Thursday, May 24, 2012

Two games I'm looking at

Now that Diablo III is out the door (I hope you fellas are playing it!) and I'm back from Europe (it was amazing), let's get back into some minis!

To lead some stuff off, there's 2 games that's looking to be pretty promising.  Some of my friends are already looking into one of them and from what I hear, it sounds pretty damn good.  That game is Dust Warfare:

This game takes place in an alternate reality WWIII setting and it's pretty much Red Alert on the table-top.  There are 3 factions in the game; the Axis, Allies and SSU (Sino-Soviet Union).  It's pretty much one of my favorite settings in a game ever, but I haven't got my head around the rules yet.  From what I hear, it's really back and forth with players taking alternate/interactive turns like Infinity and Firestorm Armada.  I ordered the rulebook and its on its way!  I'll let you guys know one I read that thing in and out.

The next game I'm looking out isn't out yet.. but the minis alone is enough to get me into the game.  That game is called Dropzone Commander and it's about Sci-Fi alien races fighting against each other in a 10mm setting.  I guess 10mm is something smaller like Flames of War in terms of scale, but the setting reminds me of Aliens, Halo and the Scrin from CNC3.  The game is made by unheard of developer Hawk Wargames.  The minis and rules come on pre-order in the near future and that's something I'm pretty excited about.

Let me show you some of the minis:

From what I've seen from their latest interview, it seems like the game will be like Ground Control (RTS) on table-top.  Check it out here and here.

Hmm.. very tempting.  Does anyone know anything more about these games?  Which one should I get into?

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