Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Five Star Link

One of the best D&D resources on teh intarweb is Jans Carton's Hypertext d20 SRD. Navigating Carton's site is much simpler than flipping through a rulebook. I've used the Hypertext SRD to prep numerous encounters and to sift through tricky rules. Right now I've got a print-out from the site that lists all the SRD monsters. I'm using it as a brainstormer, crossing off all the monsters I've used recently and seeing if anything left pops out at me. I haven't used an Aranea since the last time I ran X1 The Isle of Dread, that was probably around 1989 or '90 and my last Naga deployment was probably that long ago, too. And I've never used a Nightshade or a Titan. Lotsa neat possibilities in this list...

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