Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The latest GK rumors

From various sources, taken from the arrival of the GK Black Boxes from around the world:
  • Nemesis Force Sword is +1 to inv save if they already have one.
  • Nemesis Force Halberd is +2 to initative.
  • Nemesis force stave 2+ invun to close combat wounds.
  • Brotherhood Banner -25 points. +1 attack to unit, and all models in the unit automatically pass there pyschic test for there force weapon.
  • Interesting factoid -Psybolt Ammo gives +1 Strength to Stormbolters,Hurricane bolters,Heavy bolters, Auto Cannons and Assault cannons.
  • Warp Stabilization Field allows Librarian to transport vehicle using the Summoning Power. Servo Skulls act like mystics with extra goodies And Brain mines means affected unit cannot act that assault phase
  • Psycannon: S7 AP4 Assault 2, Heavy 4, Rending
  • Heavy Psycannon: S7 AP4 Large Blast Rending
  • Heavy Incinerator operates like the hellhound(+12")
  • Doomfist are basically Nemesis Dreadnought CCW(ie S10 powerfists)
  • Nemesis Greatsword is S6 but allows rerolls to hit and wound
  • DK Daemonhammer is S10 Thunderhammer
  • All nemesis weapons have daemonbane which basically ignores eternal warrior for daemons and psykers.
  • Psilencer? It's got: Range of 24" Strength 4 AP -Heavy 6 There's also the option for a Gatling Psilencer, which has the same stats excepts it's Heavy 12 A Psilencer always wounds Daemons on a roll of a 4+ unless the score required to wound would normally be less.
  • Psyk grenades has random abilities (waiting to hear more) Rad grenades are -1T Blind grenades are defensive

UPDATE: 10:33am PST, 3-8-11

The First wave has been confirmed!

Grey Knight Codex Softback – £17.50 RRP

Grey Knights Boxed 5 man Set -£20.50 RRp

Can be built as;

* A Grey Knight Squad
* Interceptor Squad (Can teleport 30″ once per game)
* Purgation Squad (Heavy Support can have psy-cannons, psilencer or incenerators. Have psyk-out grenades and can fire at targets the can not see due to Astral Aim.
* Purifier Squad (Elite Squad with 2 attacks and the cleansing flame psychic attack)

The Grey Knight Nemesis Dreadknight – £33 RRP

Grey Knight Terminators / Paladins – £27.70

(Paladins are two wounded ws5 terminators with apothecaries)

Lord Kaldor Draigo – £13.80 RRP

(HQ choice that makes Paladins troops and grants D3 universal special rules)

Castellan Crowe – £10.25

(Makes Purifier Squads Troops)

Jokaero Weaponsmith – £7.70 RRP

An awesome space monkey!

UPDATE: 1:53pm PST, 3-8-11

'm surprised pictures haven't leaked already - saw the pre-release sheet earlier.

While the models are all nicely done, especially the terminator command squad bits, they don't seem to have the WOW factor I was hoping for.

The Jokaero looks pretty small - goblin size, is hunched over and has a few tech/bionic bits, that almost look like a mechadendrite. At his price point he seems costly, like DE razor bird costly.

A lot of the models can come with paired swords, while nice, looks a bit funny.

A plaguebearer head impaled by a great sword and severed daemonette and bloodletter heads carried as options between the power armour and termi squads.

The only major aestheic changes are the Special weapons - they all have top handles for the most part, with often over sized ammo boxes etc, looks odd. The psycannon/psilencer? no sure which one? looks like a cross between the old version,and a grenade launcher with a vehicle stormbolter ammobox stuck on.

The biggest part that they seem lacking is with the helmets sadly. They also seem to be slightly 'off' almost like the homemade ones people make by filing down normal termi heads etc, like they've taken too much off and had no time to do a replacement - but again it's only my opinion.

Despite his fluff heresies the Draigo model is very nice, termi with ornate sword and very fancy and large stormshield (think FW blacktemplar shield size, if not slightly bigger)

The guy that has rending with no power weapon (:cuss???, only grey knight in the list like it as far as I know?) seems ok, but he suffers from brother captain stern style posing.

The Dreadknight while a nice and very lovely model - just does not fit the imperium of man or dare I say it even the grimdark world, far too smooth and none archaic looking, would look much better in a tau pr possibly necon army.

All the guys with hammers look great, and are holding them in lovely action poses.

The Terminators are the winners overall (it would be draigo, but his fluff marks him down ) - the Termi Apothecary bits are my personal fave. They have an impressive looking three barelled special weapon banners etc.

All the stormbolter arms look like they come open palm, closed fist, like the sanguinary guard.

The bare head for the termi captain they used somehow resembles a monkey, satyr horn or the conan style space wolf head, not a fan of it

Any questions feel free to ask.

The Teleport squad have perculiar little tesla coils that stick out of the backvents/vains.

The Termi's make both normal/paladin and cmd squd versions, and from looking at it the power armour guys come with all options, including the special/heavy weapons, though I am unsure if you need to buy more than one box to get a full unit armed with identical weapons.

UPDATE: 11:27pm PST, 3-8-11

what do the following pieces of wargear do:
-psychotroke grenades (Random abilities from 1- nothing to 6- models in unit make individual test and those that fail attack own unit first)
-orbital strike relay (basically same as space marine but more choices/options per turn used)
-daemonblade (random daemonic abilities)
-hellrifle (36" S6 AP4 rending Possibly Heavy1)
-condemnar boltgun (missed this one)
-null rod (and this)
-psyocculum (and this)
-scythian venom talon (+2 poisoned weapon that I think can attack owner)
-ulumeatni plasma syphon (unit firing plasma weapon/s at unit containing this are treated as BS1)

-orbital strike relay (basically same as space marine but more choices/options per turn used) 3 option, barrage, lance and psy-out
-hellrifle (36" S6 AP4 rending Possibly Heavy1) 36", str 6, ap 3 heavy 1 rending
-condemnar boltgun 25", str 5 Ap - ass 1, psi-shock
-null rod power weapon, unsaved wounds on a psyker inflicts instadeath, bearer and squad cannot be affected by psychic powers (friend or enemy)
-psyocculum BS 10 when shooting a psycher (assassin has one AFIK)

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