- Am I the only one who thinks picking Feats is a chore? I'm down to brass tacks on finishing my new PC when all of the sudden it hits me: I got to come up with some friggin' feats. One hand I can take the feats that push my Barbarian towards Frenzied Berserker and on the other hand I could take the feats I actually want, like Combat Reflexes or Improved Unarmed Combat. Either way, I find picking feats to be just as much of a downer chore as picking weapon proficiencies in previous editions. I know some folks gleefully search out the crunchiest feat combos, but that scene just bores me.
- Fried Pineapple: does it exist? If not, why not? I'm talking about breading some pineapple rings and tossing them in the deep fryer until you have a soft, moist cakelike breading (think funnel cake). I'm off to google to see if I can find any recipes.
- One reason why a Star Wars rpg never made it as big as D&D is because in a typical D&D campaign your PC takes the role of the local Gandalf or Elrond or whatever. But in the Star Wars games they seem to assume that Han Solo and Luke Skywalker are NPCs in your campaign. That makes the imaginative space too cramped for awesome PC heroics. Sure, there are workarounds of various sorts, but a normal person can quickly intuit that they can't be Han Solo if Han Solo is already in the game. That intuition leads to resentment and resentment leads to the Dark Side, or at least to less success as an RPG line.
- American Racing : Compete for stock-car dominance on 12 different tracks in this power-packed racing game. Free Online Car Games from ...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Welcome to Nonsequitaria
Blogspot is acting ginchy for me right now, but I wanted to throw out three quick items.
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