Monday, February 21, 2011

My Grey Knight paint scheme

Everyone has a paint scheme and the one I use is pretty ancient.  This is the method that I was taught so many years ago and it's the same one I use today.

  • GW White Primer
  • Heavy drybrush Boltgun Metal
  • Badab Black wash
  • Mithril Silver drybrush
  • Enchanted Blue on the eyes and Psycannon
  • Asurman Blue wash on the eyes and weapon
  • Icy Blue dot on the eyes
  • Shining Gold on the gothic wording
  • Ogryn Flesh wash on the wording after
  • Red Gore on the purity seals/books
  • Menoth White Highlight on any cloth
  • Devlun Mud wash on the purity seals and cloth
  • Apply washes and such as needed

The end result looks something like this:

With the upcoming Grey Knight codex, I might try something new.  Devlun Mud wash instead of Ogryn Flesh and Black Primer instead of white.  What that'll do is darken the entire model and bring out the Mithril Silver drybrush contrast a lot better.  It'll also make the eyes shine a lot more.

What do you guys think?  I'm not the greatest painter, so I'd like some feedback.  I'd also like to hear what you guys are planning to do with your mans.

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