...that surfing the web makes you want to buy more stuff? Or is it just me? I've been in greater and lesser stages of eBay addiction for 7 years now, but I only end up there when some other site puts the bug in me. I certainly don't need more Traveller stuff, but I search eBay for more old Trav crap after nearly every lengthy visit to Citizens of the Imperium. Recently the Evil DM put me on the hunt again for fun comics blogs. How much time can I spend reading Dave's Long Box or Chris's Invincible Super-Blog before I break down and buy some comics? Not much longer, I think. Recently I've been reading some more astronomy/science/science fiction blogs and, lo and behold, I'm suddenly buying and reading sci-fi paperbacks again. And I can't visit a place like Bad Movies or The Ruthless Guide to 80's Action without feeling the urge to buy some DVDs. Am I the only one who gets this way? Some times I feel like my entire internet experience is one big commercial advertisement for my geekotronic lifestyle.
Strangely enough, one of the few sites that lacks this effect is Wizards.com. I used some freebies from Wizards now and again and I appreciate the articles, but never has Wizards' website ever talked me into buying a product of theirs. That's what the ENWorld forums are for.
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