Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mortarion and Fulgrim Primarch stats

Primarch of the Emperor's Children

Fulgrim the Illuminator - 380 points
WS 8
BS 6
S 6
T 6
W 6
I 8
A 5
Ld 10
Sv 2+

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Character: 1 (Unique)
The Gilded Panoply
2+ Armour, 5+ Invun (this increases to 3+ in combat)
Should Fulgrim pass an Armour or Invun save on a 6, the unit that inflicted the wound must pass an initiative test or be Blinded

The Blade of the Laer
Str - As User
AP 2
Melee, Rending, Specialist Weapon, Two Handed

Fire Brand
Master Crafted Volkite Charger which also has Shred

Krak and Plasma Grenades

Special Rules:

Sire of the Emperor's Children
Fulgrim has Crusader, and must always issue and accept challenges if there is someone in combat with WS 5 or higher
Whilst Fulgrim is on the board, all units with Legiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) gain +2 to combat res, and reserve rolls may be re-rolled

Sublime Swordsman
His invun is increased to 3+
He gains more attacks equal to how much his Initiative is better than his opponents

Strategic Planning
A single Warlord Trait from any table may be CHOSEN for Fulgrim

Primarch of the Death Guard

WS 7
BS 5
S 6
T 7
W 7
I 5
A 5
Ld 10
Sv 2+

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Character: 1 (Unique)
The Barberan Plate
2+ Armour Save, 4+ Invun

Str +1
AP 2
Melee, Instant Death, Sunder (may re-roll armour pen rolls), Unwieldy, Two Handed, Sweep Attack (may exchange all attacks to attack every model in base contact)

The Lantern
Str 8
AP 2
Assault 1, Sunder

Frag Grenades

Phospex Bombs (unlimited) - his have a range of 12"

Special Rules

Sire of the Death Guard
All Death Guard have Stubborn
All of their Frag Grenades, Frag Missiles, and Havoc Launchers have Poisoned (4+)

Shadow of the Reaper
Leadership against Fear tests caused by Mortarion suffer a -1
If he isn't in combat or a vehicle in the player's shooting phase, Mortarion may redeploy him (not deep strike) by passing a Ld test
Must be within 10" of starting position, may not finish within 3" of an enemy
May not be placed in a vehicle, building, or impassable terrain
If he was part of a unit he leaves it (obviously)
He may declare charges after performing this move, but it counts as disordered

Preternatural Resilience
Mortarion re-rolls failed Toughness tests and "It Will Not Die!" rolls
Automatically passes any dangerous terrain
Any weapon that wounds on a flat dice roll (for example poison) will only hurt Mortarion on a 6

Witch Spite
Deny the Witch on a 4+

Very Bulky

Monday, September 24, 2012

Chaos Dreams: Death Guard

Enlarge me.

Pretty lame title, I know, but as of right now, most of the upcoming CSM info has been released to the public.  Just in case you guys have been living under a rock the last couple of days, check it out here.

So what's the point of his post?  Well, I just wanted to think outloud and explore some options I have as a Death Guard player.  Now that I know the Plague Marines in the codex will be 24ppm, gain Plague Knives (4+ Poison) and keep everything else (-1 Ld I think, but gain the option to upgrade to Veteran), I think it's time to develop some lists.  Keep in mind that one of the most intriguing things int he upcoming codex is the fact that Typhus will be able to make Cultists Zombies.  I don't know the exact wording on the zombies yet, but if they count as scoring, things are going to be pretty disgusting.  They keep basic Cultist stats but gain FNP, Fearless and Slow and Purposeful.

Hmm.. what kind of army should I field?
Let's see..

For larger armies, I think I'll go with this:
Typhus w/ 7x Terminators, Mark of Nurgle, CbPlasma
Full unit of Cultist Zombies
3x-4x 7-man units of Death Guard, Plasma Guns, Power Fists
Epidemis, 7x Plaguebearers
1x 7-man unit of Havoc with ACs, manning a ADL/Quad-Gun, Mark of Nurgle
2x unit of Oblits, Mark of Nurgle (yes, they can take Marks!)

I don't like the new dragon looking dog mechanics, so the only new models I'll probably pick up is the plastic Raptors.  What do you guys think?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Quick update and some CSM

Dark Apostle?

UPDATED: 9-20-12!

First, check out some of the new pictures of the new CSM:

Scroll to post #109 for all the goodness.

More stuff here:

More stuff:


Second, such is the nature of the gaming industry that I have overtime from now until Heart of the Swarm comes out.  So much for playing minis on Tuesday nights!

Frankly, I do NOT like any of the new CSM minis.  It looks like I'll be doing that all-foot Death Guard army after all..


Chaos Boon Table
(D66 pick 2d6, one is your tens and the other is your ones) 

You have to win a challenge to roll on this table 

11-16 - Nothing 
21-22 - Replace model with Chaos Spawn 
23 - +1 Attack 
24 - Eternal Warrior 
25 - +1 Strength 
26 - +1 BS 
31 - +1 Initiative 
32 - Return to full wounds, if unwounded gain +1 Wound 
33 - +1 Toughness 
34 - Shrouded 
35 - Armour Save improves by 1 
36 - Melee weapon has Fleshbane 
41 - Passing a Deny the Witch roll makes enemy Psyker take a Str 6 AP 2 hit 
42 - Re-roll failed armour saves 
43 - Melee attacks are Poisoned 
44 - Crusader 
45 - Hammer of Wrath 
46 - Icy Aura (enemy models in base contact take a Str 4 AP 5 hit at Initiative Step 1) 
51 - Adamantium Will 
52 - A ranged weapon has +1 Strength 
53 - Hatred (Everything!) 
54 - Shred 
55 - Melee attacks have instant death 
56 - +1 WS 
61 - Stubborn 
62 - Fleet 
63 - Feel No Pain 
64 - Roll another d3+1 on this table (re-rolling Spawnhood and Apotheosis) 
65-66 - Replace model with Daemon Prince 

Warlord Traits 

1 - Friendly units within 12" of Warlord have Preferred Enemy (Space Marines) 
2 - Melee weapons belonging to the Warlord and his unit have Soulblaze 
3 - D3 infantry units may infiltrate (could this be new Creed???) 
4 - Warlord and unit have hatred (everything!) 
5 - Warlord causes Fear 
6 - Warlord may re-roll Chaos Boons 


Here are Psychic Powers and some special rules:


Improvised Armor: 6+ Save 
Powerarmor: 3+ Save 
Terminator Armor: Same as loyalist 
Fleshmetal: 2+ Armor 


Chaos Bike (SM Bike)
Infernal Ammunition: AP3 
Mechadrites: +2 A, includes 1 Meltagun and 1 Flamer 
Plague Grenades: Mark of Nurgle only - Model carries Offensive and Defensive grenades 
Seal of Corruption: 4+ Invulnerable Save 

Gifts of Chaos

Aura of Dark Glory: 5+ Invulnerable Save 
Gift of Mutation: Ahead of Deployment, roll once on the "Rewards of Chaos" table 
Battle-familiar: Model gains 2 additional S4 AP- attacks 
Wizard's familiar: Model may reroll failed Psychic tests 
Warpblood: Everyime a model with Warpblood suffers an unsaved wound, the unit that caused this wound suffers 1 S3 AP4 hit. (it appears this is not limited to close combat) 

Palanquin of Nurgle: Model gains +2 Wounds and +1 Attack and gets the Very bulky special rule 

Bloodcrusher of Khorne: Model gains +1 Toughness, +1 Attack and +1 Wound and changes it's unit type to cavallery 
Steed of Slaanesh: Model changes it's unit type to cavallery. It runs +3 inces. Gains accurate senses and Outflank special rule and is granted +1 attack 
Disk of Tzeentch: Model changes it's unit type to Jetbike and gains +1 Attack 

Icons of Chaos 

All Icons grant +1 on Combat Resolution 
Icon of Revenge: Unit is Fearless 
Icon of Flames: Mark of Tzeentch Only: Boltguns, Heavy Boltguns and Bolt Pistols have the Soul Blaze Special Rule 
Icon of Rage: Furious Charge, Unit may reroll Charge Distance 
Icon of Despair: Mark of Nurgle only: Unit causes Fear 
Icon of Ecess: Mark of Slaanesh Only: Unit gains Feel no Pain 

Marks of Chaos 

Mark of Khorne: Berserker, Counter-attack 
Mark of Nurgle: +1 Toughness 
Mark of Tzeentch: Invulnerable Saves improved by 1 
Mark of Slaanesh: +1 Initiative. 

Mark of Nurgle, Mark of Tzeentch, Mark of Slaanesh: If they are given to a psyker, he must chose at least 1 psychic power of the appendant dicipline. 

Demonprince Upgrades 

Demon of Khorne: Hatred (Demons of Slaanesh), Furious Charge 
Demon of Slaanesh: Hatred (Demons of Khorne), Rending, Fleet of Foot, runs +3 inches 
Demon of Nurgle: Hatred (Demons of Tzeentch), Slow and Purposefull, Shrouded 
Demon of Tzeentch: Hatred (Demons of Nurgle), May Reroll all saves of 1 


May chose psyonic powers from pyromancy, biomancy or telepathy. If he's a demon of Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch he must chose at least 1 psycic power from the appendant dicipline. 

Vehicle Upgrades

Destroyer-Blades: Causes D6 S5 AP - hits while performing a Tank shock. If a Unit choses Death or Glory it suffers 2D6 hits instead 
Warpflames: All ranged weapons have the Soul Blaze special rule 
Whipping Tentacles: Every model suffers -1 attack for each whipping tentacle it has base contact to. (very strange wording here...) 
Twin linked Boltgun: Duh. 
Siege shield: Vehicle automatically passes dangerous terrain tests 
Demon Engine: BS 3. Ignores Crew stunned and Crew shaken on rolls of 2+. When a unit embarks, roll a D6. On a roll of 1 you remove 1 random model as a casulty, and the vehicle regains 1 Hullpoint. 
Magma-cutters. If a Maulerfiend with Magmacutters hits with at least one of it's attacks, it generates 1 extra attack. If it hits with all of it's attacks, it generates 2 additional attacks. These attacks have Initiative 1, S8, AP1 and armorbane. 
Sonic Blaster: Enemy units within 6" may not perform defensive fire. 

Special Rules 

Obliterator Weapons: Kyborgs may chose one of the following weapons: Assault Canon, Heavy Flamer, 
lasCannon, Multimelta, Twinlinked Flamer, TL Plasmagun or TL meltagun. All obliterators must chose the same weapon. They may not chose the same weapon twice in a row.

Mutilator Weapons: Pick one of the following at the start of any combat phase the mutilator is in close combat: Pair of: Lightning Claws, Chain Fists, Power Swords, Power Mauls. All Mutilators must pick the same weapon, and may not chose the same weapon two combat steps in a row. 

Might of the Soulforge: Once per game, at the beginning of a shooting or close combat phase, a model may unleash the might of the Soulforge to reroll all failed to wound/armor penetration rolls. It suffers a glancing hit at a roll of 1 at the end of the phase. 

Master of Machines: A Warpsmith may try to repair a friendly vehicle or curse an enemy vehicle. 

repair: Needs to be in b2b or within the vehicle. On a roll of 5+ (4+ with mechadrites) he restores a hullpoint or removes one weapon destroyed/immobilized result. 
Curse: Shooting attack: 18" range. If it hits, the enemy vehicles weapons have the 'gets hot' special rule. 

Psychic Powers

Discipline of Tzeentch 
Primary Power: Flames of Tzeentch Witchfire, Focus 1 
24", S5, AP-, Blast, Inferno (Inferno: Each unsaved wound causes an aditional D3 S3 AP - Hits) 

1-2: Gift of Mutation: Blessing: Focus 1: 

Friendly Character within 2" suffers a S4 AP-hit and ma roll on the "Rewards of Chaos" table 

3-4: Bolt of Corruption: Beam, Focus1 

18", S8, AP1, Detonation (If the target is an enemy vehicle and suffers a "Vehicle explodes" result the radius of the blast is 2d6 inches instead of D6 inches) 

5-6: Odem of Chaos Witchfire, Focus 2 

Template, S1, AP2, Poison (4+), corrosive. (corrosive: Vehicles hit suffer a glancing hit on a roll of 4+) 

Discipline of Nurgle 

Primary Power: Rot of Nurgle Witchfire, Focus 1 
6", Assault D6+1, Poison (4+), S2 AP 5. No effect on models of Nurgle (yes, model of Nurgle is the actual wording.) 

1-2: Weapon Virus: Curse, Fokus 1 

Range 24". All ranged weapons in the enemy unit have the "gets hot" special rule 

3-4: Plagued Present Curse, Fokus 1 

Range 48". Enemy unit rolls a D3: 
1: Corpsefliesinfestation: -1 attack, shrouded 
2: muscular atrophy: -1 Strength, may not run 
3: Liquifying Fever: -1 Strength and -1 toughness 

5-6: Plagued Wind Fokus 2, Witchfier 

12", S1, AP2, Assault 1, Blast (5"), Poison (4+) 

Discipline of Slaanesh

Primary Power: Overload Witchfire, warp charge 1 
24" S4 AP4 Assault 4, concussive, Blind, Pinning 

1-2: hysterical frenzy Blessing, Warp Charge 1 

Pick non-vehicle unit within 12" and roll a D3 
1: +1 Initiative 
2: +1 Strength 
3: +1 Attack 

3-4: Symphony of Pain Curse, Warp Charge 1 

1 Enemy unit within 24 inches gets -1 BS and -1 WS. All ranged weapons directed at this unit get +1 Strength. 

5-6: extatic wince Witchfire, warp charge 2 

24": S: special, AP - Assault 1. 
Every nonvehicle model in the enemy unit suffers 1 hit with its own strength. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

BR: 1000pts RoF vs. KoB

Vive la France!

Hey guys, today I played a game vs. my friend's KoB with my French navy.  In this BR, I will follow the same unit review format as I did the last BR before moving onto the mission recap.  Overall, I enjoy this format a little more because it gives me the opportunity to highlight the ups and downs of each unit.  It's also easier to track their performance as I write more BRs.

Here are the fleets:

Charlemagne DN (Cloud) = 240
Couronne BCV (Cloud, Fighters) = 150
3x Marseille (RA) = 195
3x Escuyer CA = 165
4x Chevalier DD = 120
4x Chevalier DD = 120
2x 5x TFT = Free!


Majesty DN (2x Shield) = 270
+3x Bastion Escorts = 75
Ruler BB (Shield) = 180
3x Agincourt CA = 240
4x Orion DD = 140
4x Attacker FF = 100
2x 5x TFT = Free!

Field Orders:
Me - Destroy all Large and Massive models in any opposing Fleet.
Him - Destroy or capture at least 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value of any opposing Fleet in Victory Points, including all Medium models.

House Rules:
Repair is actually 4+ because we're both GW gamers.
Critical Tables 2 and 12 have been switched because again, we're GW gamers.

My fleet analysis:
  • My Charlemagne did very well this game.  I activated him first almost every turn just so I can get the Cloud Generator rolling early.  I needed this ship to preform and thus, I kept him advancing and applying damage every turn that I can with his RB3 rockets.  The primary turrets didn't do much until I was able to get into RB1, which combined with my broadside was able to blast apart 2 wounded Agincourts.  With Cloud Generator rolling, Retardant Armor and me closing fast on the enemy, his focused fire was unable to do any real damage to my ship.  When the game ended, I only managed to take a single hull point's worth of damage, while my Heat Lances managed to do 1 Crit and 1 HP to his Dreadnought and 2 points of damage to his BB.  Overall, this guy took a ton of damage and put out some heavy damage himself by charging directly towards both of his capital ships and getting both ships in Heat Lance territory.
  • The Couronne BCV also preformed quite well.  He was able to supply a fighter wing to the party as well as a Recon plane for the extra activation.  I think the biggest contribution that he made to the fight was taking a lot of damage from his fleet.  A lot of fire went into the Couronne because of how Cloud Generator activation works.  If I activate the Charlemange first, my opponent will shoot at my Couronne.  If I activate the Couronne first, my opponent goes after my DN.  Since my DN was instrumental to winning this game vs. his two capitals, I decided that my BCV will take most of the beating.  Even though the Couronne took 3 HP of damage, I managed to down some Orion DDs and Attacker FFs with my broadsides and rockets.  Sadly, his BB launched AP later in the game and derelicted my ship.
  • My Marseille Cruisers were pretty decent.  They were able to soak a good deal of damage being put into them, as well as manuever into advantageous positions with their MV9 and Sea-Skimming.  Damage was pretty decent from them as well as I was able to make some longer distance gunnery shots as well as annihilate some of his Destroyers and Frigates with my broadsides.  Being hit on 5s by torpedoes was also amazing as I was able to fend off an entire Torpedo Fighter squadron by themselves.  The excellent AA from a full squad really helped take the damage off the Cruisers.  Later in the game, these guys made a large sweeping manuever around the enemy BB to prize it.  Since all of his marines and my marines from the BCV killed each other, his BB was left wide open.
  • I really liked the Escuyer CAs.  Their RB2 AA almost seems like cheating because I was able to annihilate a squadron of TFTs after they made their bombing run.  Given I could of sat back a little more and waited for his TFT to come closer, I chose to advance with the rest of my fleet to get better field presence and weighted fire.  Although they limped forward with the rest of my heavier ships, I didn't find their advance too problematic because of the damage their turrets put out from range.  Hitting for 7/6/5 with secondary turrets all the way to RB3 is really good, and the fact that their AA basically eliminates any chance your opponent will board the Escuyers.  I remember in the game when one of his remaining Agincourt Gunships threw his AP at one of my Escuyers.  Those poor, poor men never stood a chance.
  • Last, but not least, I had 2x units of 4x Chevalier DDs as backup fire support.  Yeah, these guys are just really good.  Pack Hunter, a lot of rockets from RB1-3, and good DR.  They were able to put on the hurt to everything in his navy from Frigates all the way to his Gunships.  Overall, these guys can definitely stay in the navy.  Their ranged support is very beneficial to an naval force who needs to get closer to the enemy before they can unleash their more devastating weapons.

The enemy fleet:
  • The Majesty and the Ruler put a lot of shots out at my DN when they should of annihilated my mediums.  My opponent agrees that he lost track of the mission parameters and that killing my smaller ships would of been better than wasting shots at my Cloud Generated, slightly retarded ships.  When he launched his final AP assault on my Charlemange later in the game, he failed to kill any of my Fighter CAP and my AA just blew him to shreds.  I think only 3 of his Elite marines made it on board and my own Elite marines were able to clean house without much problem.  What my opponent did well with his capital ships was change fire on whichever of my capital ships activated first so he can shoot at the one without the Cloud Generator.  This is how he managed to put on good damage on my Couronne early, but he got tunnel visioned into the Charlemange later after I threw out 14 dice vs. his Majesty and critted it for damaged engines.
  • The Agincourts performed as expected, and their damage mauled my Chevaliers, but poor dice meant they couldn't do much to my other stuff.  I believe he shot at the Escuyers a couple of times and just didn't get anywhere with their damage.  With his field orders being kill my mediums, this was extremely frustrating for him.  I made the mistake of spreading damage on his Agincourts when I should of just focused one down after another.  It was their torpedoes that did the most damage, but my focus on weakening their primaries kept their AP a threat as well.  I know I will be focus firing them down next game instead of spreading the love.
  • As for the rest of his units, they all preformed as well as they're going to.  His Destroyers and Frigates did solid damage to my Chevaliers, but their performance vs. my Marseilles were very poor.  The Sea-Skimming made their torps very weak, and their main guns were unable to breach the Retardant Armor that my Marseilles had.  The fact that I flew over land in the later parts of the game kept torpedoes out of the question entirely.  Overall though, they did solid damage to my smaller ships but was unable to do anything to my bigger ships.

  • I believe my activation order and firing priority was better than my opponent.  He got tunnel visioned into killing my bigger ships instead of focusing primaries at my mediums.  If he managed to kill 5 Destroyers and all my Cruisers, the game would of been his.  However, this was not the case and I'm sailing back to France with a Ruler BB in tow.

Game Preview: THON

A new sci-fi miniatures game!

Check out the game on their official facebook page!

THON is a fast paced tactical wargame for two or more players, pitting the Starlight defending Thonians against the mighty terraforming Sons of Ord. When the Thonians expanded the inter-Starlight network to include the non-allied Eastern Worlds many joined the new Alliance but one however did not…

More concept art:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Updated 6th Ed. 40K FAQs!

Right here:

Some things that stood out after skimming..

Page 53 – Commander Dante, The Axe Mortalis.
Replace the entry with the “The Axe Mortalis is a power axe
with the Master-crafted special rule.”

Page 58 – Dark Eldar Wargear, Huskblade.
Change the last sentence to read “A huskblade is an AP2 melee
weapon with the Instant Death special rule.”

Page 45 – Astorath the Grim, The Executioner’s Axe.
Replace the first sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type -
- 6 2 Melee, Two-handed,

Page 55 – Typhus, Manreaper.
Replace this entry with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee, Daemon
Weapon, Force,

Page 48 – Khârn the Betrayer, Gorechild.
Replace the last sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
Gorechild - +1 2 Melee,

Page 93 – Daemon Weapons, Daemon Weapon (Lords with no
Mark of Chaos).
Replace the last sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- +1 2 Melee, Daemon
Daemon Weapon: This weapon gives its wielder +D6 Attacks in
close combat. Roll the dice at the beginning of each Fight subphase the wielder is in close combat. If the result is a 1, the
model may not make any Attacks in this sub-phase and suffers
one Wound with no armour saves allowed.

Page 93 – Daemon Weapons, Bloodfeeder.
Replace the second and third sentences with the following
Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee, Bloodfeed,
Daemon Weapon,
Bloodfeed: A model with a Bloodfeeder gains 2D6 Attacks
rather than D6. If either dice rolls a 1, the model does not
attack and suffers one Wound as described above (not one
Wound for each 1 rolled).

Page 93 – Daemon Weapons, Plaguebringer.
Replace the last sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee,
Daemon Weapon,
Poisoned (4+),

Page 93 – Daemon Weapons, Blissgiver.
Replace the last sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee,
Daemon Weapon,
Instant Death,

Q: If Chaos Space Marines are allied to Chaos Daemons, do they roll
for scatter if Deep Striking within 6" of a Chaos Icon carried by a
Chaos Daemon model? (p81)
A: If the wording on the Chaos Icon’s description refers to ‘all
friendly units’, then yes. If not, then the Chaos Icon only
affects the specific units referred to in its description.

Page 85 – Special Equipment, Wings.
Replace this entry with “Infantry models equipped with wings
add ‘Jump’ to their unit type. Daemon Princes with wings add
‘Flying’ to their unit type.”

Q: What happens when a Farseer with Runes of Witnessing rolls for his
Psychic test when there is an enemy Farseer with Runes of Warding on
the battlefield? (p26)
A: The two pieces of wargear cancel each other out; neither
takes effect..
Q: Are the e ects of the multiple Runes of Warding cumulative (i.e. two
Runes of Warding in range would cause the character to roll 4D6 when
taking psychic tests)? (p26)
A: No.

Q: Do Dark Eldar allies count as Eldar for the Farseer psychic
powers Fortune and Guide? (p28)
A: No.

Q: Do Haywire weapons, vibro-cannons and D-weapons (D-cannon,
wraithcannons, etc.) affect fortifications in the same way they do
vehicles? (var)
A: Yes.

Q: Can Vibro Cannons hit Zooming Flyers or Swooping Flying
Monstrous Creatures, if the line drawn by the Eldar player touches these
models? (p45)
A: No. They can, however, hit Hovering Flyers and Gliding
Flying Monstrous Creatures

Q: Does a Nemesis Dreadknight armed with a Nemesis greatsword have
4 Attacks at Strength 10 that, because of the Nemesis greatsword, can
re-roll To Hit, To Wound and Armour Penetration rolls?(p54)
A: Yes.

Q: Can a model take a cover save from the Jink special rule against
shooting attacks made by Hive Guard impaler cannons? (p47)
A: No.

Page 81 – Mindshackle Scarabs.
Change the first sentence to read “At the start of the Fight subphase, after charges have been made, but before any blows are
struck, randomly select a non-vehicle enemy model in base
contact with the bearer of the mindshackle scarabs.”

Q: Do units hit by lightning as a result of Imotekh’s Lord of the Storm
special rule benefit from the Stealth or Shrouded special rules due to
Night Fighting? (p55).
A: No.

Q: If mindshackle scarabs are used against a model with a force
weapon or a weapon which allows the wielder to inflict Instant Death
with a successful Leadership test, can the Necron player force the enemy
model to utilise this ability? (p81)
A: Yes.

Q: If mindshackle scarabs are used against a model whose weapon
gives them additional Attacks in close combat for any reason, are these
attacks added to the number of hits the model causes on their unit (for
example a Daemon Weapon)? (p81)
A: No.

Page 410 – Reference, Profile, Codex: Grey Knights, Paladins.
Change unit type to Infantry.

Page 411 – Reference, Profile, Codex: Space Wolves, Wolf Guard.
Change unit type to Infantry.

Page 413 – Reference, Profile, Codex: Orks, Nob.
Change unit type to Infantry and add the following Designer’s

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