Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Some special rules for our Daemon friends

Well, it definitely looks like Grey Knights will have the upper hand vs. Chaos Daemons in April.  That is.. unless we provide them with a bit of fair play.  What do I mean by that?  I mean house-ruling some stuff just for them.  There is nothing fluffier than Grey Knights fighting Chaos Daemons.  I mean, come on:  Daemons' not a super strong codex to begin with.  Fatecrusher doesn't mean jack because not everyone and their mother wants to play that crap.  Now that Grey Knights are going to come out and more than half the army is geared towards eliminating Daemons, how do we make things more balanced?

If I fought against a Daemon player, I would grant him these special rules:
  • Your entire army can DS on Turn 1 instead of randomly rolling for which half.  In addition, the Daemon player can choose to deploy normally via the mission rules.  Why?  Because the Chaos Gods wants mankind completely destroyed, no one, not even the most righteous defenders of mankind will stand in their way.  I call this rule:  For the Glory of Chaos.
  • At the beginning of the game, Daemon players can choose D3+2 units and give them the ability to outflank.  Why?  Because the Grey Knights are completely surrounded by the forces of Chaos and the only one that's capable of helping them is the Emperor.  I call this:  The Darkest Day.
  • Which brings us to our next rule:  All Daemons have without number via the old 4th Ed. Tyranid rules with a daemonic twist.  If a unit of Daemon troops is completely destroyed, they may choose to come down via DS next turn or walk on their side of the field with their full unit intact.  I call this:  Daemonic Infestation.
What do you guys think?  I personally accept the challenge.

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