Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Asdrubal Vect: Worth it or not?

First, let's look at Vect's combat stats.  He's WS8, BS8, I8 with 4W, 5 attacks base and comes stock with a Shadow Field.  Not only that, but he has Preferred Enemy vs. everyone, re-rolls to wound vs. Eldar and Dark Eldar and have a power weapon that always wounds on a 3+.  For shooting, he has a cube that shoots out a S10 AP3 Assault 1 Blast from 12" and each wound it does restores his wounds.  The thing about this weapon is that for wounding purposes, the S10 is matched against the target's leadership.  That means it's utterly worthless against vehicles.

What is the best thing about Vect?  He gives Dark Eldar the ability to Seize the Initiative on a 4+.  Just in case you roll low and your opponent thinks he's going first, Vect makes you take away your opponent's first round of shooting and passes it onto you.  Not only that, but he he can take a AV13/13/13 Raider that's open-topped so he can load 9x Trueborns in there and have 4x Blasters.  The Dais of Destruction also comes with 3x Dark Lances.. but it's a damn shame that it can't move 12" and fire everything like a Ravager.  Oh well, it's still a pretty solid firing platform once you go flat out on turn 1 and plant it close to your opponents.

So the big question is:  Is he worth it or not?  He's 240 points and his ship is another 200.  If you're taking him, you might as well take the ship because it's the most durable thing you have.  Otherwise, you can just take him for his special rules and the fact that he's a combat monster.  At 240 points, he's basically two HQs and you guys already know how hardcore I am with cost effectiveness.  Personally, I like taking a combat Archon and the Duke for army wide bonuses.  Realistically, you're just paying the extra points for the near-guarantee chance of going first every game.  For Dark Eldar players, this in itself pays for itself.

What do you guys think?  I know if I was to take him, I would take something like this:


Asdubal Vect = 240

9x Warriors (Raider NS/SR, Blaster) = 176
10x Warriors (Raider NS, Blaster, Splinter Cannon) = 185
10x Wyches (Raider AS, Hekatrix/Agnoizer, HG) = 205
10x Wyches (Raider AS, Hekatrix/Agnoizer, HG) = 205

10x Trueborn (Raider NS, 4x Blaster) = 250

Voidraven Bomber (FF, NS) = 165
Voidraven Bomber (FF, NS) = 165
Voidraven Bomber (FF, NS) = 165

I can honestly give a damn about a 200 point Raider that can't move 12" and shoot all its guns.  For me, I'd rather have something that can deliver scary results on turn 1.  That's why I have a list that looks like this.  If the entire army moves 12" and shoots, it's going to shoot 5x S8 AP2 Dark Lances, 6x S9 AP2 Void Lances and if anything is close or in face-eating range, then the Blasters on the crew will go to work.

Vect is all about his Turn 1 - that's the only reason you're taking him.  I say you better make it count or don't bother taking him at all.

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