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Might is right! |
Hey guys, I didn't take pictures this time around so I apologize ahead. This BR will be summary form, taking vital information gathered during the game and sharing it in bullet point format. The one thing to keep in mind from these BRs is that they're not actually BRs, they're self-reflections on the pros and cons of my play.
My army list:
14 VP
Succubus (Agonizer, BP, Haywires) = 105
5x Warriors (Raider NS, Blaster) = 130
10x Warriors (Raider, NS, SR, Blaster, SC) = 195
10x Warriors (Raider, NS, SR, Blaster, SC) = 195
9x Wyches (Raider NS/AS, Hekatrix/VB/PGL, Haywires) = 215
10x Wyches (Raider NS/AS, Hekatrix/VB/PGL, Haywires) = 225
Ravager (NS) = 115
Ravager (NS) = 115
Voidraven (NS/FF, 4x SF) = 205
Notable changes:
-The Wyches' Hekatrix were trying out Venom Blades and PGLs with the 20 points I would normally spend on Agonizers.
-I dropped Blast Pistols because I didn't have the points.
-10 points remaining means I took Aethersails for both of my Wych Raiders.
Mission: Purge the Alien
Deployment: Dawn of War
- I got Night Attacker as my Strategic Trait and forced NF for the first round of combat without needing to roll. Once again, I have to advocate the strength of the Strategic tree for my Warlord.
- My opponent got the first turn and I deployed defensively. I made sure all my opponent's ranged weapons were either 36" away, or out of range because of Night Shields. Unfortunately for my opponent, I seized the initiative and quickly went up 2 KP by popping 2 transports.
- Ork's retaliatory shooting was powerful, but Night Shields, out of range because of Night Fighting, Shrouding, Stealth, and Jink prevented a lot of damage. There was also a healthy amount of half-wrecked buildings on the board so I was able to manuver some vehicles out of LoS from the Lootas. Those things are insanely powerful this edition, so I deployed and moved far away from them. I needed my bomber on the field to counter them.
- At the end of the Ork's phase, he managed to down 2 of my Raiders through sheer weight of fire. The Battle Wagon holding 20 Shoota Boyz put out a ridiculous amount of dice. Watch out for those, as they can now move 12" and Snap Fire (same as your Raider gunboats). I shot from my gunboats after moving 12" but my rolling was quite trash.
- On the second turn, one of my Kabal Warrior gunboats advanced 6" and Rapid Fire into a Shoota squad out of cover down to half of its models. The Splinter Racks on the gunboats is huge! My wych squad finished the rest of the squad from Splinter Pistol shots and a grenade before charging in and killing the lone Mekboy.
- My Voidraven fails to come in from Reserves so I fly my Raiders out of LoS and range of the Lootas. He moves them out of cover to help the fight that's across the map. I had a terrible round of shooting with my Lances so his Battle Wagon with Shootas light up another Raider. Between his outflanking Deffkoptas, his Grot artillery and a few Lootas, he manages to drive a Ravager into the ground after jinking and cover saves.
- In the next couple of rounds, my opponent tries his hand at assaulting some of my units. I thought I had a bad run with Lances on my second round, but his assaults were pretty pathetic. He had some Tankhuntas charge my Warriors in cover and managed to tie combat. My Wyches came and whipped them out before consolidating back into cover. This is where I saw the strength of PGL giving me defensive grenades (Stealth vs. all units 8" away) on top of having FNP because of the Pain Token.
- Let's just say that the next couple of rounds consisted of me shooting poisoned shots into Orks out of cover and me making outrageous 4+ cover saves + FNP. The PGL really helped in an assault where I got charged by Burnas. Due to the fact they didn't get any bonus attacks, my Succubus and Hekatrix just ripped a big chunk out of them. After winning combat by a substantial amount, I ran them down because of my I8 Succubus leading the squad.
- CC damage wise, the Agonizer is definitely better vs. the likes of Plague Marines or Nob Bikerz with 3+ armor saves. The Venom Blade, is definitely better vs. anything with a 2+. Now I gotta decide how I want my CC squads, Venom Blades on the Hekatrix or Succubus? Who should carry the Agonizers in an all-comers list?
- On the turn that his Dakkajet came in, he shot the crap out of a Wych squad that's out of cover. I had recently killed his Mekboy and his Jet comes out of nowhere and shoots 4 of my Wyches down even though I had FNP. Just keep in mind that S6 shots really take a serious hit on T3 units.
- On the turn that my Voidraven came in, I shot 2x Shatterfield Missiles (mistake here: templates, blast and large blast weapons cannot hit flyers!) and 2x Void Lances into the Dakkajet. I got lucky on the counter-jetting because I failed my first reserve. Anyways, I rolled 2 pens and rolled double 2s for the results. Hmm.. Ork shooting and twin-linked BS1 really doesn't mean anything. However, the Voidraven did make his mark when I shot a bunch of Lootas out of cover with SF missiles next turn and inflicted 14 wounds. The remaining Lootas ran for the hills and couldn't rally because he was under 25%.
- Focus Fire came into play when I directed my the Lances and Blasters from my remaining units into his Meganob squad. Since my I could only fire 1 Lance at a time, I might as well pick off the Nobz that were out of cover. Sheer weight of Rapid Fire Poison managed to inflict enough wounds on the 2+ armor squad that by the time my Succubus charged the squad, a Nob was the only one who's left. The big thing to take from this is the fact that the Warboss and his different save (2+/5++) and true Toughness 5 was able to soak up a ton of damage. He just doesn't give a fuck about S8 AP2 anymore, and that makes me sad.
- We called the game right before Turn 5 because I was leading by a ton of VPs (12-5 VPs). In addition to units killed, I killed his Warlord, was in his deployment zone and drew First Blood. I actually like the different ways to acquire VPs in addition to killing enemy units.
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