Monday, October 25, 2010

1750 Dark Royalty

I think this list will do solid in terms of competitive play.  First, you'll notice that I swapped out the combat Archon for Baron Sathonyx and a bunch of Hellions.  In terms of mobility, jump troops with shooting weapons are very good at picking away at the enemy.  I can dictate which combats I want to be in (a theme with Dark Eldar), shoot whatever is outside of transports and assault the leftovers.  By hugging as much cover as I can, I get 3+ cover all around on my Hellions and await for the rest of my army to pick away at my opponents.  I then use my Hellions to swoop in for the kill, obtain a PT for FNP and then get back into cover.

I see Hellions like vultures.  They are fantastic at picking away at lesser targets and since they're troops, they can score as well.  To correctly use these guys, you must hug as much cover as you can and set as many objectives in your back/mid field as possible.  Your hellions will be able to defend these while the rest of your army contests and captures his.  Don't be afraid to leave cover every now and then to obtain an easy Pain Token for your dudes.

As for the rest of the army, it should all look pretty familiar with you guys now.  I decided to go with Haywire Grenades for the Wyches since it makes them more threatening to vehicles and I kept everything else the same.  The Duke riding with the Warriors rapid-fires 3+ to wound Splinter weapons while the Trueborn acts as dedicated anti-tank.  Depending on what my list needs in my metagame, I can also opt to switch out the Trueborn's Blasters with Carbines and Cannons for max poison.  Lastly, the Ravagers are there for dedicated anti-tank because MCs and transports are rampant in my area.


Duke Sliscus = 150
Baron Sathonyx = 105

9x Warriors (Raider NS/AS/SR, Blaster) = 181
10x Wyches (Raider NS/AS, Hekatrix/Agnoizer, Haywire) = 225
10x Wyches (Raider NS/AS, Hekatrix/Agnoizer, Haywire) = 225
12x Hellions (Champ, Agonizer) = 222

10x Trueborn (Raider NS/AS, 4x Blaster, Splinter Cannon) = 265

Ravager (FF, NS) = 125
Ravager (FF, NS) = 125
Ravager (FF, NS) = 125

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