Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bohun Revenge

Ukraine, XVI-th century. The southern part of the country borders with the Crimean Khanate's land, which is headed by the brutal and bloody ruler Chuluk-Bay. Regiments of horde mercilessly attacked the ukrainian land, plundering and killing them, small children and women were taken in slavery. But there were those who resisted the conquerors legendary warriors cossacks. Council of Elders elected cossack Bohun for hazardous mission to destroy the leader of the horde Chuluk-Bey. There are rumors that Chuluk-Bay worships dark Gods and he takes his strength from them. But Bohun has also secret light mother-earth's wisdom. He is ready to apply it against Dark Khan to conquer and liberate his people. Bohun will steal in the den of Chuluk-Bay in the night to avoid the numerous enemy forces.

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