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Sunday, October 10, 2010
More Dark Eldar stuff
Alright, so I went into my LGS and spent a ridiculously good amount of time with the Dark Eldar book. I basically barked and bit anyone who got close to me so all this info I'm about to tell you is pretty good. First, I'd like to correct a few things from my previous post. Well, not really correct, but to confirm on a few things: Razorflails are indeed that, Shatterfield Missiles are the missiles that I liked and Flickerfields are what the 5++ invulnerable upgrade on vehicles are called.
So I didn't get to look too indepth into the FA choices last time I had the book, but this time, I analyzed them to the bone. Out of all the FA choices, I'm only sold on Scourge. They are Jump Troops and have ridiculous options for weapons. At 22ppm, for every 5 models, 2 of them can replace their Shard Carbines with special weapons. That means in a squad of 10, they can have 5 special weapons ranging from Splinter Cannons (yes, Cannons), Haywire Blasters, Heatlances, Blasters and Dark Lances. Imagine a full squad of 10 running around with 4x Haywire Blasters or Heatlances messing around with vehicles. Now imagine 10 with 4x Splinter Cannons pouring out a ridiculous amount of poison shots per squad. Start the game with an attached Haemonculus with a Hexfire Rifle just so the squad can get FNP (along their 4+ save) and then run off to do his own thing. With enough targets to saturate the field, these guys might actually get some field time.
Hellions are also pretty good at 16ppm. They have 2 shots each with poisoned shots and can cover really good range. I see these guys as the anti-infantry jump infantry and their special ability to hook combat ICs out of units can really offset how certain close combats play out. The one thing that I look at and can't see much play from is the 22ppm Reaper Jetbikes. First, they're T4 with a 5+ armor save. Sure, they can boost across the map with a 36" Turboboost and still inflict some damage, but I find them to be one of those really fragile units that's big play or big loss. The damage that they can inflict on enemy vehicles' side armor is pretty decent with S6 hits, but you have to pay for those (+20 each) on top of the 22ppm on a T4 5+ model. I like how they look, my god do they look fantastic, but I can't see these guys being any more than a nuisance.
I also examined the HQ choices again and I would like to add one more person to the list I find to be cost effective. Lady Malys is actually quite fantastic for her points. For 130, she makes her and whatever squad she's in immune to psychic abilities. She has Archon stats (7s across the board except for S/T) and has 5 attacks with a modified Djin's Blade. That can give her a possible 8 attacks on the charge! If the blade rebels, no worries, it automatically misses her because she saw it coming. On top of this, she also has a 4++ true invulnerable save, nothing like Shadow Field or anything like that. Her one big ability that effects how the game is played is Precognist. This allows her to reposition +D3 units after deployment, including putting them back in reserve. All this for 130 points is a bargain I would say.
After looking at the Venom vs. Raider argument again, I took another long hard look at the two and came up with the following: Venoms aren't too bad. They're 55 points, so 5 less than a Raider but comes with some serious anti-infantry weaponry. They also come with Flickerfields so that's a free 5++ invulnerable. I would say these things are great anti-infantry paper-thin Razorbacks. They can replace their TL Splinter Rifles with another Splinter Cannon for 10 points so they can have 2. That's a total of 12 poisoned shots coming out from 36" while moving 6" because of Fast. For 65 points, you have a wound generator that can remain at max range and apply pressure to any infantry that gets blown out of their transports. Throw some cheap Wyches or Warriors in them and they act as pretty solid scoring transports that can put down a decent amount of hurt. I think when put into that perspective, their usefulness just increased by a lot.
In terms of Warriors, I think the idea configuration for them will be a Blaster and a Dark Lance. The Champion should probably take a Agnoizer for +20 or Power Weapon for +10 and call it a day. As for Wyches, I think the best loadout for them will be 2x Hydra Gauntlets, Champ with Phantasm Launcher and Agonizer. After thinking really hard about which one will generate more wounds; the Hydra Gauntlets or the Razorflails and I think the Hydra Gauntlets will probably offer more. The good thing about Wyches or Bloodbrides or is that you can put them in a Raider with Aethersails and just run them towards the enemy ASAP. Once they're locked in combat, their 4++ invulnerable will increase their chances to live by a lot and if you manage to give them FNP with some Pain Tokens then it's all good.
I also took a brief look at the Truebloods and Incubii again just to see what I thought about them were true. For Truebloods, yes. They are amazing even though you have to pay for Plasma Grenades (+1 point each) for them; increasing their point cost from 12 to 13. I figured since you're willing to go that far, you'll probably be better off just upgrading to a Champ and taking Phantasm Launchers for both offensive and defensive grenades for the entire squad. The special weapon choices for them is what really does it for me: +5 points per Shredder, +15 for a Blaster, +10 for Splinter Cannon and +25 for Dark Lance is solid. A full squad of these guys shooting from a Raider will put the most ridiculous kind of hurt on anything in the game. The best part is that you can customize for all kinds of engagements; 4x Blasters and 2x Dark Lances for example, will be my ideal loadout if I wanted to destroy armor.
As for Incubii, I think they're trash. They're 22ppm and they're the premiere anti-infantry close combat specialists in the entire army and they DO NOT have an option for Plasma Grenades. What?! Yes, its true and it upsets me to the fullest. How do you make these guys so utterly badass in melee, give them I5 stats and not give them offensive grenades against MEQ camping in cover? They do have something that's good though.. they can take a dedicated transport whereas Harlequins cannot. In terms of field maneuverability though, Harlequins still have these guys beat hands down. I'll probably be taking a full squad with both Shadowseer and Troupe Master just so I can maximize the amount of damage I can inflict on any stragglers left outside their transports. For Incubii, aside from taking a Raider with Aethersails and delivering them, the only other method of delivering them is by a Webway Portal. I'm still not convinced that's the best way to deliver them as I would rather shoot the hell out of my targets first and then run much cheaper Wyches at them after.
For CC options, I almost feel that DE have too many options. I'm not sure what's wrong with me but I don't find Mandrakes any decent. They cost 15ppm, give them a Pain Token and each of them can get 18" S4 AP4 Assault 2 Pinning shots. That's not too bad because they have Stealth and Infiltrate so they can sneak into the enemy's back lines, but they're still 15ppm. I find that you can get better results with cheaper and more effective Wyches with all their gory goodness.
Another unit that's part of this CC train is the Wrack. They're really cheap at 10ppm and come with 2x poison blades and FNP since they start with one Pain Token. If you've got some Haemonculii in your army, you can take a bunch of these guys and give them Furious Charge with your additional Pain Token. Now you have FNP/FC units charging you with poisoned attacks. Not bad if you're going with Haemonculii in your army and you don't like the fragile nature of Wyches.
So in summary, what do I think about Dark Eldar? I think they're really cool, really fast and really nasty. I also think they're going to be the hardest race to play in 40K. They need expert precision to deliver results and any misplays will result in a loss. The entire army has AV10/11 with nothing going above that except for Vect's flagship. Everything has to work in perfect unison and execution of play must be perfect. This is exactly what I'm looking for an Elven army in space. Below, I will formulate another unit bucket but in greater detail and showcasing exactly what weapon configurations I would take in "my" DE army:
Shadow Field, Agonizer, Combat Drugs - My regular go-to guy, 115 points
Shadow Field, Husk Blade, Combat Drugs, Soul Trap - more MC/IC killer, 140.
Lelith Hesperax
WS9 vs. WS4 troops can give her 10 attacks at I9 S3 for 175 points
3++ in close combat and 4++ outside means she wants to be in combat and taking heads.
Duke Sliscus the Serpent
Imo, the best HQ buy in the book. For 150 points, he makes Raiders, Venoms and Ravagers DS.
Comes with a Shadow Field and Blast Pistol, wounds on 2+ in CC and 5+ ignores armor saves.
Gives one squad better poison so their rifles wound on 3+ instead of 4+.
Gives the entire army better combat drugs, roll 2 dice and pick whichever you want when rolling drugs.
Lady Malys
For 130 points, she's basically an Archon with a better Djinn Blade and a 4++ invulnerable.
Can redeploy D3 of your units after deployment and is completely immune to psychic attacks.
Asdrubal Vect
Pay 240 points to seize initiative on a 4+.
Shadow Field and a power weapon that always wound on 3+.
Preferred enemy vs. all and re-rolls wounds vs. Eldar and Dark Eldar.
You can buy up a AV13/13/13 Raider with 3x Dark Lances for 200 points.
10x Warriors, Blaster, Dark Lance, Raider w/ Splinter Racks = 200
Bare bones cheap with no Champ. Blaster and Dark Lance for some anti-armor and Splinter Racks so everyone gets re-rolls to hit with their poisoned Splinter Rifles. If you want pure poison, you can drop the Dark Lance and Blaster and just go with a Splinter Cannon.
10x Wyches, Hekatrix, Phantasm, Agonizer, 2x Hydra Gauntlets, Raider w/ Aethersails = 225
Get up in your face, jump out and start swinging. Hopefully whatever you targeted with your Bombers and other units have already popped your intended target vehicle and the guys inside are ready to rock (or get rocked).
10x Trueborn, 4x Blasters, 2x Dark Lances, Raider w/ Flickerfields and Night Shields = 320
This is my boardside ship with the amount of hurt it can deliver to armor. Your objective is to saturate the field with as many targets as possible and then bring this thing around at any armor that's in your way. With this much firepower coming from the Raider, you're looking at guaranteed destruction of said target. If you really want to be badass, you should take Vect's gunship and load 9 of these guys in there.
10x Scourge w/ 4x Splinter Cannons = 260
Let's see what you get for 260 points with Splinter Cannons. Each one has Assault 3 Poisoned shots that shoots at 18". Each Splinter Cannon shoots with Assault 4 Poisoned shots or Heavy 6 when standing still. Total, per turn, you're looking at 34 poisoned shots per turn from 10 dudes at 18" or 16 at 36" (24 standing still). Utterly ridiculous.
10x Harlequins, Kisses, Shadowseer, Troupe Master w/ Power Weapon = 256
Shadowseer and 8x Harlequins have kisses, Troupe Master has a Weapon Weapon, and I might take a Death Jester just because for no reason. These guys do their job and they do it very well.
Voidraven Bomber w/ Flickerfields and Night Shields, 2x Shatterfield Missiles = 185
Take three of these every game. There's no reason not to! I mean if you look at it, each one shoots two S9 AP2 Lance while moving. Each Shatterfield Missile is a S7 5" blast with re-rolls to wound and you can even drop a S9 AP2 Lance 5" blast on someone's head. Stay in the back and shoot away!
Ravager w/ Flickerfields and Night Shields = 125
Mobile shooting platform with 3x Dark Lances. Stay at max range and shoot away all game. Those that target these will not be targeting your troops so it's all good.
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