially if it's the same thing), it's normal to feel bored. The best part about a wargaming hobby is you have 3 key facets that can keep you interested. These are modeling, painting and gaming.
Personally, I'm a die-hard gamer. The biggest seller for me is the gaming aspect, obviously. I just love game design and game balance design. Those two things have always interested me and that's what got me into the gaming industry. As a hardcore computer gamer, the transition to table-top wargaming was fairly easy. All the tactics and disciplines I've learned from CS, SC, WC3 and other games have proved to be very successful. When you're competitive, you always have this need to improve; never settling for second place. I think this natural "drive" is what keeps me interested in the hobby. I spend a lot of making up army lists and reading other gaming forums for other people's opinions and criticisms.
I used to be a pretty hardcore painter. When I first started with Grey Knights back in the day, I was determined to paint every model before I played. I have no idea why I did this considering every time I walked in the store, I just wanted to play. Let's just say this didn't last more than a few weeks. I quickly moved over to gaming and put my painting on the back burner. This doesn't mean I stopped painting my dudes.. I just gamed every chance I got instead of painting. The painting aspect of the hobby was for whenever I had time away from the gaming. Over the years I've been doing more and more gaming and less painting. This has been a blessing and a curse. One one side, I've become a much better gamer, but on the other side, my marines remain grey and plastic. A very bittersweet kind of thing.
The last part of the hobby is modeling and assembly. People love to see their models come to life and capture the essence of the game. As much as painting adds to aesthetics, the models themselves add to the actual feel of the game. I know some people take greater pride in creating their own dynamic poses than their painting skills, and they should! Obviously this shouldn't be a shock to anyone since some people are more creative than they are artistic, and vice versa. But seriously, seeing a really cool conversion come to life through someone elses' imagination is very rewarding.
Well, there it is guys. Some people love the gaming aspect, some love the painting and others like converting their own models. We each have our own little thing for the hobby and that's what makes it a great hobby. It pokes different areas of our brain and let's us enjoy what we truly love. This is the hallmark to a good hobby: doing what you love. Even though I get teased all the time because my army's unpainted, I bet I can mop the board with you. Maybe once I've got enough games and I'm bored out of my mind from playing, I'll get to painting my dudes. Who knows? Since Warmachine is so small scale, I might actually break out some of these new weasel hair brushes and go to town. I just hope my paints haven't dried yet!
That's all I got for now guys. What about you? What's your favorite part of the hobby?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Doing it my way
Yeah.. that's not actually Caine.. that's Noel Vermillion from BlazBlue. They both fight with the same Gun Kata awesomeness except Noel's a hell of a lot better looking. The below video will demonstrate the kind of pain Caine will inflict on an enemy warcaster once he draws LoS. Noel, an example please.
The reason why I decided to call this entry "doing it my way" is because I'm not doing your typical assassination-style eCaine list. I decided to go with a more balanced approach because I think it offers more exposure to different rules, playstyles and list diversity. It also adds a lot more strategy and tactics because you're not limited to one specific goal. In short, the game becomes more dynamic with balanced lists. After doing some research online, the ideal way to play eCaine (and this is advertised everywhere) is to take units in your army whose sole purpose is to deliver him in a clear path to the enemy warcaster. If you didn't know already, Caine is exceptionally good at single target burst.. and it just happens to be that killing the enemy warcaster means you win the game. When you combine these two elements together, you get a list that's centered around just doing that. I disagree with this style of approach. Warmachine is small enough that you should be maximizing the amount of crazy things you have going on the field. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it doesn't take skill in playing an all-out assassination list, I'm just saying it would be more fun to go with something more diverse. Caine is already an glass cannon and I think a list built in a manner that compliments this (not feed) would be most fun.
With that being said, I've decided to go with no Rangers in my list. Even though they give eCaine a +2 to RAT vs. any enemy unit within 5" of them, I just don't see the point of sacrificing my units. Everyone knows I'm a min-maxing SoB, but that doesn't mean I should take units just to fuel one man's ambition for glory. Whether or not this will prove to be my downfall will happen in time.
The other staples in army featuring eCaine is the Squire, Reinholdt and eEiryss. I have them in my lists but I find myself adding more 'jacks in my list instead of the classic thunderbolting Arcane Tempest Gun Mages. I'd rather not netdeck and keep my list as original as possible (at WM point scale, this is quite difficult). At 35 points, I will be adding the ATGMs but for now, I'd rather have a Defender and a Ironclad. I think the 'jacks are more important in my current metagame because I expect people will be more 'jack heavy. I managed to convince my roomate to start the game with me and he's going Khador. With all those 20 ARM mechs on the board, I can definitely see the use of a Defender in there.
Here is what my current 25pt list looks like. I used Force Kommander to design it:
Type: Skirmish (1 caster, 25pts)
Points: 25
Captain Allister Caine (*5pts)
* Defender (9pts)
* Ironclad (7pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Gun Mage Captain Adept (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)
Type: Skirmish (1 caster, 25pts)
Points: 25
Captain Allister Caine (*5pts)
* Defender (9pts)
* Ironclad (7pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Gun Mage Captain Adept (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)
It was a really tough call to cut Eiryss from my list because she offers a lot of flexibility. Even though she offers amazing disruption and countermeasures in an eCaine assassinatioon list, I think the GM Captain Adept will do just fine. The idea is to get the Defender and the JWC together so they can benefit from eachother: Upkeeping Arcane Shield for a lovely 21 ARM, as well as providing 2 focus a turn for that extra RAT and damage rolls. Strangewayes will JM the 'jacks and offer them repair and another focus. The B13s are self-explanatory and so is the Squire and Reinholdt.
Overall, the major difference in my list and others is that I don't have solidified focus in mine. I want to be able to take advantage of my Magic Bullet on the Defender and be able to shoot through LoS with my GMCA. I want to be able to get into close combat with my Ironclad and see how his 'jack marshaled repair buddy holds up in the long fight. Of course, if I get a clear shot to my opponent's warcaster, I'm going to make sure to take advantage of it, but that shouldn't be my sole objective. With this list, I'm going to have my options in front of me and I think it'll make for a better game for both me and my opponent.
Agree or disagree, let me know!
Friday, April 9, 2010
My first Warmachine list
Let's go over his most important stats really quick: Offensively, he has one of the highest RAT's in the game at an incredible 9. He also has 2x POW12 magical guns that has ROF infinity. By having a FOC of 6 and a infinite number of shots, he can get in range of an enemy warcaster and light him up without too much trouble. He also has an ability called Gatecrasher which allows him to basically teleport 8" anywhere he wants from his current location. This gives him opportunities to setup rear shots or open up for an assassination run. Considering his other abilities such as Blur, True Sight and Magic Bullet, Caine looks like one of those characters where positioning and placement is absolute key. His relatively low ARM means that if you're not careful with him, he can die, thus costing you the game. This double-edged sword kind of play is extremely fitting for a player like me: I favor perfection and precision where misplays and failures result in a game lost.
With that being said, here's my first 15pt list for Cygnar. Keep in mind that I have never played a game and everything I have here is just something that I think will work.
Type: Duel (1 caster, 15pts)
Points: 15
Captain Allister Caine (*5pts)
* Ironclad (7pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Gun Mage Captain Adept (2pts)
Type: Duel (1 caster, 15pts)
Points: 15
Captain Allister Caine (*5pts)
* Ironclad (7pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Gun Mage Captain Adept (2pts)
Caine has a Squire that helps extend his control area, helps him re-roll his 17" Arcane Bolt and gives him an extra focus on command. I also have Captain Arlan Strangewayes in there to help Jack Marshal the Ironclad and give him extra focus ontop of his JM bonuses to add a dice to his hit/damage rolls. Not to mention he has a hefty command 10 repair for D6 damage. The Black 13th offers some great bang for your buck since their damage output and flexibility is almost unheard of for 4 points. Eiryss and the GMGA offers some awesome solo abilities and compliment Caine on his assassination run. All this is a crazy short summary of how indepth this game is for so little models. Coming from 40K.. this is sorta mind blowing.
I must confess that Warmachine is a whole 'nother animal from 40K. There's a lot of stuff that's different and I can't wait to give my lists a run through. In the next few days, I'll go over my 25 and 35 point lists for feedback since I have no idea what I'm doing. Well.. I guess I have a general idea of what I'm doing, but if you guys have some feedback for me, that would be amazing.
Oh! I got some questions too: What do you guys think about Hunters and Defenders? Which one is better, why are are they better and how would you take them?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Warmachine: Cygnar
Since I'm working crazy amounts of overtime right now.. I need to divert my attention from 40K and work on something smaller. With that said, I'm currently looking into Warmachine and the faction of Cygnar. I'm probably going with Captain Allister Caine as my warcaster and play a fairly balanced assassination list. In the next couple of days, I'll sketch out 15, 25 and 35 point lists.
If anyone knows a thing or two about Warmachine, let me know. I'm still doing my research, but I wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive. Barely..
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Making Dante work
Dante is one of my favorite characters in all of 40K lore. He's one of the oldest living Space Marines and he has fought against the enemies of the emperor for over a thousand years. In the latest codex, he's a little overshadowed by big bad Mephiston, but he can certainly hold his own still. It didn't take me long to make a list based on this honorable and respected Chapter Master.
Before we move onto the actual list, let's talk about Dante himself for a sec. He has Death Mask of Sanguinius which is basically a Death Mask plus an added curse. Before forces are deployed, the mask curses an enemy independent character and nerfs him by -1 WS, W, I and A. This makes any combat character think twice before engaging in combat and makes every psyker (for the most part) die in 1 perils.
Dante also has the Axe Mortalis which is simply a humble MC Power Weapon, an Infernus Pistol, 2+/4++ save with 4 wounds and I6, but no Eternal Warrior. Having come with a Jump Pack, he has the Decent of Angels special rule, as well as Tactical Precision and Surgical Strike. Tactical Precision makes it so any squad that Dante joins do not scatter the turn they come in and Surgical Strike gives them Hit and Run. This can make Dante's squad exceptionally dangerous when deep striking next to vehicles or refreshing combat with Furious Charge. Dante also allows Sanguinary Guard to be taken as Troops.. which is a small plus.
With Dante at the head of my army, I chose to go with this list:
9 kp
Dante = 225
Librarian (JP) = 125
5x Honor Guard (JP, 4x Meltaguns) = 205
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
5x Sanguinary Guard (PF, Chaper Banner) = 240
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
The way I see it is that every list these days needs anti-psychic abilities. There's no way you can let your troops get ravished by Lash or Murderous Hurricane when you need them to preform. With only 25 scoring bodies on the field, I find it hard to afford a Librarian with a JP.. but that's just something I have to deal with. He comes packing with Sanguine Sword and Unleash Rage most likely.
In terms of troops, you have 2 squads of 10x ASM with Melta weapons. Combine this with the Honor Guard's dedicated 4x Meltaguns and you have pretty formidable anti-tank firepower. The only problem is that you need to get close to have significant effect. The Baal Predators are there to form mobile cover and offer suppressing fire, but the true killers in the army will be my troops. Since Dante allows Sanguinary Guard to be taken as troops, I figured why not. It's fluffy and they look amazing! They come with a Chapter Banner for that lovely +1 attack and a Power Fist.
The idea behind the army is that one squad of ASM goes in reserve with Dante and wait for units of opportunity while the rest of the army pushes up. The Baals will push in front with the ASM squad behind, followed by the Honor Guard and the Sanguinary Guard. The Librarian will join the ASM squad on the ground and assist them with psychic abilities. Since Dante's squad can come down anywhere they want, they can unleash 2 meltagun shots and 2 infernus pistol shots on their metallic target and hopefully take it down; exposing their insides to the rest of your army. This is pretty much the theme of the army; pop open their transports and assault them with your CC units or shoot them to death with your Baal Preds. The only obvious downside is that I only have one FC/FNP bubble when I really want two. Even though the SP in the HG unit can't be picked out, I don't think one bubble is enough for this type of army.
So what do you guys think? I can replace the Sanguinary Guard with another squad of 10x ASM, but the army doesn't look as awesome on the field. Maybe somewhere during my adjustments, I'll be able to find points for another Priest. Only time will tell..
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Blood Angels released!
Well, aside from me picking up my 3 boxes of Baal Preds, 2 boxes of DC and 2 boxes of Sanguinary Guard, there's not much to say. In fact, I don't even have time to write! I need to build another Baal Pred and start digging through my old stuff, ripping off shoulder pads and replacing them with some new DC iconography.
Depending on the speed of this weekend's build fest, I might make some kit bash some Captains, Sanguinary Priests and Librarians and post the pics here.
Let me know if you guys are building as frantically as me, trying to get some playtest games in. Otherwise, enjoy this blood-soaked weekend everybody! I'll be using this post to update.
Update - 4/3/10, 9:40 pm
3x Baal Predators complete
Update - 4/4/10, 4:09 pm
5x Sanguinary Guard complete
Update - 4/4/10, 10:18 pm
Cut shoulders off 20 or so ASM and replaced some heads with the new DC sprue. My old ASM have been Sanguinified. I also managed to build a Priest and a Librarian with a kit bash between the Apothecary sprue from the SM Command Squad, a few pieces from the Sanguinary box and the DC box. Sorry about the pictures.. it's dark here now :*(
3x Baal Predators complete
Update - 4/4/10, 4:09 pm
5x Sanguinary Guard complete
Update - 4/4/10, 10:18 pm
Cut shoulders off 20 or so ASM and replaced some heads with the new DC sprue. My old ASM have been Sanguinified. I also managed to build a Priest and a Librarian with a kit bash between the Apothecary sprue from the SM Command Squad, a few pieces from the Sanguinary box and the DC box. Sorry about the pictures.. it's dark here now :*(
Thursday, April 1, 2010
BA: Vindicators vs. Predators
My list is pretty much done. I have solidified my HQ choices, my troops and my elite slots. My plan for this weekend is to finish my 3 Baal Predators and incorporate them in every list I can. I just love the look of the thing! There's nothing more badass than a tank can fire spew out more ammunition than your opponents can handle. Since my list is mostly mechanized, I need a Heavy support choice that can fit the needs of my army. I'm talking about the Vindicator or the AC/LC Predator.
One one side, we have the Vindicator: It can move 12" and shoot a S10 AP2 Large Blast Ordnance shot thanks to the Fast rule. Remember what I said about S10? S10 can threaten anything in the game. When it's a 5" large blast template, the kill potential just goes through the roof. When a demolisher shell lands on a group of marines, they just disappear. Even with a 4+ cover save, you're going to be looking at a good amount of them dead. Vs. vehicles, the S10 plus the Ordnance rule means you roll 2 dice for Penetration and take the highest result. This means it has a 1/3rd chance to penetrate a Land Raider as long as it hits. Considering the size of the thing, you have a 1/3 chance to roll a hit, give or take 2" on top of the BS4 scatter and you'll probably land a shot. The Vindicator mauls lesser vehicles like a grizzly bear to a poodle though you should probably shoot at bigger, more juicier targets such as Nob Bikerz or Tyranid Warriors. Anything that's T4 or T5 (or T4(5) bikes) gets instantly killed under the destruction that that the Vindicator can spit out. Multi-wounds mean nothing and it's literally one of the only units in the game that threaten everything on the table. Because of this well-known fact, it attracts a insane amount of attention of the battlefield; almost to a point where nothing else exists.
Let's look at the downsides of the Vindicator. First, it has one weapon that matters. Once that's destroyed, the Vindicator is pretty much useless. The same result can be reached if you silence its guns by shaking it. The good thing is: If you're shooting at the Vindicator, you're not shooting at much else. So how exactly is this a downside really? Because once the main gun goes, it's a AV13 paper weight. The threat goes way down for sure, but don't underestimate that angry gunless Vindicator ramming you from 18" away for a S10 hit. Muhaha. The other thing about the Vindicator is the 24" range on its main gun. Though BA got it pretty good because their Vindies are Fast, but the range is still a limitation when compared to the Predator. Last, the scatter can be a blessing or a curse. I've had some piss poor scatter rolls in the past where my demolisher shell landed on some of my own guys.. but then again, I've also had some piss poor scatter rolls landing on top of my opponents' prized units. With the 5th edition change to scatter, I've had much greater success with Vindicators than last edition overall.
So let's look at the Predator really quick. More specifically, let's look at the Destructor pattern that I plan on taking: Autocannon main gun with Lascannon sponsons. It comes at 135 points vs. the Vindicators 150 (145+Dozer Blade) so its slightly cheaper. Due to the fact that it's also a Fast vehicle, it can move 6" and shoot all of its guns. With a AV13 front, it acts a better version of long-range Dreadnoughts. Looking directly at the weapons and nothing else, the first thing you'll notice is the consistent 48" range. This pretty much means that the Predator can threaten things from anywhere on the board (note: anywhere is a lot different than anything). Compare this with the 24" range of the Vindicator and you're literally looking at double the range. The S7 Heavy 2 Autocannons are pretty crappy.. but they are pretty decent vs. AV10 and 11. AV12 is a little bit of a stretch but that's what the two Lascannon sponsons are good for. Two shots with S9 AP2 at BS4 means you have pretty formidable anti-tank and anti-heavy infantry. When it comes down to putting wounds on a Monstrous Creature, the Predator has the Vindicator beat. But when it comes down to raw killing, the Vindicator is noticeably ahead. Another plus side for the Predator is that it comes with multiple guns. It doesn't become completely neutered after a Weapons Destroyed result.
The downsides of the AC/LC Predator are pretty obvious: It has less killing potential than the Vindicator overall and the S7 AP4 main gun doesn't really pose a threat. The only thing that does real killing is the Lascannons, but you only get two shots with it. This defect is mainly applied to its ability to shatter enemy vehicles but when shooting at MCs, putting more wounds on your target is always a good thing. Another downside of the Predator is that it attracts almost no attention from the enemy. Most of the time its sitting well out of engagement range so your opponents will concentrate more on what's coming towards him; the rest of your units. This can be a blessing for your long-range Predators, but a serious bane to the core elements of your army.
A lot of things to think about.. but I think I'll be playing with two different lists over the next couple of weeks. One of which will have 2x Vindicators and 2x RBs with TLACs.. the other will have 3x Predators with 2x RBs with TLHBs. Since the best way to make a decision is to see the actual army composition, here are my two lists:
15 kp
Mephiston = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
5x ASM (RB/DB, PW/MB, Meltagun) = 145
5x ASM (RB/DB, PW/MB, Meltagun) = 145
2x Sanguinary Priests = 100
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Predator (AC/LC) = 135
Predator (AC/LC) = 135
Predator (AC/LC) = 135
14 kp
Mephiston = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
5x ASM (RB TLAC, PW, Meltagun) = 180
5x ASM (RB TLAC, PW, Meltagun) = 180
Corbulo = 105
Sanguinary Priest = 50
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Vindicator (DB) = 150
Vindicator (DB) = 150
14 kp
Mephiston = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
5x ASM (RB TLAC, PW, Meltagun) = 180
5x ASM (RB TLAC, PW, Meltagun) = 180
Corbulo = 105
Sanguinary Priest = 50
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Vindicator (DB) = 150
Vindicator (DB) = 150
Feel free to comment on my lists or give me advice. Any feedback is strongly appreciated. Thanks for reading.
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