Monday, December 17, 2012

The Hobbit - LotR minis game?

LotR, anyone a fan?

Alright guys, now that most of you have seen The Hobbit, I think it's time to talk about the Strategy Battle Game.  It's been a long time since I did anything with LotR (last game I worked on was Battle for Middle-Earth II).

I haven't bought the rulebook yet, but I'm thinking about picking it up and checking out the rules.  I'm fairly convinced I'm going to play either the Galadhrim and Rivendell Elves.  Maybe even some units of the High Elves, I'm not really sure.  Whatever the case is, I'm looking at Elves although Gondor and Dwarves look pretty nice as well.

Does anyone own the rulebook and/or play LotR the Strategy Battle Game?  If so, can you tell me some stuff about the game?

I don't think I'm going to get into War of the Ring because my big fantasy game is reserved for WHFB.  However, a small skirmish-style GW game with my favorite LotR stuff sounds pretty kick ass.

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