Monday, July 12, 2010

New 8th Ed. Army Predictions

I think most of you have read the article I posted over at BoLS some time ago detailing army tier predictions for 8th Ed.  If you guys missed it, here's the link.  Keep in mind that that particular article was written maybe a week or two before the FAQs were released.

Today's short blurb will be my predictions on what the army tiers are going to look like now that we have the FAQs and people have started playing games already.  Before I go any further, I'm going to use a different way to represent the tiers since there's no definitive tiers yet (lacking actual stats).

Here are the armies that stand out a good amount above the others:
Warriors of Chaos
The Empire

Here are the ones that are smack dead in the middle.  The ones that I feel are slightly above the curve with all things considered are in red, and the ones that are not are in blue.  Depending on the build of the army, these spots are inter-changeable.. which is absolutely fantastic because it shows 8th Ed. will be extremely balanced and fun.
High Elves
Daemons of Chaos
Dark Elves
Vampire Counts
Ogre Kingdoms
Tomb Kings

And here are the armies that I thought lost more than they gained:
Wood Elves

What do you guys think?  I think this list is pretty damn accurate as of right now, but it'll most definitely change as we play more games and discover new combos and tactics.  Stay tuned for my upcoming Army Reviews for 8th Ed. on Bell of Lost Souls.  I got a 3-part article spread coming out soon.

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