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Dark Apostle? |
UPDATED: 9-20-12!
First, check out some of the new pictures of the new CSM:
Scroll to post #109 for all the goodness.
More stuff here:
More stuff:
Second, such is the nature of the gaming industry that I have overtime from now until Heart of the Swarm comes out. So much for playing minis on Tuesday nights!
Frankly, I do NOT like any of the new CSM minis. It looks like I'll be doing that all-foot Death Guard army after all..
Chaos Boon Table
(D66 pick 2d6, one is your tens and the other is your ones)
You have to win a challenge to roll on this table
11-16 - Nothing
21-22 - Replace model with Chaos Spawn
23 - +1 Attack
24 - Eternal Warrior
25 - +1 Strength
26 - +1 BS
31 - +1 Initiative
32 - Return to full wounds, if unwounded gain +1 Wound
33 - +1 Toughness
34 - Shrouded
35 - Armour Save improves by 1
36 - Melee weapon has Fleshbane
41 - Passing a Deny the Witch roll makes enemy Psyker take a Str 6 AP 2 hit
42 - Re-roll failed armour saves
43 - Melee attacks are Poisoned
44 - Crusader
45 - Hammer of Wrath
46 - Icy Aura (enemy models in base contact take a Str 4 AP 5 hit at Initiative Step 1)
51 - Adamantium Will
52 - A ranged weapon has +1 Strength
53 - Hatred (Everything!)
54 - Shred
55 - Melee attacks have instant death
56 - +1 WS
61 - Stubborn
62 - Fleet
63 - Feel No Pain
64 - Roll another d3+1 on this table (re-rolling Spawnhood and Apotheosis)
65-66 - Replace model with Daemon Prince
Warlord Traits
1 - Friendly units within 12" of Warlord have Preferred Enemy (Space Marines)
2 - Melee weapons belonging to the Warlord and his unit have Soulblaze
3 - D3 infantry units may infiltrate (could this be new Creed???)
4 - Warlord and unit have hatred (everything!)
5 - Warlord causes Fear
6 - Warlord may re-roll Chaos Boons
Here are Psychic Powers and some special rules:
Improvised Armor: 6+ Save
Powerarmor: 3+ Save
Terminator Armor: Same as loyalist
Fleshmetal: 2+ Armor
Chaos Bike (SM Bike)
Infernal Ammunition: AP3
Mechadrites: +2 A, includes 1 Meltagun and 1 Flamer
Plague Grenades: Mark of Nurgle only - Model carries Offensive and Defensive grenades
Seal of Corruption: 4+ Invulnerable Save
Gifts of Chaos
Aura of Dark Glory: 5+ Invulnerable Save
Gift of Mutation: Ahead of Deployment, roll once on the "Rewards of Chaos" table
Battle-familiar: Model gains 2 additional S4 AP- attacks
Wizard's familiar: Model may reroll failed Psychic tests
Warpblood: Everyime a model with Warpblood suffers an unsaved wound, the unit that caused this wound suffers 1 S3 AP4 hit. (it appears this is not limited to close combat)
Palanquin of Nurgle: Model gains +2 Wounds and +1 Attack and gets the Very bulky special rule
Bloodcrusher of Khorne: Model gains +1 Toughness, +1 Attack and +1 Wound and changes it's unit type to cavallery
Steed of Slaanesh: Model changes it's unit type to cavallery. It runs +3 inces. Gains accurate senses and Outflank special rule and is granted +1 attack
Disk of Tzeentch: Model changes it's unit type to Jetbike and gains +1 Attack
Icons of Chaos
All Icons grant +1 on Combat Resolution
Icon of Revenge: Unit is Fearless
Icon of Flames: Mark of Tzeentch Only: Boltguns, Heavy Boltguns and Bolt Pistols have the Soul Blaze Special Rule
Icon of Rage: Furious Charge, Unit may reroll Charge Distance
Icon of Despair: Mark of Nurgle only: Unit causes Fear
Icon of Ecess: Mark of Slaanesh Only: Unit gains Feel no Pain
Marks of Chaos
Mark of Khorne: Berserker, Counter-attack
Mark of Nurgle: +1 Toughness
Mark of Tzeentch: Invulnerable Saves improved by 1
Mark of Slaanesh: +1 Initiative.
Mark of Nurgle, Mark of Tzeentch, Mark of Slaanesh: If they are given to a psyker, he must chose at least 1 psychic power of the appendant dicipline.
Demonprince Upgrades
Demon of Khorne: Hatred (Demons of Slaanesh), Furious Charge
Demon of Slaanesh: Hatred (Demons of Khorne), Rending, Fleet of Foot, runs +3 inches
Demon of Nurgle: Hatred (Demons of Tzeentch), Slow and Purposefull, Shrouded
Demon of Tzeentch: Hatred (Demons of Nurgle), May Reroll all saves of 1
May chose psyonic powers from pyromancy, biomancy or telepathy. If he's a demon of Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch he must chose at least 1 psycic power from the appendant dicipline.
Vehicle Upgrades
Destroyer-Blades: Causes D6 S5 AP - hits while performing a Tank shock. If a Unit choses Death or Glory it suffers 2D6 hits instead
Warpflames: All ranged weapons have the Soul Blaze special rule
Whipping Tentacles: Every model suffers -1 attack for each whipping tentacle it has base contact to. (very strange wording here...)
Twin linked Boltgun: Duh.
Siege shield: Vehicle automatically passes dangerous terrain tests
Demon Engine: BS 3. Ignores Crew stunned and Crew shaken on rolls of 2+. When a unit embarks, roll a D6. On a roll of 1 you remove 1 random model as a casulty, and the vehicle regains 1 Hullpoint.
Magma-cutters. If a Maulerfiend with Magmacutters hits with at least one of it's attacks, it generates 1 extra attack. If it hits with all of it's attacks, it generates 2 additional attacks. These attacks have Initiative 1, S8, AP1 and armorbane.
Sonic Blaster: Enemy units within 6" may not perform defensive fire.
Special Rules
Obliterator Weapons: Kyborgs may chose one of the following weapons: Assault Canon, Heavy Flamer,
lasCannon, Multimelta, Twinlinked Flamer, TL Plasmagun or TL meltagun. All obliterators must chose the same weapon. They may not chose the same weapon twice in a row.
Mutilator Weapons: Pick one of the following at the start of any combat phase the mutilator is in close combat: Pair of: Lightning Claws, Chain Fists, Power Swords, Power Mauls. All Mutilators must pick the same weapon, and may not chose the same weapon two combat steps in a row.
Might of the Soulforge: Once per game, at the beginning of a shooting or close combat phase, a model may unleash the might of the Soulforge to reroll all failed to wound/armor penetration rolls. It suffers a glancing hit at a roll of 1 at the end of the phase.
Master of Machines: A Warpsmith may try to repair a friendly vehicle or curse an enemy vehicle.
repair: Needs to be in b2b or within the vehicle. On a roll of 5+ (4+ with mechadrites) he restores a hullpoint or removes one weapon destroyed/immobilized result.
Curse: Shooting attack: 18" range. If it hits, the enemy vehicles weapons have the 'gets hot' special rule.
Psychic Powers
Discipline of Tzeentch
Primary Power: Flames of Tzeentch Witchfire, Focus 1
24", S5, AP-, Blast, Inferno (Inferno: Each unsaved wound causes an aditional D3 S3 AP - Hits)
1-2: Gift of Mutation: Blessing: Focus 1:
Friendly Character within 2" suffers a S4 AP-hit and ma roll on the "Rewards of Chaos" table
3-4: Bolt of Corruption: Beam, Focus1
18", S8, AP1, Detonation (If the target is an enemy vehicle and suffers a "Vehicle explodes" result the radius of the blast is 2d6 inches instead of D6 inches)
5-6: Odem of Chaos Witchfire, Focus 2
Template, S1, AP2, Poison (4+), corrosive. (corrosive: Vehicles hit suffer a glancing hit on a roll of 4+)
Discipline of Nurgle
Primary Power: Rot of Nurgle Witchfire, Focus 1
6", Assault D6+1, Poison (4+), S2 AP 5. No effect on models of Nurgle (yes, model of Nurgle is the actual wording.)
1-2: Weapon Virus: Curse, Fokus 1
Range 24". All ranged weapons in the enemy unit have the "gets hot" special rule
3-4: Plagued Present Curse, Fokus 1
Range 48". Enemy unit rolls a D3:
1: Corpsefliesinfestation: -1 attack, shrouded
2: muscular atrophy: -1 Strength, may not run
3: Liquifying Fever: -1 Strength and -1 toughness
5-6: Plagued Wind Fokus 2, Witchfier
12", S1, AP2, Assault 1, Blast (5"), Poison (4+)
Discipline of Slaanesh
Primary Power: Overload Witchfire, warp charge 1
24" S4 AP4 Assault 4, concussive, Blind, Pinning
1-2: hysterical frenzy Blessing, Warp Charge 1
Pick non-vehicle unit within 12" and roll a D3
1: +1 Initiative
2: +1 Strength
3: +1 Attack
3-4: Symphony of Pain Curse, Warp Charge 1
1 Enemy unit within 24 inches gets -1 BS and -1 WS. All ranged weapons directed at this unit get +1 Strength.
5-6: extatic wince Witchfire, warp charge 2
24": S: special, AP - Assault 1.
Every nonvehicle model in the enemy unit suffers 1 hit with its own strength.
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