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Stomping on people's faces.. kinda. |
Keep in mind that I always build my lists to be competitive all-comers, none of that tailoring shit. To sum up my experiences so far..
Game #1 - My Tau vs. solo DE with Venomspam
Huge win. Turkey shoot in my favor, even with him going first and getting stealth. The pure amount of S7 twin-linked, SMS and my Drone Controlling Commander just blew him out of the water. I think I killed 2 Ravagers, 4 Venoms and a Raider in my first turn of shooting, while severely crippling other things. Just look at my list below, it's a pretty standard shooting list with Tau.
Game #2 - My DE/Eldar vs. Mechdar
Lose by 2, even with me deploying mostly everything in reserve and hiding my Night Spinner. My DE elements got shot to crap and my WS could not outmatch a greater number of WS and Wraithknights. Razorwings couldn't do anything significant vs. the WKs when they're getting cover + Shrouding from the Telepathy Farseer, and even without AA, he just forced enough twin-linked Ignore Cover shots and killed off my Razorwings without any issues.
Game #3 - My pure DE vs. Tau
Draw. I went first, Ravagers shot into the Broadsides and killed a full unit. Rest of my shooting was uneventful, and I had 3x Razorwings and 2x Gunboats in reserve ready to drop in. I roll like ass for reserves, bringing in 1 Razorwing which gets intercepted and destroyed by the Quad-gun, a single Gunboat comes in and tries to shoot down a half-health Riptide but instead gets Intercepted and exploded, then the rest of my crap blows up because of SMS, Missile Pods, and Ignore Cover MSSS Commander granting it to Crisis Suits. I end up tying the game with First Blood, Warlord (lance gibbed), Linebreaker, and scratching the bottom of the barrel with like 4 Warriors left holding onto an objective.
Game #4 - My Mechdar vs. pure DE
Huge win. The game was over on T1 on my turn. He deploys in front of me under Night Fighting, I had 5x WS, 2x Prisms and a Night Spinner with CHEx on call. Didn't need to do any counter-reserving since an Autarch was my commander. First round begins, I destroy 2 Ravagers, a Venom, 2 Raiders, kill an entire Warrior squad, and another gets pinned, while the Trueborn in the Venom are left staggering. He concedes, even with 2x Haemonculi and 2x Scourges with 4x HWB in reserve. Why would Mechdar care?
Game #5 - My mixed Eldar vs. pure DE
Huge win. I think my opponent had some Groteques, which gets gibbed and shot to crap from my Guide/Divination double WK list, and the rest of his army evaporates to 4x WS with Scatters. This list had more Raiders in there, but it just couldn't do enough damage to my WKs due to BS4, wounding on 4s, cover, and my Farseer was invincible with 2+ cover re-rollable, which the DE player couldn't touch because he's pure DE.
Lists are as follows, all 1850:
Pure DE-
Succubus with 9x Wyches in Raider
3x Gunboats with Warriors in Raiders
2x 5x Warriors in Raiders
All with Blasters, lance on the Raider and Athersails
3x Razorwing with Lances
3x Ravagers
Archon, Autarch
5x Warriors in Raider with Blaster
2x Gunboats with 10x Warriors in Raiders, the works
2x 5x Dire Avengers in Holo WS, Scatter, SC, Stones
2x Razorwing with Lances
3x Ravagers with Lances
1x Night Spinner, Holo, Stones
My Tau-
Buffmander with Drone Controller, MSSS
Fireblade in 12x Fire Warriors
Another 12x Fire Warriors and a smaller 6x Warrior unit
All behind ADL with Quad-gun with Fireblade on the gun
2x XV104 Riptides with Early Warning, SMS and Ion Accel
3x Crisis Suits with TL Missiles, BS Filter and Early Warning
12x Marker Drones chilling with the Buffmander
2x 3x XV88 Broadsides with HY Missiles and Target Lock
1x Hammerhead Gunship with Dpod and Submunitions
My Mechdar-
5x Min Dire Avenger WS, Scatters, Holo, Stones
Crimson Hunter Exarch
2x Fire Prisms, Holo, Stones
1x Night Spinner, Holo, Stones
Another version-
Laughing Seer, Telepathy for Shrouding
Autarch for reserves
4x Min Dire Avenger WS, Scatters, Holo, Stones
Crimson Hunter
2x Wraithknights
1x Night Spinner, Holo, Stones
I'm lucky enough to find some Eldar and Tau players on Vassal because that's pretty much all you find in the competitive scene. Tau can do some seriously stupid shit to Dark Eldar, pretty much turning them inside out with all the high-volume, high-strength, Ignore Cover bullshit from a million miles away. At least when I had Night Shields I was able to pick at him from range because I had NS on all my vehicles, now they just don't give a shit. You match range with their 36" Broadsides and you're forced to shoot into cover because you don't have any Ignore Cover of your own. From early observations playing with and against, I would place Tau at 85-15 odds vs. pure DE.
As for Mechdar, lol, forget about it. I don't know how you're supposed to tackle that kind of pressure from Wave Serpents. They move fast, pretty much kills any one of your vehicles with a push of a button, and takes almost no damage on return fire from your lances. If you want to play the DS reserve war, their Autarchs does a better job at it. If you have Scourges, you're screwed because where are you going to drop them that's safe from the Serpents and still do a good job? The fact that they can just move and receive a +1 cover is huge, compared to the Jink saves DE makes and gets completely ignored. Wraithknights punch out Grotesques all day, while their natural T8 make them a nightmare to do damage to with lances. This basically means that you want to take more Venoms naturally, but if you do, you're just going to eat it from Wave Serpents because you really don't have a solid answer. I think this is one matchup you're just going to eat it if you're not taking some Eldar elements yourself. It's almost unwinnable: 95-5 vs. pure DE.
Not only do I feel those two matchups are ridiculously difficult for Dark Eldar, but their books are superior in almost every way. It's all about options, and they got a lot more than we do. Sorry.
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