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Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Sample Ogres list
So I've been toying around with the new Ogres army book recently and man do I think Ogres are funny. Truth be told, I've been looking around for an army that's on the opposite end of my High Elves and I think I might of found the right one. High Elves are small in stature, elite, loves Dragons and has powerful game-changing magic. Ogres are big and fat, ugly as sin, has a pretty small army size (I guess they're elite?), and are just overall hysterical because they're physically everything High Elves aren't.
I don't know, what do you guys think? What would you say are the opposite of High Elves? I already have a VC army sitting in the closet, but I don't think I'll break them out just yet. From the looks of things, 8th Ed. is heading in a great direction and all the books I've seen so far are balanced. For the first time in forever, Games Workshop has been writing balanced books. I know right? Crazy..
As for my Ogres list, check this thing out:
Tyrant = 322
Heavy Armor, Great Weapon
Dragonhelm, Giantbreaker, 4+ Ward
Other Tickster's
The Tyrant here is supposed to be me on the battlefield. A personal avatar if you will. He's big, powerful, is swinging at S8 (-5 to your armor!) and has a 4+/4++ save. Not the best save in the world, but with his ability to make other folks re-roll successful ward saves, he's bound to do a lot of damage. With S8 attacks, anything with a 2+ save gets no armor saves against him.
Lv.4 Slaughtermaster = 285
Maybe I only need a Lv.3 with Ogres, but I decided to spend the extra 35 pts to bump the Slaughtermaster up to a Lv.4. Time will tell if I need more on him.. but for now he's running naked.
Bruiser = 191
BSB, Great Weapon
2+ save, Dragonfire
Simple Bruiser BSB with a 2+ save and the Ironcurse item to give the unit a 6+ save from Warmachine fire. Better than nothing I suppose.. the other contender is the 2+ ward vs. fire/flaming attacks.
Lv.1 Firebelly = 154
Great Weapon
Just a scroll caddy + S4 breath in close combat. The Firebelly also allows me to take away those Regen saves so my Tyrant and Bruiser can go to town.
7x Ogres (Ironfists) = 259
Full Command
The Slaughtermaster chills in this unit and just buffs up the rest of the army and provides dispel support. When needed, they go charging in after the main blocks of units engage.
9x Ironguts = 422
Full Command
The main fighting force of the army right here. With 9x of these dudes, the Tyrant, BSB and Firebelly, I form a 4x3 unit of face-breaking fun. One of the strongest units in the entirety of Warhammer, anything that gets caught in its path gets completely trampled into the ground. Now.. if only I can get into combat without getting molested by Purple Sun or Pit of Shades..
6x Leadbelchers = 258
These guys are at 6x right now but I'm also thinking about dropping them to 4x (in 2x2). Right now with 6, they're putting out 6d6 BS3 S4 armor piercing shots with no moving to fire penalty at 24". That's pretty damn impressive. But with 2x2, they're small and agile enough to shoot down Eagles on my flanks and with the extra points, I can buy Sabretusks to go Warmachine hunting. I don't know, what do you guys think?
4x Mournfang (Ironfists) = 360
Full Command
Dragonhide Banner
A huge threat to anything that lives and breathes. On the charge, they put out 4d3 S5 impact hits, 16 WS3 S5 attacks, 13 WS3 S4 attacks, re-rolls all 1s to hit, wound and failed armor saves (Wolf Standard in WHFB wtf!), has a 2+ armor save with parry and is T4 with 3 wounds each. Talk about the bulkiest heavy cavalry to ever grace the game of Warhammer. Damn. If I want the unit I'm holding onto to stay still, I just pop the Dragonhide Banner's S3 breath attack and everyone that gets hit is striking last next turn. Ridiculous.
Thundertusk = 250
It's a freaking mammoth, why not? Comes stock with 6" ASL aura to all enemy models effected, built in Stonethrower, Bolt Thrower and random 12" S6 Killing Blow ranged attack.
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