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Saturday, February 26, 2011
Beauty and the Beast
This is a fun list for Dark Eldar that I had lying around. Does it work? I have no idea but in theory it should do OK. The Duke gives the Wyches a 1/3 chance to receive FNP and the combat drugs on everything is a very welcome addition to a rather fragile army. If anything, this army will hit like a truck and have enough bodies to contest and control. Even though the Duke's squad will be hanging back and claiming an objective, I decided to give his squad Splinter Cannons to help shoot bio units at long-range. Besides, this list has a good amount of Blasters in it that I'm not really worried.
18 kp
Duke = 150
Succubus (Agonizer/BP) = 100
20x Warriors (Sybarite/PGL/BP, Blaster, 2x SC) = 260
10x Wyches (Raider NS, Hekatrix/Agonizer/BP) = 215
10x Wyches (Raider NS, Hekatrix/Agonizer/BP) = 215
9x Wyches (Raider NS, Hekatrix/Agonizer/BP) = 205
3x Trueborn (Venom NS/SC, 3x Blaster) = 156
3x Trueborn (Venom NS/SC, 3x Blaster) = 156
3x Trueborn (Venom NS/SC, 3x Blaster) = 156
Ravager (NS/FF) = 125
Ravager (NS/FF) = 125
Ravager (NS/FF) = 125
I plan on running this list very soon so I'll give you guys a quick heads up on how things go.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
My GK match-up predictions
I wrote a article over at Bell of Lost Souls on all the GK matchups. Please take a look at the article here. I'll write the short-hand donation here and you guys can agree/disagree with me. Be as vocal as you can because I love seeing other people's point of view.
GK = Marines (SW, BA, Vanilla)
GK > Chaos Daemons
GK < Dark Eldar
GK < Eldar
GK < Imperial Guard
GK > Necrons
GK > Orks
GK < Tau
GK >= Tyranids
GK < Witch Hunters
5 equal matchups
4 favorable matchups
5 unfavorable matchups
In short, I think we'll see the metagame shift towards plasma weaponry because elite armies with small model counts do not mix well with Plasma Cannons. I know this, in every sense of the word because of 4th Ed. Dual Lash with max Oblits. Dark Eldar also ripped me a new one in 4th and I think we'll see the same amount of damage done this time around. Mech Tau just eats elite MEQ for breakfast, Eldar will be very strong still and Mech IG is just lol. Witch Hunters is still a very competitive codex, don't let anyone tell you differently.
Go read the article, come back and let me know what you guys think. I'm eagerly waiting your replies.
Monday, February 21, 2011
My Grey Knight paint scheme
Everyone has a paint scheme and the one I use is pretty ancient. This is the method that I was taught so many years ago and it's the same one I use today.
- GW White Primer
- Heavy drybrush Boltgun Metal
- Badab Black wash
- Mithril Silver drybrush
- Enchanted Blue on the eyes and Psycannon
- Asurman Blue wash on the eyes and weapon
- Icy Blue dot on the eyes
- Shining Gold on the gothic wording
- Ogryn Flesh wash on the wording after
- Red Gore on the purity seals/books
- Menoth White Highlight on any cloth
- Devlun Mud wash on the purity seals and cloth
- Apply washes and such as needed
The end result looks something like this:
With the upcoming Grey Knight codex, I might try something new. Devlun Mud wash instead of Ogryn Flesh and Black Primer instead of white. What that'll do is darken the entire model and bring out the Mithril Silver drybrush contrast a lot better. It'll also make the eyes shine a lot more.
What do you guys think? I'm not the greatest painter, so I'd like some feedback. I'd also like to hear what you guys are planning to do with your mans.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
My GK army lists
One thing's for damn sure: No more dual Land Raider crap if you want to play competitive. Believe it or not, I've never played dual LRs for pure GKs. I don't believe in taking 250+ point transports when most of the army is already so damn expensive. Maybe because I like playing with a lot of Grey Knight Terminators and thus I spent most of my time DS'ing or footslogging. You know what, I'm doing it again for this upcoming codex. Now that the rest of my troops can take Rhinos, they're going to be the ones taking objectives and getting things done.
Check out my army lists:
Mordrack = 200
+10x Ghost Knights (Halberds, 2x Psycannon, 3x Warding) = 430
Lv.2 Librarian (Warding, +3x Powers) = 200
10x GKSS (Rhino, 2x Psycannons) = 260
10x GKSS (Rhino, 2x Psycannons) = 260
5x GKSS (Rhino, Psycannon) = 160
10x Terminators (Halberds, 2x Psycannons, 2x Warding) = 490
In this first list, you'll see my love of Grey Knight Terminators play out with purpose. GM Mordrack enters battle on turn 1 with his retinue of Ghost Knights and start pouring down the fire. They will find a good place to take cover from and lay down suppressing fire and will cast Psychic Communion so reinforcements can arrive. Depending on the mission, Mordrack's Grand Strategy will either give the Librarian's Terminator unit Scout or re-roll 1s if I want things deader. Scout allows me to outflank with +1 to reserves from PC, and I can always DS straight in another strategic location if I wanted to. The Lv.2 Librarian has +3x powers which will probably be Quicksilver, Might of Titan and Summoning. Quicksilver allows Grey Knights to fight glass hammer CC like Harlequins and triumph, Might of Titan punches through armor with ease and Summoning can bring squads to reinforce the front lines or bail Mordrack's squad of dudes out of trouble.
Lv.2 Librarian (Warding, +3x Powers) = 200
Castellan Crowe = 150
10x GKSS (Rhino, 2x Psycannons) = 260
10x Purifier (Rhino, Halberds, 2x Psycannons) = 315
10x Purifier (Rhino, Halberds, 2x Psycannons) = 315
10x Terminators (Halberds, 2x Psycannons, Warding) = 470
5x Purgation (Razorback, 4x Incinerators) = 145
5x Purgation (Razorback, 4x Incinerators) = 145
This next list focuses more on Purifiers and how awesome they are. The extra attack and Cleansing Flame makes fighting horde units exceptionally awesome. The Librarian has +3x powers again and he'll hang out with the Terminator squad with Crowe. I'm not sure whether I like Halberds or Hammers yet but I'm sure that Quicksilver makes Halberds rather obsolete. We'll see though.. since there's plenty of stuff that's still a mystery (like all the wargear options). The rest of the units is pretty self explanatory. My Purifier loadout features Halberds because the extra +I will allow me to engage MEQ without fear. The GKSS unit is also pretty standard with 2x Psycannons and the Rhinos are there to keep my precious GKs safe from harm. Depending on what kind of scenario the game is, I'll either sit back and shoot with my Psycannons or engage in a full out assault because my 2 Incinerator-totting Purgation squads are begging for some action. This list is best used with the Librarian's unit footslogging and laying down firing support (plus drawing fire) or coming in via DS while the rest of the army surges forward.
I spent the better half of 4th Ed. footslogging my Grey Knights into their deaths by Nidzilla, Tau Suit spam, Dual Lash and other power lists. As much as I'd like to get revenge for all those brave battle-brothers lost, I'm more or less disappointed with the new book. It might be the old school GK player in me, but I don't think the new book captures the essence of Grey Knights at all. I'm pretty sure it's a Mat Ward book because the fluff is outrageous, there's a serious overdoing of psychic and I have no idea why all 3 branches of the Inquisition is in a GK codex. For some reason, I feel like I'm playing Thousand Sons minus the PE: Daemons.
Check out my army lists:
Mordrack = 200
+10x Ghost Knights (Halberds, 2x Psycannon, 3x Warding) = 430
Lv.2 Librarian (Warding, +3x Powers) = 200
10x GKSS (Rhino, 2x Psycannons) = 260
10x GKSS (Rhino, 2x Psycannons) = 260
5x GKSS (Rhino, Psycannon) = 160
10x Terminators (Halberds, 2x Psycannons, 2x Warding) = 490
In this first list, you'll see my love of Grey Knight Terminators play out with purpose. GM Mordrack enters battle on turn 1 with his retinue of Ghost Knights and start pouring down the fire. They will find a good place to take cover from and lay down suppressing fire and will cast Psychic Communion so reinforcements can arrive. Depending on the mission, Mordrack's Grand Strategy will either give the Librarian's Terminator unit Scout or re-roll 1s if I want things deader. Scout allows me to outflank with +1 to reserves from PC, and I can always DS straight in another strategic location if I wanted to. The Lv.2 Librarian has +3x powers which will probably be Quicksilver, Might of Titan and Summoning. Quicksilver allows Grey Knights to fight glass hammer CC like Harlequins and triumph, Might of Titan punches through armor with ease and Summoning can bring squads to reinforce the front lines or bail Mordrack's squad of dudes out of trouble.
Lv.2 Librarian (Warding, +3x Powers) = 200
Castellan Crowe = 150
10x GKSS (Rhino, 2x Psycannons) = 260
10x Purifier (Rhino, Halberds, 2x Psycannons) = 315
10x Purifier (Rhino, Halberds, 2x Psycannons) = 315
10x Terminators (Halberds, 2x Psycannons, Warding) = 470
5x Purgation (Razorback, 4x Incinerators) = 145
5x Purgation (Razorback, 4x Incinerators) = 145
This next list focuses more on Purifiers and how awesome they are. The extra attack and Cleansing Flame makes fighting horde units exceptionally awesome. The Librarian has +3x powers again and he'll hang out with the Terminator squad with Crowe. I'm not sure whether I like Halberds or Hammers yet but I'm sure that Quicksilver makes Halberds rather obsolete. We'll see though.. since there's plenty of stuff that's still a mystery (like all the wargear options). The rest of the units is pretty self explanatory. My Purifier loadout features Halberds because the extra +I will allow me to engage MEQ without fear. The GKSS unit is also pretty standard with 2x Psycannons and the Rhinos are there to keep my precious GKs safe from harm. Depending on what kind of scenario the game is, I'll either sit back and shoot with my Psycannons or engage in a full out assault because my 2 Incinerator-totting Purgation squads are begging for some action. This list is best used with the Librarian's unit footslogging and laying down firing support (plus drawing fire) or coming in via DS while the rest of the army surges forward.
I spent the better half of 4th Ed. footslogging my Grey Knights into their deaths by Nidzilla, Tau Suit spam, Dual Lash and other power lists. As much as I'd like to get revenge for all those brave battle-brothers lost, I'm more or less disappointed with the new book. It might be the old school GK player in me, but I don't think the new book captures the essence of Grey Knights at all. I'm pretty sure it's a Mat Ward book because the fluff is outrageous, there's a serious overdoing of psychic and I have no idea why all 3 branches of the Inquisition is in a GK codex. For some reason, I feel like I'm playing Thousand Sons minus the PE: Daemons.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Some special rules for our Daemon friends
Well, it definitely looks like Grey Knights will have the upper hand vs. Chaos Daemons in April. That is.. unless we provide them with a bit of fair play. What do I mean by that? I mean house-ruling some stuff just for them. There is nothing fluffier than Grey Knights fighting Chaos Daemons. I mean, come on: Daemons' not a super strong codex to begin with. Fatecrusher doesn't mean jack because not everyone and their mother wants to play that crap. Now that Grey Knights are going to come out and more than half the army is geared towards eliminating Daemons, how do we make things more balanced?
If I fought against a Daemon player, I would grant him these special rules:
- Your entire army can DS on Turn 1 instead of randomly rolling for which half. In addition, the Daemon player can choose to deploy normally via the mission rules. Why? Because the Chaos Gods wants mankind completely destroyed, no one, not even the most righteous defenders of mankind will stand in their way. I call this rule: For the Glory of Chaos.
- At the beginning of the game, Daemon players can choose D3+2 units and give them the ability to outflank. Why? Because the Grey Knights are completely surrounded by the forces of Chaos and the only one that's capable of helping them is the Emperor. I call this: The Darkest Day.
- Which brings us to our next rule: All Daemons have without number via the old 4th Ed. Tyranid rules with a daemonic twist. If a unit of Daemon troops is completely destroyed, they may choose to come down via DS next turn or walk on their side of the field with their full unit intact. I call this: Daemonic Infestation.
What do you guys think? I personally accept the challenge.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Pure Grey Knights
First, make sure to check the previous rumor thread. It's currently 2:12am over here and Commissar posted a bunch of new rumors. This post, however, will deal with building a pure Grey Knight force with the new codex. That's right, pure GK, forget all that Inquisition stuff.. even though the Vindicare Assassin is so crazy good it's outrageous.
Here's all the "pure" Grey Knight info that's needed to start building army lists:
Grand Master - 175 points
WS6 BS6 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld.10 2+/4++
The Grand Strategy is the ability of the Grand Master to give one of four special rules to D3 units (Infantry, Jump Infantry, MCs, or Walkers, NOT Inquis. Warbands, ICs, or Modrak's Ghost Knights). The rules are:
-Hammer of Righteousness: Nominated unit re-rolls to wound rolls of 1 for the duration of the game
-Shield of Blades: Target unit gets Counter Attack
-Spear of Light: Target unit gets Scouts
-Unyielding Anvil: Target unit gains Scoring
Brother Captain - 150 points
Same as GM except for -1BS
BC and GM can take Psycannon, Incinerator, Psilencer, Servo Skulls (Up to 3), Blind Grenades, meltabombs, digi weapons, psybolt ammo, empyraen brain mines, psychostroke or rad grenades, and an Orbital Strike Relay. Oh and MC weapons. And all three are alll in Termi armour.
Librarian - 150 points for Lv.2, +50 points for Lv.3
See GM stat line -1 WS -2 BS -1W -1I -1A
Hammer Hand: +1 strength in Close Combat
Warp Quake: Any deepstriking unit that lands within 12" suffers automatic mishap.
Holocaust: S5 AP - Large Blast 12"
Quicksilver: Unit becomes Initiative 10
Warp-Rift: Template that auto removes models from play
The Summoning: A single friendly unit that is anywhere on the table is placed within 6" of the librarian and counts as deepstriking.
Smite: As C:SM
Might of Titan: Beginning of librarians assault phase. Unit within 6" gains +1 str and extra D6 armour pen vs vehicles. Bonus is cumulative with hammerhand.
The Shrouding: Opponents shooting phase. All units within 6" gain stealth (minimum 5+ cover in the open).
Mind Blades: Start of any assault phase. One enemy unit within 6" loses 1 toughness for the rest of the assault phase.
Vortex of Doom: As C:SM
Sanctuary: Enemy assault phase. Enemy units wishing to assault any Grey Knight within 12" of librarian must make a difficult AND dangerous terrain test.
Psychic Communion (Grandmaster and Captain only): Take a psychic test. If passed, you may modify any reserve rolls by + or -1.
Heroic Sacrafice (Brotherhood Champion only): In assault, when the champion dies take a psychic test. If passed, make one attack against any one model that was in B2B with him. If the attack hits, that model is instantly removed!
Cleansing Flame (Purifiers only): Start of any assault phase. All enemy models that are part of the same assault suffer a wound on a 4+ before any blows are struck with saving throws allowed. Casualties count towards combat resolution.
Astral Aim (Purgation Squad only): Shooting Phase. Unit and attached characters may fire at any unit in range and regardless of line of sight. Target automatically gets a 4+ cover save that cannot be modified.
Reconstruction (Techmarines only): Beginning of techmarine's movement. Re-roll any repair roll.
Fortitude (Vehicle only): At the start of Grey Knight player's turn, removes any shaken or stunned results.
Zone of Banishment (Captain Stern only): During Stern's assault phase. All other models (friend and foe) within 6" make a strength test or are removed from play. Daemons must re-roll passed tests.
Brotherhood Champion - 100 points
The Perfect Warrior: In the assault phase, after the move but before the hits, the Brotherhood Champ MUST select a stance from the following list:
-Sword Storm - The BC makes an attack on all models in B2B contact with him (But he doesn't get the bonus for charging)
-Blade Shield - Can't attack, but gets to reroll ALL failed saves until the end of the phase
-Rapier Strike - Champ makes D3 (Or D3+1 if he charged) attacks at I10 that MUST be directed at an MC or Independent Character in B2B contact.
Lord Draigo: WS 7 BS 6 S 5 T 5 W 4 I 5 A 5 Ld 10 Sv 2+ Points 275
Wargear: Titan Sword (str 10 vs demons and psykers), Storm Shield, Frag, Krak, Psyk-out grenades
Options: ?
Special Rules: Lord of Titan (take Paladins as troops), Psychic Mastery 2, Eternal Warrior
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Psychic Communion, Cleansing Flame
Castellan Garran Crowe - 150 points
-Head and Brotherhood Champion of the Purifier Order
-Wielder of The Blade of Antwyr, a super daemon sword that not only attracts heretics and daemons like flies, but tries to corrupt and possess the wielder, thus it was entrusted to the Purifiers to keep safe. Crowe is the only one with the fortitude to keep it under control.
-Stats: 8 4 4 4 2 6 * 10 2+
-150 pts
-The reason for the * on his A slot is because he has the same "The Perfect Warrior" ability that Brotherhood Champs have
-Artificer Armour; Frak, Krak, and Psyk-Out Nades, Storm Bolter; Iron Halo
-The Blade of Antwyr: Close Combat Weapon, but the turn his unit GETS assaulted they gain Furious Charge and re-roll all failed to hit rolls for that Assault Phase
-Master Swordsman: His CC attacks are Rending and Rend on a 4+
-All the rules a regular Broterhood Champ has
-Purifiers are TROOPS with Castellan Crowe
Brother-Captain Stern - 200 points
-Stern is NOT a Mephiston like beast. The idea makes me chuckle. He is good though.
-Standard Brother Captain Statline & Equipment
-Strands of Fate: Stern can reroll one to hit, to wound, or saving throw die PER PHASE. However, for every one you chose to roll, your enemy can reroll one of his own later in the game.
-Zone of Banishment: Psychic Power used in the assault phase in place of his CC attacks. ALL models within 6" (Friendly and enemy, and himself!) must take a Strength test. Those that fail are dragged into the Warp AKA removed from play. Daemons must reroll successful saves.
Grand Master Mordrak - 200 points
-6 6 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+
-He has the usual GM equipment plus a MC Daemonhammer (The bigger, nastier version)
-Usual GM rules
-First to the Fray: If he deploys via Deepstrike, he and his unit arrive first turn and does not scatter
-Ghostly Bodyguard: These be Ghost Knights. They count as Terminators (Regular, not Paladin) but have Stealth, one unit only. Mordrak acts as an upgrade character for them until such point as they are all dead. If Mordrak suffers an unsaved wound, at the end of the phase roll a d3. If the result is equal to or greater than his remaining wounds a Ghost Knight appears. You place it in coherent with him and it counts as part of his unit. Default wargear, no upgrades. Placed in B2B contact with the enemy unit Modrak is fighting or within 1" of him otherwise. If you don't have a GK on hand, or there's no room, they don't materialize. It's possible to materialize mid assault apparently, and if the GK does, he can make an attack if the wound was caused by an attack of I5 or higher. If not, he just appears. If Mordrak dies, the Ghost Knights go bye bye.
-Ghost Termies are 32ppm and can take normal termie upgrades.
Grey Knight Strike Squad - 100 points for 5 dudes including Justicar, 5-10 max
20ppm after for each one, 10pts for a Psycannon, 20 for Incinerator, 1 special weapon per 5 guys in the squad.
Grey Knight Purgation Squad - 100 points for 5 dudes including Justicar, 5-10max
Free Incinerators, +10 for Psilencers, +20 for Psycannons
Grey Knight Purifier Squad - 120 points for 5 dudes including leader, 5-10max
24ppm after, Purifiers are WS4, have Cleansing Flame, is +1A, +1Ld vs. a GKSS and can take free Incinerators. Their Halberds also cost +2 points instead of +5.
Grey Knight Terminator Squad - 200 points for 5, 40ppm after, 5-10 max
Every 5 can take a special weapon. Warding Staves count as NEMESIS weapons and thus follow the "ANY model" heading.
Grey Knight Paladin Squad - 55ppm, 1-10 max
+75 points for the Apothecary upgrade, every 5 can take a special weapon. Warding Staves, same thing.
Brothers! Strike for the Chapter and the Inquisition!
Before we continue, we must think about two key aspects of the Grey Knights' rumor: The fact that Storm Bolters count as a pistol (so +1CCW/BP attack bonus) and the fact that the Nemesis Warding Staff gives a 2++ invulnerable save. These two prospects are ridiculously powerful and I'm doubtful that they're true. Why? Because it would make our basic Grey Knight absolutely vicious in combat.. with 2 attacks base, 3 on the charge with Power Weapon-equivs. This would also mean that our Terminators will have 3 attacks base because the +1CCW/BP bonus works for Terminators. Paladins come to mind here because 3 WS5 attacks striking at I5 because of Halberds are insane. Lastly, the Nemesis Warding Staff: A straight-up 2++ invulnerable save that counts as a power weapon is just too powerful. The fact that Terminators and Paladins have access to these and can be taken on any member of the team just smells of broken. Imagine a full unit of 10 Paladins with 10 of these. It's a point sink unit for sure, but the unit is literally invincible. Not to mention the Grand Master can make them scoring..
Let's take a look at our HQ choices for a second.
For 175 points, we get a Terminator-armored Grand Master with 2+/4++. His ability to make units scouts, count as scoring, have counter-strike and re-roll 1s to wound is absolutely fantastic. The BC is no longer a viable choice because for 25 points more, we get a GM.
The Librarian is also a fantastic buy for 150 since he also comes with Terminator armor. If you upgrade him to Lv.3 Mastery, he gets to use 3 psychic powers a turn. Better yet, he gets access to the Nemesis Warding Staff which gives him a 2++ invulnerable save.
Which psychic abilities am I looking at? Quicksilver, Might of Titan and Mind Blades. The Summoning, Sanctuary and Warp-Rift also come into mind here. Why? Because I10 on your entire unit in the assault phase removes all high I CC counters to your GKs. Harlequins, Genestealers, Wyches, not a problem. Might of Titan gives you 2d6 to armor pen for all vehicles and +1S that stacks with Hammerhand. You cast this while your GKT cast Hammerhand and things just fall over dead. Mind Blades reduces the toughness of a unit within 6" by 1? You cast Quicksilver, Might and Mind Blades and your unit casts Hammerhand and you get S6 vs. T3 (MEQ) Power Weapons that strike at I10 and cause instant death because of double toughness.
Summoning brings Paladins to your aid whenever you need, Sanctuary keeps them safe from being charged and makes hordes cry even more than Purifiers, and Warp-Rift just sinks of blue cheese.
For generic HQs, the Librarian and the Grand Master are fantastic buys for your army. The above speaks for itself.
Now what about Special Characters?
Stern take can a seat because BC stats and a psychic ability that rapes your units as well is his is not welcomed in my army of elites.
Lord Draigo is crazy expensive at 275 points, but comes with all the right tools to make good use of his points. EW, T5 W4 with 2+/3++ makes him virtually a god that'll never die. The fact that he can take Paladins as troops is also amazing because he also has the Grand Strategy that can make them re-roll all 1s to wound or give them counter-attack. If you need more lols, you can give them Scout and have them outflank uncomfortably into your enemies' army. Cleansing Flame keeps hordes at bay and S10 vs Daemons and Psykers is just all kinds of funny. Is he a good buy? At the same points of Logan Grimnar, I'd say hell yes he is if you're taking a Paladin heavy army.
My favorite SC out of the bunch is probably Grand Master Mordrack. He is the same as any Grand Master except for the fact that he DS on the 1st turn at pin-point accuracy. In addition, he can take 32pt Terminators and they can be upgrade to whatever you want. What does this mean? You DS next to someone's vehicles on turn1 with 2x Psycannons and Warding Staves to keep them occupied. With your Grand Mastery, you can give Paladins Scout so they start awfully close to your opponents or give them the ability to score in later game. The best thing about Mordrack is that his Terminators are Stealth. You DS half of your dudes in cover or behind some form of cover and all of a sudden you're dealing with 3++ cover Termies. If you have to take dangerous terrain tests, you put the wound on Mordrack and he might gain another free termie. The most ridiculous thing about Mordrack is that I hear he's a upgrade character to his Ghost Terminators. What does this mean? It means as a upgrade character, he loses his IC status and thus he can't be picked out. He's just like Lukas, Arjac or LeMartes. A Grand Master level character that can't be picked out just sounds wrong to me.
How does Mordrack work with the rest of your army? Oh, I don't know. Maybe he can play ping pong with the Librarian-led Paladin squad w/ The Summoning? Or maybe he's just one big distraction that you're opponents can't ignore. There's no way people are going to ignore Hammerhand GKT with 2x Psycannons in your backfield. This is fact.
Last, we'll talk about the special Chaplain aka Brotherhood Champion. WS8 with a 2 wounds and 2+/4++ isn't that bad. I'm not too fond of his special stances, but I do like his special rules and cost. First, at 150 points, I think he's a great buy. Why? Because he makes Purifiers troops and has rending on a 4+. Cleansing Flame can keep enemy hordes at bay, especially if he's going to stick in a unit of Paladins. You take him and Grand Master and you have all kinds of awesome in your army. Check it out: Grand Master gives Paladins Counter-attack and Crowe gives them Furious Charge and re-rolls to hit when they get charged. Who in the right mind would want to charge a unit that has Hammerhand, I5, 4 attacks each and Furious Charge? This would mean a full unit of 10 Paladins with Halberds is putting out 40 attacks of WS5, S6 and I6 with re-rolls to hit with Cleansing Flame. Stupid insanely ridiculous? I think so. At this rate, Garran Crowe will never get to use his Heroic Sacrifice.
Now that HQs have been covered, let's look at the units. Keep in mind that the SB counting as +1A is a huge issue. This is because a basic Grey Knight that costs 20 points has a Power Weapon and 3 attacks on the charge. Compare this with our WS5 S6 dudes from last edition and it's not even fair. We came out good this edition (maybe even over the top) if this is true.. which is why this single rumor must be clarified and made true. Even with only 1 attack, the power weapon attacks with all the psychic augmentation is more than fair.
I'm going to form a unit bucket right now so stay with me:
5x Grey Knights w/ Justicar and Psycannon is 110 points.
A full unit of 10x Grey Knights w/ Justicar and 2x Psycannons is 220 points. Take a Rhino for 35 points and you got a effective, awesome unit for 255 points. I honestly can care less about Incinerators for these guys because Purgation units do it for so much cheaper and better.
5x Purgation is 100 points for a Justicar and 4x Incinerators. Add in a Razorback for them for them at 40 points (thinking TL Incinerator) and you're looking at a unbeatable, face-frying unit for 140 points.
5x Purifiers is 120 for a Knight of the Flame and 4x more mans.. so I'll probably run 10x for 240 w/ 2x free Incinerators in a Rhino.
I wouldn't bother taking Grey Knight Terminators unless I'm taking Mordrack. Let's do some math shall we? Mordrack is 200 points by himself and each of his Termies cost 32 points. Take them with 2x Psycannons and 2x Warding Staves and you've got a 610 unit of in your face and ready to go action (410 for Termies + 200 for Mordrack). Commissar said you can't make Ghost Termies scoring with The Grand Strategy or else that would be amazing. I guess you can also opt to keep them cheap at 320 points for 10, but I'd rather take them with some protection and Psycannons for AV.
Paladins, on the other hand, are utterly ridiculous for what they do. I know this because I played a sample Vassal game with them where I took Draigo and proxied my existing Grey Knights. 10x Paladins with the Apothecary upgrade, 2x Psycannons and 2x Warding Staves costs 715 points. They soaked up shooting from an entire 2k army of CSM. Givent here were no Vindicators or Obliterators, I was still impressed by the amount of damage they soaked up. One thing's for sure though, they're extremely expensive and can be a huge point sink in armies that don't field a lot of them. I think the magic number for them is either 5 or 10. Even though a big unit of them can't really die to conventional shooting, they're slow and incapable of being applied at multiple places at once. That's why I think they're best utilized with Librarians since The Summoning can help bring them to more important/strategic locations.
That's what I got so far guys, I'll whip up some army lists in another post.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Even more GK rumors!
From Commissar Ciaphas on B&C:
Updated 1:51am PST 2-13-11
"Inquisitor Coteaz allows you to have Henchman warbands as troops. There are NO Inquisitorial Stormtroops, but you can take Warrior Acolytes who you can arm with Hot-Shot Lasguns if it makes you feel any better. It's a meh option at best. Crusaders Squad spam is going to be extremely prevalent I fear. You can take them as troops for plasma pistol cost per Crusader. Storm Shields and Power weapons. Each. It's going to be a mess.
Falchions are taken in PAIRS as in the entry is "A pair of Nemesis Falchions" so yeah. I think Stormbolters act as pistols for the GKs as per the previous codex. Nemesis Force Sword is just a power weapon as far as I know. That was what it looked like when I last paged through the armoury section. Plus, why would Halberds and Nemesis Daemonhammers cost +5 points then? They'd be free as a tradeoff.
I'll check the next time I see it as to what the Brotherhood Banner and the Heavy Pyscannon and Gatling Psilencer do. Psybolt Ammo ignores invulnerable saves I BELIEVE. Not sure. I'll check the next time I see, so no one get all worked up about it just yet. Master Crafted weapons work the same as they always have, and even GKSS Justicars can MC their weapons. The Paladin Nemesis weapons aren't any different than the ones I already listed.
Henchman are Elites without Coteaz, but I wouldn't worry as far as that goes. The Elite section is pretty balanced so unless you want to go Paladin Spam (And honestly, if you do just take the Supreme Grandmaster Draigo he makes them troops anyway. Ven Dreads are meh, Purifiers are one of my favorites, but only as Troops. Dreads can be taken as Heavies, so really, you can choose between Assassins (Only one per type, they're Unique), a Techmarine, and Henchman Warbands. And the warbands are pretty diverse as far as things go.
Also, Astral Aim, your target gets a 4+ Cover save. Not sure if that was mentioned yet or not."
"-Dreadknight comes with (And this is how you know Ward did it) two Nemesis Doomfists as default.
-Grey Knight Strike Squad Options:
-For every five:
-Psilencer (Free!)
-All the Nemesis weapons (Any model!)
-Various point costs
-Psybolt Ammo
-Personal Teleporters
-Justicar can MC any of his weapons
-Henchmen, upon further examination don't take up a FoC slot but you MUST have an Inquisitor to get a Warband (One warband for each Inquisitor you have). And there's no limitations, so yes you might see Daemonhost, an Arco, and a Mystic in one group.
-Assassins DO take up an Elite slot.
-Librarian can take all of the powers and can be upgraded to Mastery Level 3 allowing him to cast 3 per turn. Also, he comes default in Terminator Armour. AND can take all of the various Nemesis weapons.
-Thawn, no, but he is Mastery Level 2. Not sure why, as Hammerhands is the only power outside of I Shall Not Yield that he has.
Also, before I list this, if I'm over the line at all, PLEASE tell me so I can remove what's necessary not to get my butt kicked.
-Valeria has a LOOOOOT of equipment. Here it is:
-She's an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor
-Also, Stubborn
-Stats: 4 4 3 3 3 4 3(5) 10 3+
-Power Armour; Frag, Krak, & Psyk-Out Nades; Laspistol
-Graviton Pistol: Range: 12" Strength: 10 AP: 1 Type: Pistol, One Shot
-Jacked it from an Alien Weaponsmith in the Ultima Segmentum apparently.
-Runes of Destiny: ALL (Armour or invul) Successful saves against her shooting or CC attacks must be rerolled.
-Eldar Runes she's taken over her career, but she ain't got no wraithbone batteries to make em work at full power
-Dagger of Midnight: Grants +2A (Included in profile) that MUST be rolled with different colored dice (Or separate I suppose) because if she rolls doubles with them, the attacks hit her instead.
-Stole this from an Eldar Pirate's corpse. Apparently the dagger is "controlled by a rebellious and bloodthirsty intelligence". Please perform an "Oogedy boogedy boo" after reading that.
-Hyperstone Maze: Can be used once per game in lieu of her CC attacks. Must be directed towards a character or MC in B2B contact. Target must roll a d6 and roll equal to or below their remaining wounds or be "trapped in the maze forever" AKA removed from play.
-Multi-faceted emerald that leads to a spooky sub-dimension, apparently
-Forceshield: 4+ Invul save
-Hand-mounted forcefield thingy.
Also, randomly enough, they can take Ordo Xenos inquisitors. Weird.
-And yes, VenDreads are the only ones with Reinforced Aegis
Edit: Justicars are in. True Grit is out as far as RULE goes, but I think Stormbolters count as pistols for them anyway. "
"Vindicare Info:
-Move Through Cover, Fleet, Infiltrate, Fearless, Uncanny Reflexes (4+ Invul)
-Deadshot: In Soviet Russia, Vindicare shoots you. Kidding, the Vindicare's player picks who he hits, not the opposing player.
-Blind Grenades
-Exitus Pistol: 12" S: X AP:1 Pistol, Sniper
-Exitus Rifle: 36" S:X AP: 1 Sniper, Heavy 1
-Rounds: Must Declare which round before rolling to hit
-Hellfire: 2+ to wound
-Shieldbreaker: Takes no damage, but PERMANENTLY removes Invul saves granted by items or wargeat
-Turbo-Penetrator: Inflicts 2 wounds on any non-vehicle model wounded. Has penetration of 4D6 against vehicles!"
"I Shall Not Yield! only works on Thawn, sorry.
As for the other assassins:
-Neuro Gauntlet: Counts as Lightning Claw
-Frenzon: Gain d6 attacks on the turn they charge instead of 1
-Furious Charge
-Executioner Pistol: 12" S4 AP2 Pistol, Poisoned (2+)
-C'Tan Phase Blade: Power Weapon. Instant Death against unsaved wounds regardless of Toughness
-Neural Shredder: Template S8 AP 1 Pistol Hits are resolved against Leadership not Toughness. Can't hurt vehicles.
-Polymorphine: When the assassin arrives from reserve, choose an enemy unit. Chosen unit immediately takes D6 S4 AP 2 hits. Then the assassin is placed anywhere within 3" using Deepstrike rules but does not scatter.
-Hit and Run & Stealth
-Psyk-Out Nades, Psyocculum (<- Not actually sure what that does)
-Animus Speculum: 12" S5 AP1 Assault 2. For every psyker within 12" of the assassin, add 2+ to the Speculum's assault value
-Etherium: Any unit wishing to shoot or use a psychic power on the Cullexus must pass an LD test on 3d6 (Vehicles count as LD10). If the test is failed they can't target the assassin but can target others."
"Alright, more questions. If the Inquisition shows up, i'm blaming you guys. I just can't disappoint you, my brothers. Real quick, two quick things.
-Orky Ard Boyz on Warseer: Didn't you know? My Doom Angels of Doom using their Doom Swords of Nemesis Doom-ness.. DOOOOOOOOM
-Jaon on Dakka Dakka: Assassins can be taken in any of the 3 elite slots, but each is UNIQUE thus only one per TYPE of assassin.
Grandmaster: 6 6 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+
Brother Captain is the same minus a BS point.
Libbies, see GM stat line -1 WS -2 BS -1W -1I -1A
What, no one cares about the Brotherhood Champion? For shame!
BC and GM can take Psycannon, Incinerator, Psilencer, Servo Skulls (Up to 3), Blind Grenades, meltabombs, digi weapons, psybolt ammo, empyraen brain mines, psychostroke or rad grenades, and an Orbital Strike Relay. Oh and MC weapons. And all three are alll in Termi armour.
EDIT: Fluff questions! You're my hero. I'll answer the Dreadknight one for Brevity's sake, I'll answer the others later, if you guys come up with a list.
No one knows where they come from, be it Xenos or Dark Age of Technology stuff. The GKs basically refuse to say and tell everyone to F off who asks where they came from. They're basically used as Jes said on Warseer, to go toe to toe with big nasties like Daemon Princes and such. And apparently this thing is super hard to master so that's why we don't see more.
Also, Remember. The Commissar is watching you. All of you.
Also, Sven Kittyclaw on Heresy Online: Yes. It's lame. I've been playing GKs since they came out, and now they're going to be flavor of the month. I don't like it either. Also, It's Supreme Grandmaster Lord Kaldor Draigo good sir. Get it right"
"I. Yes, the Weaponsmiths are the Jokaero. Keep in mind they're in the Inquisitor's Warband and nowhere in their entry does it mention that they work with the Grey Knights themselves. I think it's a nod at the Ordo Xenos inclusion. You should hear their rules though, hoo boy!
II. I've seen some none blurred pictures, yeah. Some of that new artwork is impressive! And the Dreadknight box art is sweeeeet. You guys will really like it, it's the most bad ass Exo-Suit this side of Terra.
III. I'll get back to you guys on the Wargear stuff the next time I take a look. Orbital Strike Relay calls down a single Orbital Bombardment, I believe.
IV. Sadly, yes, the GM, BC, and Libby come with a 5++ Invul as is Terminator Standard. They can take Warding Staves though. The GM and BC have Psychic Communion and Hammerhands, and no, they can't customize their powers.
V. They come with Nemesis Force Swords as standard. If you want the Halberd and so on, you's got to pay up!
VI. Also, the Brotherhood Champion is an HQ too that no one seems to care about. Poor guys. I still love you and Castellan Crowe too!
VII. The Turbo-Penetrator acts exactly how it sounds like with Sniper. Scary, innit?
VIII. Warding Staves are a generic 2++ as far as I know. And no, outside of the Crusader type Henchman, there be no Storm Shields. Guess they wanted to leave that to the regular SMs.
IX. I'm actually kind of confused what the purpose of a Brother Captain is to be honest. He's only 25 points cheaper than the Grand Master and he doesn't even have the awesomeness that's The Grand Strategy that the GMs have.
X. Purifier Squads, I know no one asked, but they're so boss. My standard troop type thanks to His Awesomeness Castellan Crowe.
XI. Costs: GM = 175. BC = 150. Libby = 150. Brotherhood Champ = 100 (For Arty Armour and weapons of awesome!)
-Paladin Terminators are basically super elite badasses. When a GK thinks he can be a bad ass, he embarks on an eight step quest to become a Paladin, involving spending a day and night in some super evil cavern in Mount Anarch, go test his will against some super evil book, kill a Herald of each of the four Chaos Gods, kick the ass of one of the 666 super daemons and more. Then he goes and joins the Paladins in the Hall of Champions and bodyguards the Grandmasters and Apothecaries.
-GKs are organized into various Brotherhoods, each with a BC and his bodyguard called the Brotherhood Champion. I can't be sure until I get another look at it, but it almost seems as if the GKs can be called in if any of the Ordos are having too many problems. SEEMS though, I have to check.
-It seems to be a mix of pick and called. The GKs can go drop the hammer wherever they think they need to, but if the Inquisition calls, they've gotta go be Bros and back em up.
-Jokaeros and Daemonhosts work with INQUISITORS not necessarily the GKs. I guess if they have to work with them they view it as a necessary evil?
XII. And yes, the Cullexus lost the aura and the ability.
EDIT: Also, as scary as Paladins are, they do cost an arm and a leg. And a kidney. Basically you become Iron-Hand Straken if you want an army of them. "
"Castellan Garran Crowe
-Head and Brotherhood Champion of the Purifier Order
-Wielder of The Blade of Antwyr, a super daemon sword that not only attracts heretics and daemons like flies, but tries to corrupt and possess the wielder, thus it was entrusted to the Purifiers to keep safe. Crowe is the only one with the fortitude to keep it under control.
-Stats: 8 4 4 4 2 6 * 10 2+
-150 pts
-The reason for the * on his A slot is because he has the same "The Perfect Warrior" ability that Brotherhood Champs have
-Artificer Armour; Frak, Krak, and Psyk-Out Nades, Storm Bolter; Iron Halo
-The Blade of Antwyr: Close Combat Weapon, but the turn his unit GETS assaulted they gain Furious Charge and re-roll all failed to hit rolls for that Assault Phase
-Master Swordsman: His CC attacks are Rending and Rend on a 4+
-All the rules a regular Broterhood Champ has
-Purifiers are TROOPS with Castellan Crowe
Purifiers are awesome because for +4 points over a PAGK they gain an extra attack and LD point. And access to The Cleansing Flame psychic power. Oh and Incinerators are free for them.
The Grand Strategy is the ability of the Grand Master to give one of four special rules to D3 units (Infantry, Jump Infantry, MCs, or Walkers, NOT Inquis. Warbands, ICs, or Modrak's Ghost Knights). The rules are:
-Hammer of Righteousness: Nominated unit re-rolls to wound rolls of 1 for the duration of the game
-Shield of Blades: Target unit gets Counter Attack
-Spear of Light: Target unit gets Scouts
-Unyielding Anvil: Target unit gains Scoring
Brother-Captain Stern
-Stern is NOT a Mephiston like beast. The idea makes me chuckle. He is good though.
-Standard Brother Captain Statline & Equipment
-Strands of Fate: Stern can reroll one to hit, to wound, or saving throw die PER PHASE. However, for every one you chose to roll, your enemy can reroll one of his own later in the game.
-Zone of Banishment: Psychic Power used in the assault phase in place of his CC attacks. ALL models within 6" (Friendly and enemy, and himself!) must take a Strength test. Those that fail are dragged into the Warp AKA removed from play. Daemons must reroll successful saves.
"I. True Grit is NOT a rule. HOWEVER, if I remember, the armoury entry for GK armour and Stormbolters said that Stormbolters work as pistols for the purpose of calculating an extra CC attack. I'll check when I get a look at the wargear section again.
II. Daemonhosts:
-Stats: 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 8 -
-Fearsome Claws and Runic Chains (CC weapons)
-Warp Shield : 5+ Invul Save
-Daemonic Power: Roll a d6 on the start of each of YOUR turns, all Daemonhosts in your unit gain one of the following until your next turn unless otherwise stated:
-1: Re-Knit Host Form - Feel No Pain
-2 Warp Grasp: No Armour saves against Daemonhost's CC attacks
-3 Daemonic Speed: Fleet & I10
-4 Warp Strength: Strength 6
-5 Energy Torrent: Shooting attack: 24" S4 AP3 Assault 1, Blast
-6 Unholy Gaze: Shooting Attack: 24" S8 AP- Assault 1
III. Supreme Grandmaster Lord Kaldor Draigo (You will address him as such or no questions answered for you! )
-He's your GK Mephiston
-He has a Storm Shield and Storm Bolter, yes. And lots of other things."
"I. Grand Master Mordrak
-6 6 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+
-He has the usual GM equipment plus a MC Daemonhammer (The bigger, nastier version)
-Usual GM rules
-First to the Fray: If he deploys via Deepstrike, he and his unit arrive first turn and does not scatter
-Ghostly Bodyguard: These be Ghost Knights. They count as Terminators (Regular, not Paladin) but have Stealth, one unit only. Mordrak acts as an upgrade character for them until such point as they are all dead. If Mordrak suffers an unsaved wound, at the end of the phase roll a d3. If the result is equal to or greater than his remaining wounds a Ghost Knight appears. You place it in coherent with him and it counts as part of his unit. Default wargear, no upgrades. Placed in B2B contact with the enemy unit Modrak is fighting or within 1" of him otherwise. If you don't have a GK on hand, or there's no room, they don't materialize. It's possible to materialize mid assault apparently, and if the GK does, he can make an attack if the wound was caused by an attack of I5 or higher. If not, he just appears. If Mordrak dies, the Ghost Knights go bye bye.
^ Long rule isn't it? And I left out all the fluff.
-Ghost Knights ARE 32 points per. And they can be upgraded.
-Did you mean Purgation or Purifier Squads Hero? Purgation = Artillery GKs, Purifiers = Vet GKs
-GKSS costs 100 points base, 20 points per GK, and comes with a Justicar.
Edit: Warp Stabilization Field negates Perils on Vehicles I believe. Like I said, when I get a look on the Wargear section i'll let you all know. Have Faith in your Commissar eh? "
"I. As far as I know, Nemesis Weapons ARE power weapons. Make of that what you will.
II. Psycannons are what you said, I believe, but I think its H3, not H4.
III. Marmande.. Lots of Questions.
-Thawn has a Halberd
-Purifiers are WS 4. The only difference between them and GKSS is that they have The Cleansing Flame, +1A, +1Ld and can take free Incinerators and Psilencers (Though GKSS can take Psilencers for free too) Oh and they get Halberds at +2 points instead of +5
-Purgation Squads are BS 4.
-Deathcult Assassins are WS5 I6 and are 15 points.
-Covered the Libby's stats already
-Inquisitors have LOTS of varied options, too many to list but i'll list some notables (THIS IS NOT ALL OF THEM, so don't get all worried if I don't mention a Nemesis weapon or such)
I. Malleus: Combi-Weapons, Hellrifles, Daemonblade, Artificer Armour, Termi Armour, Psyker upgrade
II. Hereticus: Combi-Weapons, Inferno Pistol, Condemner Bolt Gun, Null Rod, Arty Armour, Psyocculum, Psyker upgrade
III. Xenos: Combi-Weapons, Needle Pistol, Scythian Venom Talon, Ulumeathl Plasma Syphon, Rad & Psychostroke Nades, Psyker Upgrade, Arty Armour
-Coteaz is S4. Master Crafted Daemonhammer, and various special rules
-Crusaders do not have Power Armour. WS4 I3
-Eversor does not blow up anymore.
-Brotherhood Banner - Not sure as of now, i'll check
IV. Your points on the HQs are correct, Hero
-Swap the Psycannon and Incinerator costs on the GKSS though your right on that otherwise
-Purgation Squads: Yessir. Though technically they come armed as GKSS squads, but can take Incinerators for free.
-275 for the Supreme Grand Master, 200, for Mordrak, 200 for Stern, & 150 for Castellan Crowe
-Yes for Paladins. Also, the Apothecary is a 75 point UPGRADE, meaning you have to buy the Paladin THEN upgrade him
-Purifiers are 120 points base, 24 per new model."
-Yes, Terminators get access to all of that
-Yes, Dreadknights are the only ones with teleporters outside of GKSS
-Techmarines, no other powers, but he does get some other fancy stuff: Conversion Beamer, Servo Skulls, Nemesis Weapons, Orbital Strike Relay, Psybolt ammo, fancy nades and more
-Brotherhood of Psykers: A Grey Knight unit can use one psychic power each turn. They count as a single psyker and follow all the normal rules as such with the following clarifications:
I. GK unit uses the leadership of the Justicar or Knight of Flame if he is alive, otherwise, uses the unit's LD. They may never use the LD of an Independent character for Psychic Tests
II. If the GK suffers a Perils of the Warp or any other attack that specifically targets psykers, it's resolved against the Justicar or Knight of Flame. If he's not alive, a random non-character model in the unit.
-That's all Mystics do i'm afraid. Though you don't scatter when you go within 6" of them
-Mordrak's Fluff:
I. Only survivor of the Fortress world of Mortain after a Red Corsairs attack
II. Was traumatized and saw "visions" of his dead brothers
III. Under attack at Ralindri, he was left crippled and alone after a teleporter malfunction. Daemons attack "Chilling wall of Silvered Steel" appears around him and proceeds to beat Daemon face. He survives
IV. On the Bloodplains of Bellos III he saw the apparitions and discovered them to be his dead brothers from Mortain. They urge him to hunt down various Daemonic incursions
V. He feels the only way to free them is to kill Huron Blackheart who's apparently got a fleet and force to rival the Traitor Legions
VI. Mordrak's new mission is to shove his foot up Huron's arse.
"Last reply before I crash for the night. Morning. Whatever.
-Mordrak and Draigo do have The Grand Strategy
-Psycannons and Incinerators do not ignore Invuls as far as I know. Psybolt ammo seems to, though.
-No vehicles/walkers have access to Psycannons, Incinerators, and their ilk, outside of the Dreadknight which is a Monstrous Creature anyways.
-Dreadknight Options: (135 pt Base)
-Heavy Psycannon - 40
-Gatling Psilencer - 35
-Heavy Incinerator - 30
-Nemesis Daemonhammer - 10
-Nemesis Greatsword - 25
-Personal Teleporter - 75
-Also, Dreadknight Armour: 2+/4++
-Dreads(115 pts)/Ven Dreads (175 pts): Weapons are the same as they've ever been for a Space Marine Dreadnought. Fancy GK vehicle upgrades including Psybolt and Psyflame ammo.
Now even a Commissar must slumber. Think upon what I have told you, my brothers, and come with new questions. Oh and by the way Lord Karamazov I Got A Fancy High Chair is in, in case you were wondering.
-Commissar, Signing Out. See you tomorrow boys."
The brainstorm begins
First, some more rumors from B&C:
So you have asked, so you shall receive. I can't guarantee that all of this is super correct, as I don't have it in front of me right now, but I will say:
Nemesis Weapons, as far as I know are Force Weapons. HOWEVER, because of how Brotherhood of Psykers works (A unit casts a psychic power as a singular entity) I believe this means that only one weapon can become a Force Weapon per turn (If you so choose to use it over Hammerhands), and the rest are power weapons. Still, nothing to sneeze at.
-Nemesis Halberd: +1 Initiative
-Nemesis Daemonhammer: +1 Strength
-Nemesis Falchions: Force Lightning Claws
-Nemesis Warding Stave: Power weapon that conveys a 2++ Invulnerable save. (I know. Madness.) They're 25-20 points per depending on the squad.
-Daemonhammer - This entry confuses me. There's both a Nemesis Daemonhammer and a regular Daemonhammer, but as far as I know, this one is a Thunderhammer with Daemonbane.
Psyk-Out grenades reduce morale of the unit they attack, I believe, but that one is the one i'm the most unsure on.
So according to this, the crappy WS4, S4, Ld.8 average joe GKs with 1A now have power weapons. I'm not sure what the difference is they're listed as having Nemesis Force Swords and GKT have NFWs. I guess that's to separate the two GKs in which one is customizable and the other is not.
With that being said, here's what I plan on running for my Grey Knight army:
- A crap ton of Paladins and GKTs. I used to have 27 and I'll be damned if I don't have that many again.
- Some really strong HQs because Grand Masters and special characters are just badass
- Probably not running LRs because GKs have been running LRs since the dinosaurs
- Not running any Stormravens or Dreadknights; mainly because I think they look terrible
- I may or may not run some Grey Knight Dreadnoughts just for fun
- Purgation Squads and Dreadnoughts are the way to go
With that being said, I want to run the following list:
1-2x Grand Masters
1x Big squad of Paladins geared for all purpose
1x Big squad of Terminators for all purpose
1x Smaller squad of Terminators w/ Psycannons point camping
3x Dreadnoughts w/ Psycannons
3x Purgation Squads in Razorbacks w/ Psycannons
Is this list do-able? Let's see! Keep in mind that I'm just going to type it out and you'll see me correcting my mistake along the way. That's right people, no edits. Just pure mental notes going out on paper.
- Assuming Grand Masters are going to be 200 points each (with gear and stuff), that's 400 pts in heroes.
- Paladins are supposed to be 55ppm and can be made scoring thanks to the GMs. If I wanted to take a big squad of these guys, I have to plan for at least 65ppm because of all the upgrades. Paladins are supposed to be able to take a crap ton of options and Emperor knows if I'm going to foot-slog or DS these guys, they need to be kited for 5th Ed. shenanigans. Expect my unit of 10 to be 650 points.
- If I take Lord Draigo (I need to see the book), I can take 2 units of Paladins as troops. However, I probably won't take Draigo if I can customize my Grand Masters to do more exciting things in the psychic department. Imagine taking 2x GMs with summoning and being able to summon a big squad of Paladins or Termies next to you to support the offensive.
- I'm not sure how the bigger squad of GKT are going to be equipped. Most likely they won't be equipped too expensive since I already have the Paladins for that. Probably a Incinerator and a Psycannon and call it a day. If I feel I need more AT or more AP, I'll take 2x PCs or 2x Incinerators. For now, I estimate the point cost to be 450 for 10.
- I used to take 3x GKT as a Psycannon platform back in the day and I'll probably do the same here since they're troop choices. Since 5x is the standard and Storm Shields are NOT an option, I'll probably grab a Psycannon on them and give them Psybolts (if they're indeed AP4 + Ignore invulnerable saves) and have camp a objective. Since they can only be taken in squads of 5, I'm guessing that ~240 is going to be my cheapest (for 1x Psycannon and all Psybolts).
- Let's add this up really quick and see how many points we have left over. 650 for Paladins, 400 for HQ, 450 for Terminators and 240 for smaller Terminators. lol, we're at 1740 points and we haven't looked at Dreadnoughts and Purgation squads either.
First, let's answer the question of what the Dreadnoughts and Purgation squads do in my list. For one, the Reinforced Aegis rumor states that any enemy psykers within 12" of someone with RA is at -4 Leadership. That in itself is pretty good.. especially on a Venerable Dread with a Psycannon and the ability to ignore Shaken and Stunned with a psychic test. That's why the Dreads will probably be given Reinforced Aegis, a Incinerator and Psycannon. I'm estimating that these will be 210 points each (165 for Venerable, +15 for Aegis, +20 for Psycannon and +10 for Incinerator). Keep in mind that this is just my guess at the point costs; but I'm a pretty damn good guesser.
So what about Purgation Squads? According to these rumors, they come with 4x Incinerators and can be upgraded to Psycannons for 20 points a piece. Since they're Grey Knights, they start at 100 points for 5 (assuming 20ppm) and can take a Rhino for 35 points (standard across all 5th Ed. Marines). With that in mind, Purgation Squads are the cheap man's version of dedicated AT or AP. Incinerators are S5 AP4 Rending that ignores Invulnerable Saves. Put 4 of these templates on a group of 10 MEQ and they're good as dead. In fact, put 4 of these templates on any type of infantry unit and they're dead. For AT, the Psycannons are looking like a pretty good option. S7 AP4 Rending with Assualt 2 and Heavy 4 can give you plenty of options. Essentially, at 180 points (4x Psycannons) + a Razorback w/ Psycannon (assuming 40 for RB and +35 for TL Psycannon), you're looking at a 5x Psycannon firing squad that can move and deliver, or deploy and deliver. Either way, they deliver. Compare this to your typical Long Fang squad (the premiere multi-purpose AT squad in the game) which clocks out at 140 + 75 (6x LF 5x ML with 75pt RB), and you'll see that Grey Knights can indeed contend that title with their Psycannon Purgation Squad. At 255 points, you have 16 Psycannon shots from the squad and 4 Twin-linked ones from the RB. This will put a dent in every single vehicle/MC in the game.
Personally, I would take the cheap man's version of Purgation Squads (PG for short). Take them as Incinerators and give them a RB with Psycannon. That's 175 points of mobile firepower take can absolutely annihilate a hordes army and can possibly rend vehicles to death. Worth it? You bet your helmet I think they're worth it.
Now that I've compared them on paper, I don't think the expensive Ven. Dread is worth it. With that said, let's look at what I want in my army and what I can cut:
- 2x GMs don't look really cost effective now that I think about it. 400 points in HQ is just a little ridiculous. If Lord Draigo is indeed 275 points then 300 points is the highest I'll pay for HQs in this army. Unlike the other armies I've played, Grey Knights are indeed the most elite of the elite and they pay up the ass for it in points. For that reason, I'm going to temporarily put Lord Draigo in there at 275 and leave it at that.
- Attach said HQ to the big squad of 2+/4++ FNP Paladins at 10 strong for 650 points.
- Fill in another big Termiantor squad at 450.
- Then a smaller squad for 250.
- Then take 3x Purgation squads in Razorbacks w/ TLPC for 175 points each.
- This gives us 2150 points.. so 150 points over for a 2K list.
Putting it all together, the summary of the army looks like the following:
26 scoring Terminator bodies, 10 of which are 2+/4++ 2W Paladins, 1 is Lord Draigo Assuming both Paladins and big Termie squads have 2x Psycannons each, I have 5 Terminator Psycannons and 3 TLPC for anti-tank. I'm also planning to buy extra Incinerators in the army for the GKT that can, so I might be able to fit in 12+ Incinerators in the army for massive burnage.
Oh, and before I forget, here's something I've been toying around lately. I took all the Grey Knight unit sound files from Dark Crusade and converted them into .mp3s. Needless to say, I'm using some of them as my ringtone :) Please enjoy!
Oh, and before I forget, here's something I've been toying around lately. I took all the Grey Knight unit sound files from Dark Crusade and converted them into .mp3s. Needless to say, I'm using some of them as my ringtone :) Please enjoy!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
New Grey Knight rumors and analysis
Army Wide Rules:
- Aegis: Psykers targeting a squad with Aegis suffer -1 Ld. Psykers within 12" of a dreadnought with Reinforced Aegis suffer -4 Ld.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Combat Squads
- Psyker Pilots
- Brotherhood of Psykers
- Psyker Mastery Levels: Character can use 1 psychic power per turn for each level (so 2 powers per turn at level 2).
- Preferred Enemy: Demons
Pretty standard things here save for Aegis. The -1 leadership for most Ld.10 models doesn't really change much. The Dreadnought with Reinforced Aegis might be pretty handy to bring.. but I wouldn't really feel comfortable bringing a Dread just for that reason. If anything, he'll be packing some Psycannon action. Preferred Enemy Daemons just makes me sad for Daemon players and the Psyker Mastery Levels are a interesting addition.
- Nemesis Force Halberds: +1 Initiative.
- Psycannon: Str 7 AP 4 36" Assault 2/Heavy 4, Rending
- Incinerator: Str 5 AP 4 Template, Rending
- Personal Teleporter: Unit can move as though they have a jump pack. Once per game, the unit may move 30", but may not assault afterwards.
Now, the NFW here is noted as being +1I. This makes all Grey Knights I5 basically and with their higher level HQs I6 and above. No information no whether or not these will be Power Weapons or what not, but I'm definitely thinking that the Terminators will be PW and the GMs will be Force Weapons. Don't quote me on this, this is just my guess. Word on the street is that Psycannons are +20 pts, the basic GK is 20 pts, GKT at 40 pts and Paladins starting at 55 pts. It's also noted that no Grey Knights can have Storm Shields apparently. The Psycannons looks to be absolutely devastating because they're better versions of Assualt Cannons on vehicles. Rending on the Incinerator is also pretty bad ass and the Personal Teleporter is very interesting. Last minute contests anyone?
Psychic Powers:
- Hammer Hand: +1 strength in Close Combat
+1 in CC makes me think that NFW is definitely going to be S4.
- Warp Quake: Any deepstriking unit that lands within 12" suffers automatic mishap.
Quite possibly the end to any DS army (such as Daemons and BA). No one can afford to mishap.. that's just how the game operates. The same applies to Deathwing or anyone else thinking they can get in close to Grey Knights. Definitely not with this.
- Holocaust: S5 AP - Large Blast 12"
The 12" here means that it has 12" range. There's no such thing as a 12" large blast template and if there was, I'll probably not play this game. Apoc template size things in normal games just shouldn't happen. Ever.
- Quicksilver: Unit becomes Initiative 10
Useful in getting the jump on anything thinking they're faster than you.
- Warp-Rift: Template that auto removes models from play
It's supposed to be a template sized JotWW. Make a I test for all models covered or be removed from the game. It's insanely awesome, but at the same time, it's not 24" range and has as many options as JotWW. This is a standard psychic shooting attack.
- The Summoning: A single friendly unit that is anywhere on the table is placed within 6" of the librarian and counts as deepstriking.
Sure, why not.
- Smite: As C:SM
- Might of Titan: Beginning of librarians assault phase. Unit within 6" gains +1 str and extra D6 armour pen vs vehicles. Bonus is cumulative with hammerhand.
S6 is back for everyone that has a GK Librarian! The S6 + 2d6 to armor pen is also quite amazing vs. any armored vehicle in the game. No more will you be bogged down in combat with walkers!
- The Shrouding: Opponents shooting phase. All units within 6" gain stealth (minimum 5+ cover in the open).
As long as you're not a bad at using cover, most Grey Knight units on the walking front will receive a 3++ cover save. You can do a lot with this ability as long as your units are in reach.
- Mind Blades: Start of any assault phase. One enemy unit within 6" loses 1 toughness for the rest of the assault phase.
Pretty sure that means that you're S6 and he's T3 means instant-death threats to anything there is. Will also bring down T5 models to Fist kill range. Thunderwolves beware.
- Vortex of Doom: As C:SM
- Sanctury: Enemy assault phase. Enemy units wishing to assault any Grey Knight within 12" of librarian must make a difficult AND dangerous terrain test.
Beautiful. This makes perfect sense and I'm glad they have this ability.
- Psychic Communion (Grandmaster and Captain only): Take a psychic test. If passed, you may modify any reserve rolls by + or -1.
Talk to me oh lord of lords! I would assume you cast this on turn 1 and on turn 2, you reserves come in at 3+. You can also use this to delay your chances of coming if you want to get the jump on your opponent's reserves. Example: You delay your reserves by 1 and next turn, your opponent gets his reserves to come in. You can now get your reserves to come in on your opponents and go to town with shooting.
- Heroic Sacrafice (Champion only): During any assault phase and when the "chaplain" dies. If the psychic test is passed, make one attack against any one model that is in base to base with the champion. If the attack hits, the model is removed as a casualty with no saves. If it misses, there is no effect.
I heard that the Champion only has 1W and costs like 100 points. Not sure if it's worth it, but he has some crazy things like this that might take down Abaddon in 1 go. Not a very heroic way for them to die, but I guess this is one of those things that'll piss your opponents off.
- Cleansing Flame (Purifiers only): Start of any assault phase. All enemy models that are part of the same assault suffer a wound on a 4+ before any blows are struck with saving throws allowed. Casualties count towards combat resolution.
Amazing for horde-like armies imo. If they try to boggle you down in combat and upset your chances of victory by numerical advantage, this spell evens out the playing field.
- Astral Aim (Purgation Squad only): Shooting Phase. Unit and attached characters may fire at any unit in range and regardless of line of sight. Target automatically gets a 4+ cover save that cannot be modified.
Imagine Purgation squads with max Psycannons unloading behind your Land Raider and shooting through the vehicle into your opponent's Defiler in open field. Tears of happiness or sadness? I think I see both.
- Reconstruction (techmarines only): Beginning of techmarine's movement. Re-roll any repair roll.
Too many psychic abilities already imo.
- Fortitude (Vehicle only): At the start of Grey Knight player's turn, removes any shaken or stunned results.
Sure, extra armor can step aside since this makes it so your vehicles as Possessed... but retail BS4 because they're awesome like that.
- Zone of Banishment(Captain Stern only): During Stern's assault phase. All models (friend and foe, but NOT stern) within 6" make a strength test or are removed from play. Demons must re-roll successful tests.
Hysterical. S-test or GTFO. I guess Stern's psychic abilities have grown since last we seen.
Here's what the supposed force org is supposed to look like:
Special Characters:
Lord "Draigo" LR cost.
Grand Master "Mordrack" Storm Raven Cost
Brother Captain Stern
Castellan Crowe
Inquisitor Corteaz
Inquisitor Karamazov
Inquisitor Valeria
Grand Master
Brother Captain
Brotherhood Champion
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor
Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor
Purifier Squad
Venerable Dreadnought
Paladin Squad
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband
Grey Knight Terminator Squad
Special Upgrade Character - Justicar Thawn
Grey Knights Strike Squad (the regular GK's)
Heavy Support
Purgation Squad
Nemesis Dreadknight (MC)
Land Raider (and variants, including redeemer)
Look at how many freaking HQ choices there are! Here's what I know so far from browsing through Warseer:
Lord Draigo: WS 7 BS 6 S 5 T 5 W 4 I 5 A 5 Ld 10 Sv 2+ Points 275
Wargear: Titan Sword (str 10 vs demons and psykers), Storm Shield, Frag, Krak, Psyk-out grenades
Options: ?
Special Rules: Lord of Titan (take Paladins as troops), Psychic Mastery 2, Eternal Warrior
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Psychic Communion, Cleansing Flame
Grand Master: ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules:
Psyker Level 1
Make Paladins troops.
Pick D3 Units and give them a special rule:
1) Makes them scoring (kinda neat for dread and or elite paladins)
2) Makes them re roll 1s to wound all game
3) Makes them have counter attack USR.
4) Makes them Scout
Note: All these units are affected by the one choice.
Psychic Powers: Hammerhand, Psychic Communion
Librarian: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? 150 Points
Wargear: ?
Options: Upgrade to Psyker Mastery 3 +50 points. Take additional psychic powers for +5 points each.
Special Rules: Psyker Mastery 2
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor
Inquisitor: WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 Ld 10 Sv ? 25 Pts
Wargear: Something exactly like a Dijin Blade, Forcefield, enemy takes save vs wound or die (like lucas the trickster)
Options: Psycher Mastery 1?
Special Rules: Stubborn, Independent Character, Henchmen Retinue (3-12)
You can find the rest out here. As there's way too much information for me to post in one go, but I want to talk about the important ones (for me at least).
Grand Masters can make Paladins troops and can make another unit count as scoring. This means he can make one of your big T7 4W 2+/4++ Dreadknights count as scoring. Giving a unit like Paladins re-roll 1s to wound for the entire game is a very big deal, considering how all of them have power weapons. Counter-attack is always welcome and making a huge unit of scoring Paladins Scout is just hysterical. D3 units means if you have a Grand Master in your army with a big unit of Paladins and a Librarian in 1 unit, you can all start 18" away from the enemy and get some 3++ cover because of Shrouding. If each unit has to have the ability, then start the GM somewhere else and have the Librarian go in there. In fact, since GMs are Lv.2 Psykers with some spells already, can't they also buy up to more spells? All this will be revealed in time. Oh, and Scouting LRCs loaded with Paladins are also a good thing.
Lord Draigo is 275 points for a bunch of cool and fluffy abilities. I'm not quite sure what his other abilities are, but from just reading the ones above, I'm not too impressed. Depending on how many points a Grand Master is, I'd rather have 2x of them than Draigo.. especially if I can give out USRs and take different psychic abilities. Most SCs can't really be customized so that's another thing to note.
I also don't know anything about Stern so that kinda sucks. If there was more to him and he's affordable, then I'll probably take him as well since his psychic ability is just hysterical. Something else to note here is that the GK Librarians are Lv.2 Psykers that can buy up to Lv.3. Being able to cast 3 spells a turn rivals that of Tiberius, Eldrad and Mephiston.. making GK Psykers some of the most potent to ever exist (so far).
Paladin Squad
Paladin Terminator: WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 2+/4++ Points 55
Squad Size: 1 - ?
Weapons: Storm Bolter, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Nemesis Force Halberd
Options: Psychout grenades, Brotherhood Banner, Nemesis Demon Hammer, Pair of Nemesis Falchions, Nemesis Warding Stave, Psycannon, Incinerators, Psylencers, Apothecary, Psybolt Ammo, Master craft any weapon +5 points.
Special Rules: Psyker Level 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Holocaust
The 2W Terminators are here! Look at the options and note that I have no idea what they do. In fact, no one does.. not even the person that posted the rumors. I'm assuming the Daemon Hammer is a TH that strikes at I vs. Daemons.. the Falchions are Lightning Claw-equivs and the Brotherhood Banner is either a Chapter Banner or the Wolf Standard equiv. Psychout Grenades is a mystery and the Nemesis Warding Stave sounds like psychic protection of some sort. Maybe -4 Leadership for psykers just like the Reinforced Aegis? Apothecary makes these bad boys FNP and Psybolt Ammo is probably just AP4 w/o Invul saves. Essentially 60ppm with Master-crafted weapons at WS5 and no options for Storm Shields, these are some of the most hardcore marines to ever hit the field.
Grey Knight Terminator Squad
Grey Knight Terminator: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 LD 9 Sv 2+/5++ 40 Points
Wargear: Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Weapon, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades.
Options: Psybolt ammo
Special Rules: Psychic Mastery 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand
These guys are troops and clock in at 40ppm. Enough said here. Oh wait, they come with Frag and Krak Grenades. This means they can charge in cover and lol all over other Termies who can't do the same thing.
Grey Knights Strike Squad (the regular GK's)
Grey Knight: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 LD 8 Sv 3+ 20 Points
Wargear: Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Sword.
Options: Psybolts, Personal Teleporters
Special Rules: Psyker Level 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Warp Quake.
At 20ppm, the standard PAGK is back and better. Well, I'm not 100% sure if they're better since they're not WS5 and no True Grit, but we'll see how they function in time.
Nemesis Dreadknight (MC): WS 5 BS ? S 7 T 7 W 4 I ? A 3 Sv 2+/4++ 130 Points
Wargear: Heavy Psycannon, Super Incinerator, 2 close combat weapons.
Options: Personal Teleporter +75 Points
Special Rules: Monsterous Creature, Deepstrike, Psychic Mastery 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Holocaust.
130 points of T7 2+/4++ and 4 wounds. Pretty much the same thing as a Wraithlord but has its own invul save and the ability to teleport for an outrageous amount of points. Imagine having Grand Masters to put scoring on 3 of these and having them teleport around in late game.
Brotherhood Champion:
74441*10 2+
Infantry, Character
Artificer, Frag, Krack, Iron Halo, storm bolter
Anointed Blade: Nemesis Force Sword, re roll failed wounds.
Titans Herald: AKA Litanies of Hate.
* The perfect Warrior (instead of an attack value, makes special cc attack ability):
Sword Storm: Makes one A on each model in B2B.
Blade Shield: Does not attack, but re roll failed saves.
Rapier Strike: Makes D3 Attacks (+1 if charged) at I10 but must be against an IC or MC.
Heroic Sacrifice
100pts Base
Digital Weapons 5pts
Empyriean Mines 10pts
Psybolt ammo 5pts
Brotherhood Champion:
74441*10 2+
Infantry, Character
Artificer, Frag, Krack, Iron Halo, storm bolter
Anointed Blade: Nemesis Force Sword, re roll failed wounds.
Titans Herald: AKA Litanies of Hate.
* The perfect Warrior (instead of an attack value, makes special cc attack ability):
Sword Storm: Makes one A on each model in B2B.
Blade Shield: Does not attack, but re roll failed saves.
Rapier Strike: Makes D3 Attacks (+1 if charged) at I10 but must be against an IC or MC.
Heroic Sacrifice
100pts Base
Digital Weapons 5pts
Empyriean Mines 10pts
Psybolt ammo 5pts
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Been playing DoW2: Retribution
It's been something over two years since I played DoW2. I played the game back in beta and in the early days of retail and managed to get up to Lv.60 SM and TS39. Of course, that was a long time ago and now I'm a noob again. Well.. not a complete noob but it's like playing a completely new game. The metagame has evolved so drastically and all the new units are alien to me. I've been playing around with Eldar, Nids and CSM and so far I'm liking CSM the most. I usually play Plague Champion and break out the Death Guard after the Blood Crusher, but occasionally I throw in the Chaos Lord as a starter hero. The game's pretty fun so far and I'm enjoying the beta a lot. I might even get in when it comes out if I see enough motive from Relic to fix the balance problems.
Anyone else playing the beta?
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