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Sunday, November 14, 2010
DE vs. Mech IG and Tyranids
I don't normally take anything from Warseer seriously because most of that forum is filled with terribads and trigger happy mods. Good thing that once in a while, I'll run across a thread or two that's actually worth a damn.
The topic of the day here is about footslogging IG being a problem for Dark Eldar. Umm.. no. I don't know how many times people have tried to talk across the table in 5th Ed. and have lost. If you're not playing Castle Eldar or Horde Orks w/ Killakanz then I have no idea what you're doing outside of transports. The only time I've seen Horde IG work was against 50/50 Blood Angels list because there's too many IG dudes to kill before they shoot you to death. Seriously, one of the worst things to happen to assault units this edition is not being able to consolidate back into assault. You know what, I really hope next edition features some kind of "overrun" option for assault troops winning combat. In this edition, you almost always want to stay in combat so you don't get fucking shot in the face by Mech IG's 3 billion AP3/2 blast weapons before you can do anything heroic.
Against DE, the only type of "footslog" I can see is a good portion of Chimeras and Auto-cannon HWT spam. I'm telling you right now, point for point, AC HWTs is going to stomp most DE players if they're taking a good amount of Raiders. I predict Mech IG will have little problem with the Dark Eldar book.
Like Vaktathi explains in the Dark Eldar vs. Mech IG matchup:
I honestly have a hard time thinking of a worse army for DE to have to face than mech IG. The popular Soul-trap/huskblade combo on your HQ? pointless (most IG armies have no IC's and there are no MC's in the army). Expensive incubi unit? Overkill against infantry and worthless against tanks. Wyches/Wracks? You don't need anything that CC specialized to smash guardsmen in CC. Heat Lances? Worse against AV12 than a normal meltagun in terms of average armor penetration. 4+ Poisoned weapons on everything? Sorta weak against T3 5+sv infantry (awesome when one can rapid fire a wraithlord to death with basic guns, not so awesome when they aren't that amazing against basic IG infantry). Power through Pain? Great, you have to shoot up a bunch of tanks, *then* kill a bunch of infantry to get a pain token, which gives DE units FNP, negated by the massed Autocannon/Multilaser fire and anything heavier that IG tend to bring in droves (and the second and third pain tokens are of far more dubious value). The basic Chimera is a nightmare for DE. Lots of Dark Lances? Great, they hit on a 3, glance AV12 on a 4 and pen on a 5 and kill on a 5+ penn. Multilasers hit only on a 4, but glance/pen on the same value back, but kill on a 4+ pen/6+ glance, with *3* times as many shots, and Heavy Bolters can kill any vehicle in the army as well. Blasters? They do to IG tanks and infantry what *grenade launchers* do back to DE vehicles and infantry (aside from the Lance being incredibly useful against Leman Russ tanks, definite point there) with twice the range and a Blast mode.
DE aren't a bad army at all, rather they look to be very good against most opponents with the exception of IG, and most especially mech IG. If anything, I'd expect to seem them push many IG players *to* mech instead of *away* from mech. DE are an army that is wonderful at destroying large units, very tough units, IC's/MC's, and expensive and highly capable units. They fall flat very hard when trying to deal with lots of weeny stuff, as most of their stuff is grossly overkill and results in being rather wasted points.
I honestly have to agree with him. Dark Eldar is overkill vs. the entire IG army that points for points, they lose in effectiveness. S8 Lance weapons are mediocre vs. AV12 Chimeras and they can field a lot more tanks that can fight you for better points. I'm not going to explain it any further because I think Vaktathi did a good job, so I'm going to leave it at that.
Now another thread that I noticed in the Dark Eldar matchup discussions was the OMG Tyranids are going to get raped! thread. Now this thread is seriously funny. Yeah, Poison Weapons and Agonizers is going to shit on your big beasts and yeah, Dark Lance spam is going to shut down Warriors.. but hey guess what? That's the metagame. Adapt or die - take more cheap Hormagaunts and try out Venomthropes instead of massing Swarmlord tactics and Trygons. Kthx.
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